Chasing his reason

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*Night fall, porco and bertholdt quietly scout the gate area for security*

Bertholdt: I got some odm gear

Porco: what the hell is that?

Bertholdt: Omni directional mobility gear

Porco: the hell is it for?

Bertholdt: maneuvering, killing titans, I could teach you how to use it later if you want

Porco: nah I'm good I'm not into flying away sneaking up on my enemies

Bertholdt: it's more than that but ok

Porco: see anything?

Bertholdt: hmm

Porco: more guards?, less guards? What is it

Bertholdt: more

Porco: what the-.....shit their are more, that's just great

Bertholdt: hmm, let's just climb the wall from another direction and go around

Porco: good, maybe

Bertholdt: can you transform without making to much noise?

Porco: I mean I never really had to sneak before, that's piecks thing, but my answer is no

Bertholdt: then you transform and if we're seen just charge over the wall

Porco: sounds like a plan

Bertholdt: don't kill anyone unless your life's in danger

Porco: yea I know dad thanks

*Porco transforms running towards the wall, bertholdt latches onto him holding on tightly while porco climbs the wall, soldiers prepare and lower cannons aimed at them*

Bertholdt: ..dammit, porco! A little faster!

*porco gives a hard grunt in annoyance already ruuning a great speedBertholdt maneuver's on top of the wall knocking out as many cannon guards as possible*

Guard: fire! Fire everything!

*Porco jumps to the top headbutting cannons out the way, bertholdt hangs on and they jump down the other side running towards Marley*

*Bertholdt pats porco's hair*

Bertholdt: good boy porco

*Porco stops and partly exits the nape*

Bertholdt: ??porco what's wrong, we got to go

Porco: No! What the hell was that?!

Bertholdt: porco

Porco: no! I'm no fucking dog I'll kick your ass!

Bertholdt: ok porco sorry, you just did a good job

Porco: stupid colossal

*Porco goes back into his titan and starts running, after some time they reach the gate of Marley*

Bertholdt: porco look, we made it

*porco gives a hard grunt*

Bertholdt: you should stop grunting porco, use your words

*another grunt*

Guard: it's galliard, and someone else, hoover

Guard: welcome back

Bertholdt: hello, how long ago did Annie Leonhart get here?

Guard: Leonhart? I don't remember seeing anyone before you

Bertholdt: ... wh-what?..oh who did you switch shifts with?

Guard: we've been here all day, but you can look on the entry list

*the guard gives bertholdt an entry list with names of everyone who has entered and exited*

Bertholdt: hmm Annie isn't on here in the recent entries, hey let me keep this for a short while to look through all of it

Guard: sure, we'll make another one just be sure to give it back when you're done

Bertholdt: right

*They walk into Marley seeing Zeke walk over to them*

Bertholdt: war chief

Porco: war chief

Zeke: galliard, hoover, you find Annie?

Porco: so you haven't seen her either huh

Bertholdt: I'm looking through all the entries but I don't see her name

Zeke: she's not here hoover maybe you should just stop

Bertholdt: ...

Zeke: why are you still chasing her

Bertholdt: ....I'm chasing my reason

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