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I sighed as I watched Katherine walk away from me. What we had was real. The friendship we had in the Red Room was real. We had each other's backs, we protected each other, we comforted each other when we had nightmares, we were best friends.

When I was finally able to escape, I turned into a monster. I killed because I wanted to. And I forgot about Katherine. I completely forgot about her. We promised each other that we would look for each other when we got out. I didn't do it.

Then I joined SHIELD. I saw her every day. I knew she was in the Red Room with me. But, I couldn't remember her. I didn't even talk to her.

I drank the rest of the liquor that was in the flask and put it in my locker. I had an idea to go see Loki and figure out what his real plan was.

"There's not many people who can sneak up on me." Loki chuckled, turning toward me.

"But you figured I'd come." I said.

"After. After whatever tortured Fury can concoct, you would appear as a friend, as a balm. And I would cooperate."

"I want to know what you've done to Agent Barton."

"I would say I've expanded his mind."

I slowly walked closer to the cage he was in.

"And once you've won, once you're king of the mountain, what happens to his mind?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Oh... is this love, Agent Romanoff?" he chuckled.

"Love is for children. I owe him a debt." I told him.

"Tell me."

I sighed, knowing I had to tell him something in order for him to cooperate.

"Before I worked for SHIELD, I..." I sat down on a chair nearby. "well, I made a name for myself. I have a very specific skill set. I didn't care who I used it for, or on. I got on SHIELD's radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me." he raised an eyebrow. "He made a different call."

"And what will you do if I vow to spare him?" he questioned.

"Not let you out." I smirked as he laughed softly.

"No, but I like this. Your world in the balance, and you bargain for one man?"

"Regimes fall every day. I tend not to weep over that. I'm Russian. Or, well, I was."

"And what are you now?"

"It's really not that complicated." I got up, getting closer to the cage. "I got red in my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out."

"Can you? Can you wipe out that much red?" he got up. "Dreykov's daughter." my face dropped. How did he know that? "São Paulo, the hospital fire? Barton told me everything." he chuckled, walking over to where I was. "How come Katerina didn't do what you did when you got out?" he smirked. "Your ledger is dripping, gushing red. And you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything? This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer. Pathetic! You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are part of you. And they will never go away." he hit the glass, making me flinch. "I won't touch Barton, not until I make him kill you. Slowly. Intimately. In every way, he knows you fear. And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work and when he screams, I'll split his skull! This is my bargain, you mewling quim." I turned away, pretending to cry.

(hold, still writing) 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 - 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐫. Where stories live. Discover now