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Bruce, Natasha, and I fell to the ground right below us, pipes falling on top of us. I was under Natasha as a pipe that had fallen, fell on her leg, preventing her from getting off me.

"Romanoff? Pierce?" we heard Fury on comms.

"We're ok." I said as I tried to help Natasha get the pipe off her leg, but I couldn't do anything from under her.

We heard Bruce groaning beside us and we looked at each other worried.

"We're ok, right?" I asked.

"I don't know. Help me get this thing off me!" Natasha exclaimed, trying to kick the pipe.

"I can't do anything if I'm under you!" I argued.

"Well try! Doctor?" she looked at Banner who was groaning, trying to get up.

"You didn't try to not forget me." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Bruce?" Natasha asked. "Are we going back to that? You haven't even let me explain!" she looked back toward me.

"Banner, you gotta fight it. This is what Loki wants." I told him. "What do you want to explain?" I shouted at her. "How do you forget your best friend?"

"I don't know! I can't control what I do and don't remember! Bruce, we're going to be ok, you hear me?"

"Are you fucking joking right now?" I asked as I saw 2 men running toward to help. I signaled to them to run back. That Bruce was probably going to turn into the Hulk. "You seriously didn't remember the person you spent your entire childhood with? Didn't you remember everything we did together? How scared we were? Together! Bruce, just breathe. How we protected each other? How the hell do you forget that?" I shouted.

"Your bickering isn't helping!" Bruce growled, his eyes green.

"Shit!" Natasha exclaimed.

"Get the thing off!" I yelled, trying to kick the pipe.

"I can't!"

Bruce started turning green, his shirt ripping. To not hurt us, Bruce moved to another spot, turning into the Hulk.

"Run!" he yelled.

"Natasha!" I yelled. "Natasha, please!"

"It won't budge!" she exclaimed.

Bruce stumbled away, fighting the urge to hurt us. My heartbeat quickened, scared for my life. I made eye contact with Bruce as he turned his head, now fully transformed into the Hulk.

"Bruce..." I whispered.

"Got it!" Natasha yelled, getting up.

She helped me get up and we started running. We ran up the stairs, holding hands, not wanting to let go of the other. Once we got to the top, the Hulk, destroyed the stairs, almost getting us.

"Go, go, go!" I shouted, pushing Nat into the way we had to go.

We jumped over the railing, landing on the vent. We ran away as the Hulk grabbed the vent we were on.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, we're gonna die." I cursed.

"Don't say that!" Natasha reprimanded me and I muttered a sorry.

We continued running as the Hulk chased us. We eventually got to a spot, sure that we had lost him. I leaned on the wall, still holding Natasha's hand.

"You think we lost him?" I asked, taking deep breaths.

"Pretty sure." Natasha nodded, leaning on the wall, catching her breath.

We heard a noise and we gasped softly, looking around.

"Nevermind." Natasha shook her head.

We walked around, slowly, as we took our guns out, letting go of each other. We heard a roar and we looked up to see the Hulk staring at us.

We both shot at the pipe over the Hulk's head, fog coming out, preventing him from seeing for a few seconds, giving us time to run.

"Run!" I said, grabbing her hand again, taking her with me as we ran away from him.

The Hulk wasn't far behind us, destroying everything he came across. Natasha gripped my hand tighter, signaling that she didn't want me to let go. We ran faster as the Hulk got closer.

I looked back and saw the Hulk raising his hand at us. He hit us, sending us both into a wall, causing the both of us to let go of each other. We fell to the floor, groaning as Thor came flying, grabbing Hulk, and going through the wall into another room.

I laid on the ground for a few seconds before slowly sitting up, leaning on the wall. I took deep breaths as I helped Natasha up. I took her hand again, looking into her eyes. I nodded at her that I was ok and she did the same.

We took some time, catching our breaths as we processed what just happened. The Hulk could've killed us. He would've if Thor didn't come to help.

"Sir, we lost all power in engine one." I heard in my comm.

"It's Barton. He took out our systems." Fure spoke into comms. "He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?"

"Nat... Nat, come on, let's go finish this. Then we can talk. I'll let you explain. I promise." I whispered, squeezing her hand.

She looked at me, shaking slightly as she nodded.

"This is Agent Pierce. I'm with Agent Romanoff. We copy." I let Fury know over comms.

We got up and quickly went to the detention level. We saw Clint and Natasha followed behind him. I waited until he turned around to get in front of him.

He turned toward Natasha and I took my chance to jump over the railing and get in front of him- well, behind him now. He tried to shoot an arrow at her, but Natasha saw it coming and grabbed the bow, twisting it, and getting it out of his hands.

She threw it to the side as he elbowed her in the face. As Clint was about to hit her again, Natasha kicked him in the face. He fell backward where I kicked his legs, kneeing him in the face. He picked up his bow, jumping onto a different railing, Natasha and I following him.

I kicked the bow out of his hands as he took out a knife. He was able to grab Natasha by the hair, the knife at her throat. I pulled my gun out, pointing it at him.

"Let her go, Barton, or you're dead." I threatened.

"No! No, Katherine, don't shoot him." Natasha told me.

Natasha bit his arm, causing him to drop the knife, groaning in pain. I put my gun away and went over to him, wrapping my legs around his neck, and turning around, dropping him to the ground. On his way down, he hit his head on the railing. He groaned as he looked up, semi-aware of his surroundings.

"Natasha?" he questioned.

She looked at me and back at Barton. Natasha punched him in the face, knocking him out cold.

"That looked like it hurt." I said, catching my breath.

"Agent Coulson is down." I heard in my comms.

I looked over at Natasha and she looked at me.

"A medical team is on its way to your location." an Agent responded. 

"They're here. They called it." I took a deep breath. 

He was a good guy. He didn't deserve to die.

(hold, still writing) 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 - 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐫. Where stories live. Discover now