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Annabeths POV

The rest of the school day was boring, but we did learn a few things in class. For the most part it was just introductions to the class.

My favourite part of the day was most likely lunch, although that whole Drew fiasco was a bit annoying. I'm not saying I'm scared of Drew, but she's really manipulative and it was getting on my nerves.

Percys friends were all so nice, and I could tell that they would let me in and not treat me like an outsider. It was strange, I felt like I had known them longer than just one lunch period. When I walked up, everyone was stunned. Then when Percy turned around he looked confused, at first I thought he completely forgot who I was but then I realized it was probably because of my expression.

I had just gotten out of a situation that sadly a lot of girls find themselves in.

I was just minding my own business and walking from my locker to the cafeteria in what seemed like deserted hallways. Just as I was about to reach the cafeteria I felt a hand snake around my waist and I was pulled around a corner.

I'm not going to lie, I was scared. I had heard stories from people about how guys tried to do stuff to them without consent. It is absolutely disgusting.

A deep raspy voice came close to my ear, "how about we ditch this place, huh?" Said the guy.

"Uh, no thanks, I just wanted to go get some lunch in the cafeteria," I replied, trying to gently pry the guys finger off my body.

"No, I think you'd like my plan much better," he squeezed my waist and his hand started travelling lower down my body. That was the final straw.

I whipped around and judo-flipped the guy and speed walked off to the cafeteria. I needed to get around people before he got up.

I safely made my way over and spent a wonderful lunch with my new friends, completely forgetting about the creepy guy.

Like I said, the rest of the school day was boring, so I was glad when the bell finally rang. I made my way to my locker without being seen by anyone creepy and walked out the front door. I rounded the corner and sitting on a bench at the front of the school was Percy.

"Hey Percy!" I walked up to him.

"Hi Annabeth, I was going to wait to see, if you wanted to walk home together." He rushed the last part out, as if I would say no.

"Well duh, Seaweed Brain! We live right beside each other, it makes sense," I replied.

"Ok, then," he said chuckling a bit.

I flashed a quick smile and we began the walk back to our houses. It was a comfortable silence for the most part, but then he spoke up.

"I think it was really cool how you stood up to Drew today, not many people have the guts," he said.

"Well thank you, she was being a real pain," I replied, kicking a stone on the sidewalk.

"To be completely honest, I thought she would totally talk you down. At least she does with everyone else," he said.

I laughed and punched him lightly in his side. Even though it was super light-emphasis on super-he still winced. I felt really guilty.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just uh...fell. Earlier today," he said, but he wouldn't meet my eyes.

I decided to let it go and when we reached our houses we said our goodbyes and that we'd see each other tomorrow.

When I opened the door I was greeted by my step-monster Helen.

"Who was that boy you were walking home with?" She asked.

"That was the guy next door, Percy. They came over last night?" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Hey! You don't walk away from me, get back here," she grabbed my wrist rather painfully and smacked me in the face. I fell on the floor holding my stinging cheek.

"What do you have to say to me?" She asked, tapping her foot on the hardwood.

"I'm sorry...mother" I said in a small voice.

"Good, you are dismissed, I don't want to see you until dinner," she spat.

I picked myself up off the floor and ran up to my room and just cried into my pillow. What did I do to deserve this life? My mind kept running and I all of a sudden got angry. Angry at my real mother, angry at Helen and even my father. He never does anything to stop Helen's words. He doesn't exactly see her actions but even then! He should still care about what this woman is saying to me.

Maybe he doesn't care because they are true. Maybe I'm not pretty enough, too skinny, not skinny enough, too smart, my hair is wild, my feet are too big.

That's when mental breakdown mode kicked in. I started throwing things around the room, slamming down books and picture frames. Until tears of anger were spilling over and I couldn't keep it in anymore. I ran down the stairs and went to the only person I thought would maybe understand. And if they didn't, well then they weren't the friend I thought they were.

I ran out of the house, ignoring Helens protests and ran down the driveway and across the lawn. Tears still falling down my face. I went up and knocked on the door. When it opened, I saw a very concerned looking Sally and she pulled me inside of the house.

She sat me down on the couch and rubbed my back, telling me to calm down. She called for someone but I couldn't really tell what she was saying. My hands and legs were trembling and I couldn't think straight. I sat shaking with my head in my hands.

The next thing I knew was I felt a hand under my chin lifting it upwards. I was met with familiar sea green eyes and messy black hair. Percy said nothing and just wiped my tears away with his thumbs and pulled me into a hug. We sat in that position for a while until I had calmed down a bit.

Sally brought me a cup of tea and left Percy and I alone on the couch. I put my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes.

"Hey, Wise Girl it's ok. Whatever it is I'm here to listen," he held one of my hands and traced circles on the inside of my palm.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I told him everything. About how my mom left when I was little and my dad bringing home my awful step-mother, my experience at my old school and how I was expected to be perfect all the time, and finally, how my step-mother would call me names and tease me about all of my insecurities.

"I finally broke down when she slapped me and I thought about all of the things she's said about me before," I was still crying, but not as much as before. "And Percy I couldn't help but think that everything she said was true."

He squeezed my hand and I looked into his eyes.

"Never, ever think that way about yourself. Do you hear me?" He said sternly. "You are the most wonderful, beautiful and amazing person I have ever met." He said. I smiled weakly at his words.

He pulled me in for another hug. "And the way you kicked Drew's ass today was priceless. I've never seen someone as tough as you."

"Thank you," I whispered. "I always thought that if I told anyone about this they wouldn't want to hang around me anymore. Then I would have no one.

"No problem, Wise Girl. And, if it means anything, I would never leave. You have me."


Wow, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I always see fanfics where it's always Percy breaking down, but I wanted to show that side of Annabeth as well.

Don't worry, there will be more drama to come, but forget I ever said that.

Feedback is appreciated ;)

- Izzy

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