The Veiled Visitors

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Kingdom of @WattpadHornsandHalos

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Kingdom of @WattpadHornsandHalos


Dusk falls, bringing with it a darkness that spills across the sky like ink in water, but no angels. I stare down the mountain path, willing them to appear. Of course, they don't.

"They're not coming," I say.

In my arms, my son Makas mewls with the agitation my voice conceals. I croon softly. He quietens at the sound, seeking out my face with his little eyes. Although my nerves have frayed nearly to nothing from the upheaval of the past few months, I manage a smile for my baby.

Adbeel joins me at the window. His arm slides around my waist. He, like our son, isn't fooled by my act.

"Maybe they're late," he says.

I shake my head. "My parents are never late."

"Never say never, Erelah." Adbeel kisses the top of my head. "Quorin always said an angel and a demon could never love each other, and we proved them wrong."

I look at Adbeel, at the auburn hair that makes him look as though he was born from hellfire, at the eyes the yellow of brimstone, at the smile he gives to reassure me.

"You're right," I say. "Things don't always turn out how we expect them to."

I am Princess Erelah of Haven, betrothed to the wealthiest angel lord in my kingdom since my birth. I wasn't supposed to marry a demon, my people's oldest enemy.

Adbeel holds out his arms to take Makas from me. The tense lines on his face melt away as he gazes at our son. Adbeel offers Makas a finger to hold, and the baby coos. Watching them warms my heart.

I have heard that demons are evil, that they punish people and enjoy it. I never knew they could be loving husbands and fathers.

The day I met Prince Adbeel of Hell, I knew he was trouble, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. We soon married in secret.

Nobody knew about us until a few months ago when I could no longer hide that I was pregnant. We fled to the mountains that day, just us and our most trusted guards, and we've been here ever since.

I've never been so happy, but I've felt safer.

The demon rebels could tear down our door at any moment, screeching for our son's blood. An ancient prophecy speaks of a Nephalem warrior destined to unite Haven and Hell, the two kingdoms of which he was born. My son is the only such child. The demons believe the prophecy speaks of him, that he would destroy their way of life.

Adbeel told me not to worry. My guards and his are natural enemies, but they work together to keep us safe. All the same, I can't ignore the unease twisting inside me. Maybe it comes with motherhood.

I have never dreamed of hurting anyone, but if anyone touches my child, I will incinerate them.

I gaze down at Makas nestled in Adbeel's arms. His cheeks are fuller than they were when he was born. His thin sprinkling of hair has grown into a tuft. It's red like his father's. His little white and black speckled wings lie curled against his back.

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