Chapter 23

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Third Person's POV:

Day after day had passed by and it was already January 14th. She spent two months secretly making plans while being cautious around Mom. Surprisingly, the children around the age of 5-10 knew about the house's secret.

Of course, (Y/N) wondered how and it turns out the kids were listening to every plan since the first plan she had participated in with Emma, Norman, and Ray. Emma and (Y/N) decided it was best to tell them the truth. They both kept going with the plans without letting Ray.

Back to (Y/N), she couldn't sleep and be extremely worried. It went so fast and she felt like she wanted to broke down when she realized the date. (Y/N) knew what was coming and she couldn't sleep. (Y/N) was sitting on the bed quietly, wrapping the warm blanket around her while the children were sleeping peacefully in the dark. All she could hear was silence and soft snores from the children near her. She can tell it was late night and that she should sleep but the thought that Ray would be gone for tomorrow made her be in a state of shock.

She feared she would lose someone else that would be Ray. Ray will be gone and she can't handle it and feels sick of the thought. She didn't know what to do if Ray was gone. Her head looked down, feeling so empty inside but she hasn't given up yet. Today would be the last of Ray.

Warm tears flowed down to her cheeks and sobbed quietly.


A low humming lullaby was heard from afar, making her head look up in surprise. She can hear it from a distance. She can hear it through the hallways. "That lullaby..." (Y/N) whispered in realization and wiped her tears off with her sleeve. She quickly got out of bed, putting her shoes on, and walked towards the door quietly. The person humming it was making their way downstairs. (Y/N) quietly followed the beautiful sound of the lullaby downstairs.

(Y/N) hummed along quietly and walked downstairs. The sound was coming from the closed doors of the cafeteria. She walked and stood there in front of the door, listening to the lullaby. The same lullaby she loved when Ray hummed to her. She slowly opened the door with her left arm without making any sound, seeing a familiar figure. The black-haired boy standing there humming the lullaby without noticing her presence with an opened book in his hands.

"Ray..." She spoke, interrupting his humming, making him slowly turn his head towards her. (Y/N) felt relief seeing him again as always. But, she was also confused that Ray was here late at night so she decided to ask him. "What are you doing here this late, Ray?" She asked with a hint of worry and sadness.

Ray looked away and looked up. "It's my last chance to say bye to the house, (Y/N)." "Y-You're birthday is t-tomorrow, Ray." (Y/N) mumbled while she hung her head down in sadness, trying not to cry.

"Yeah, today is my last night and then I say goodbye." Ray said with a low voice. (Y/N) walked towards him and stopped in front of him. "But even so I won't give up so easily! I won't give up as Mom told us to do so! I didn't give up on escaping this house, Ray! Mom is so wrong if she thinks we can just die here...You can't give up either..."

Ray closed the book shut making a loud sound, making (Y/N) flinch a little. Ray looked at her. "So you didn't give up. Then, we are on the same page." (Y/N) slowly smiled at him. "Then, let's run away from here, Ray. I can't let you die. I can't let you go. I don't want this to happen again like what happened to Norman. N-Not again..." (Y/N) said with tears appearing in the corner of her eyes, trying to hold in her tears. Ray smiled at her. "I have something to talk about though..." Ray said and put his book on the table.

"With you and Emma, that is." He stared at the door. (Y/N) looked over where Ray was looking to see Emma standing there near the door (Y/N) had come in. "I also have something to talk about."

[Promise Me] Ray x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now