Chapter 1: Fates Mistake

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Our Story begins in the far north in the kingdom of Atlas, more specifically, the city of Mantle. In a small hospital in the grounded city in room "29-A", a woman can be heard screaming in pain. Inside the room, a doctor and many nurses assist the woman. On the operating table in the center of the room is Willow Schnee, a young woman with long white hair and blue eyes currently filled with tears of pain as she attempts to bring a child into this world.

Doctor: "Mrs. Schnee, I know this is painful, but you have to keep pushing with all you can, alright?"

Willow:" I know (grunts in pain), but it hurts so much!!"

Nurse: "Should I give her more Morphine for the pain doctor?"

Doctor: "No! She won't have the strength to push then."

During this time down the hall in the waiting area, an older gentleman and a young girl can be seen sitting next to each other. The older man is wearing a black suit with a royal blue vest underneath and a light blue tie, his most defining feature being his well-groomed mustache. He is holding a boiler hat quite tightly with a worried expression on his face. The small white-haired girl having her hair in a bun wears a white dress with blue accents. She is playing with a small stuffed plushie of a bear. The pained screams of her mother are then heard by the two of them, the small child looking up to the older gentleman.

Winter:" Mr. Klein, is my mommy going to be alright?" She asks, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Klein: "Oh my no, milady." He then picks up the small girl and sits her down in his lap. "Your mother's built from tough stock. I have the utmost confidence that when this is all over, you're going to have a new sibling, and your mother will be just fine."

Winter's face lights up with a smile, glad to know that her mother will be alight and that she will be getting a new brother or, even better, a sister. Klein's face also seems to brighten, seeing Winter's face sparkle with joy at the chance of being an older sibling.

???: "Ahem, can one of you please tell me which room my wife is in?"

Back in the operating room, Willow continues to push as her body sends wave after wave of pain. Her mind ushered her to stop, but her soul told her that if she stopped, she'd never get another chance.

Doctor: "Mrs. Schnee, I can see the head; I need you to push one last time and give it everything you've got, ok. 1..2...3!!!"

Willow screams in pain as she pushes with all her might, and after a grueling minute and twelve seconds, she stops breathing heavily as the only screaming that can be heard is that of a baby.

Doctor: "It's a boy, Mrs. Schnee, it's a boy. Bit of a chunky one, too, 12 lbs., impressive. Would you like to hold him?"

???: "Yes, Doctor, my wife would love to hold her child. It may be her last chance."

At the door to the room stands a tall, lanky man; he wears an all-white suit with a blue tie, he has white hair and a dark black mustache. Two heavily armed soldiers flank him with the emblem of the Schnee Dust Company on their shoulders.

Doctor: "Mrs. Jacques, Mr. Klein said that you wouldn't be able to make it."

Jacques: Turns to one of the guards. "Clear the room id like to be alone with my wife and the doctor."

The Guard begins ushering the nurses out of the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

Jacques: "Now then, let us see what all this fuss is about, shall we, show us the child." He says, gesturing towards the wrapped child in the doctor's arms.

The Doctor turns the child to face the two Schnee; the child has a full head of snow-white hair with red piercing eyes. Willow cannot help but smile with joy and love as she brought such a beautiful child into this world. Jacques, on the other hand, can only make a face of disgust as he knew what this child was.....a bastard. Jacques walks towards the doctor, taking the child out of his hands, turning to his remaining guard, nodding; the guard then points his weapon at the guard and ends his life with the pull of a trigger.

Willow: Tears fill her eyes as she knows what's about to happen. "Please, Jacques, don't do this, please. He's done nothing wrong!!"

Jacques: Handing the child to the guard, "Deal with this thing while I talk with my wife." turning back to Willow, "Your right. He didn't do anything wrong, but you did. You see, I can't have a bastard ruining OUR family name and punishing you wouldn't solve anything, but now it falls to me to correct your mistake." Picking up and injecting an exhausted Willow with morphine, "Now sleep, my love, and when you wake up, we can discuss how to move forward."

Willow's vision begins to fade as he fights not to fall asleep, to get up and find her son, but her efforts are in vain as she falls into a deep slumber.

Our Story shifts from the hospital to across the street. A man around 19 is seen walking down the street; he wears a worn grey coat with a red scarf around his neck; he has short brown hair that seems a bit unkempt. A large sword with multiple breaks on his back indicates its ability to change into another weapon besides a sword. In his hand is an almost empty bottle of Gin, the man's name is Qrow Branwen, and he is currently celebrating his 19th birthday. As he takes another swig of his alcohol, he stops as he hears the faint crying of a baby.

Qrow: " The hell do mantle people put in their drinks?" He continues walking down the street until he stops in front of an alleyway hearing the cries a lot louder than before. "Aw dammit, Summer would kill me if she knew I didn't at least check if it's a real one at least."

Qrow makes his way down the alley tossing his now empty bottle, the cries only getting more and more apparent, the crying originating from a trash dumpster.

Qrow: "If I open this up and it's a fake, I'm gonna be super pissed." Opening the dumpster, he finds a baby with white hair and red eyes crying its heart out. "Oh Shit, hey hey hey there, I little guy, come here." He picked up the baby holding him close as he noticed the child was freezing. "It's alright now I got ya, kiddo, no need to cry." The baby then begins to stop crying as he looks up at Qrow. "See, no need to cry look at ya, we almost got the same eyes. Who could've thrown away such a cute kid." Qrow then pokes the baby on the nose, causing it to release a tiny giggle. "Now what to do with you, little guy. Unfortunately, finding your parents is gonna be a pain in my ass, but it should be easier you had a name." he then checks the cloth and the trash to see if any mention of what the child's name may be is left; but to no avail." Well, damn kid, you don't even have a name. Unless you don't happen to remember." The child only looks at Qrow with eyes of pure curiosity. " Yeah, guessed that, alright kid looks like we're gonna go see a good friend of mine, and she's gonna love your face right off."

Qrow begins walking towards a bullhead landing bay with the child in his arms, now fast asleep, looking to see if there is any willing to take him to Vale.

Qrow: "Just realized I gotta give you some kind of name, calling you 'little guy' only gets me so about Falke, yeah you seem like a Falke."

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