Crying now to focus later

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Porco: hey bert shut up, I'm trying to sleep

Bertholdt: ...huh? Oh sorry

Porco: since when did you start crying in your sleep?

Bertholdt: I was always sad

Porco: sure but it wasn't annoying,

Bertholdt: sorry porco, I'm just..... crying now so I can focus later

Porco: really got your shit together huh

Bertholdt: looks like it, but no not really, once I see annie fine again I'll get better I promise

Porco: hey don't make promises to me I don't care, just hurry up so we can get back

Bertholdt: right
They continue the search questioning every civilian they see, as they walk they come across a large building

Porco: shit, look at that, my guess it's a headquarters

Bertholdt: probably for the king...hmm, maybe a queen now, I'm not sure

Porco: oh

Bertholdt: if she's alive, historia might be the queen of this place now

Porco: historia!?

Bertholdt: porco not so loud

Porco: ...oh...yea

Bertholdt: hmm

Porco: the prison could be in there, it's big enough

Bertholdt: maybe,their has to be a back door

Porco: and if not?

Bertholdt: we make one

Porco: of course we do

Bertholdt: we'll wait for nightfall to move

Porco: *yawn* let's go in there before I fall asleep,

Bertholdt: yea, ill go around back, you stay here

Porco: stay here!?, We looked at this building all day and now when we're about to go in you tell me to stay here? The hell with that I'll go around front

Bertholdt: porco you're not quiet enough for that though

Porco: what? I can be fucking quiet

Bertholdt: stop getting angry

Porco: I'm not fucking angry

Bertholdt: ok porco, just please remember we're not trying to fight anyone, just information on where annie would be

Porco: yea yea I know, you just go around back and wait

Bertholdt: wait?

Porco: yea come on hurry up will ya
After waiting for some minutes the back door opens, bertholdt is surprised for a second as he readies himself to strike but stops when he sees porco come out in a uniform

Bertholdt: ...

Porco: hey you, what are you doin around here huh?

Bertholdt: porco how'd you?

Porco: I fucking told you, let's go

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