Chapter 7: Those Who Prove Worthy

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Falke Journal Entry 3

Today's initiation day, apparently we get assigned teams if we complete the "test" as it is so-called. My mind has been itching to fight since I got to this damn school, and now I get to show everyone just how much training I've put into this. Hopefully, my cousins will be able to keep up. I feel bad for them; they've gone through the same things I went through family-wise; I mean, we didn't even know we existed until yesterday. Anyway, enough about that, I gotta keep myself focused for initiation. Pyrrha and I are about to get our gear from the lockers.

End entry

As the two double-check their gear, Falke can hear Yang and Ruby talking about the initiation, mostly Ruby bragging about her weapon Crescent Rose. As Falke finishes tightening his gloves, he hears the ever-annoying voice of Weiss again as she is currently talking with Pyrrha about joining up to become some unstoppable force.

Weiss: "You must admit, Pyrrha, if we combined our intellect and skills, we could be the greatest team of huntresses ever to set foot here."

Falke: "And you must admit Weiss, you sure do love to hear yourself speak." Pyrrha shoots a quick glare of disapproval towards Falke.

Pyrrha: "Falke, please don't be so rude; she's only trying to be nice."

Weiss: "Ah yes, you must be the other Branwen child Ruby was chatting about last night; how does it feel to know that your father is nothing but a lazy drunk." Saying with a sly smile.

Falke then grows a serious scowl losing his calm and laid-back demeanor, and his eyes light up like a burning fire. Steam begins to rise from him as the room appears to be rising in temperature, a whole different Falke standing before the still smiling heiress.

Falke: "Take. That. Back." His four smaller swords forming around him, their edges pointed at Weiss, prepare to strike.

Pyrrha: "Falke, please stop; everyone is stari- Ow." As she goes to touch his shoulder, the heat radiating off him slightly burns her hand, catching her off guard.

This, however, draws Falke's attention away from the heiress. Realizing what he'd done, he calms down, ashamed as now everyone is staring at him as he de-summons his blade he looks at Pyrrha with sorrow as he begins to walk out of the locker room. Rage still boiling inside of he yells as he punches a locker door Jaune was about to open, leaving behind a considerable dent as he leaves the room.

15 Minutes Later

Out on a cliff overlooking the Emerald Forrest, the students stand on metal plates as Ozpin relays the initiation rules to everyone. Falke is still sulking as Pyrrha, and his two cousins look over at him, worried for their friend. As he looks up to meet the emerald eyes of Pyrrha, she gives him a calm and forgiving smile, after which he takes a deep breath and flashes his trademark smile towards her.

Falke: "Come on, Oz, I'm itching to let loose; let's get this party started!" Getting in a stance like he knows what the metal plates are for.

Ozpin: "Ah, a volunteer." Pressing a button on his tablet, he launches the young Branwen into the forest.

As Falke flies over the forest's trees, he spots a group of Beowolves near his landing point. Summoning Firebrand as he quickly approaches the ground, he stabs into one of the Beowolfs, then using the summon swords as a platform to roll over, he allows his momentum to throw the still attached Beowolf off his sword and into three more the force of which causes them to fly into trees killing them. Now prepared to face the Grimm, he counts five more Beowolves and 2 Ursa.

Falke: "Come on! I was expecting a better welcoming party; now I feel insulted." Taking a combat stance, his four swords are at the ready.

The Grimm charge towards him, Falke doing the same towards charging towards the larger of the 2 Ursa, his four swords shooting into the Beowolves, wounding and killing most that they hit. The Ursa swings at the young man who flips over the claw taking his chance to cut into the beast's hand, earning a pained roar from the Ursa, who then tries to swing with its other claw. Falke simply tossing his sword up, ducks underneath the claw catching his blade, and proceeding to cut off the beast's right leg; as it collapses, Falke stabs his blade into its head, killing it. Not forgetting the other Ursa, he turns around, easily deflecting the beast's claw; taking his chance, he impales the beast with his blade. Whistling for his four swords to appear by him already finished with the Beowolves, they instantly shoot into the Ursa's head, finishing the last of the Grimm off.

Falke: " look like you just had your ass handed to you." Resting his sword on his shoulder, admiring his handiwork. 

Pyrrha: "Well, you seem to be feeling better; luckily, I ran into you before anyone else; I was afraid you'd end up hurting them." She says as she hops down from a tree she was in.

Falke: "Pyrrha, hey, sorry about earlier. I didn't mean for that to happen; it's just I don't like people talking about my dad like that, especially when it's not true." His anger resurfacing.

Pyrrha: "There's no need, she had no right to say any of that, and besides, I know you'd never purposefully hurt me. Anyway, we got to grab my spear. I had to use it to save someone from crashing and getting hurt; come on, partner." She says with a soft smile, soothing the Branwen's anger.

As the two made their way through the forest, Pyrrha would tell Falke about the objective of the initiation, how they needed to make their way to a set of ruins and retrieve a collection of artifacts. Also, how the first person you make eye contact with is your partner for the rest of the year, Falke counts himself lucky he didn't run into Weiss first.

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