Chapter 6

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A/N: i'm back.. ;)

Ainsley's POV

"Ainsley! Rosa! I'm here!"
i'm woken by the familiar sound of my tutor Luke's voice, echoing throughout the house. I smile, remembering he hadn't been over for a while, due to my parents giving him this past week off.

that smile quickly fades as I remember Michael was here last night. I hope he went home, for his own sake. Luke can be a pain.

I sit up swiftly, rub my eyes and hop out of bed. a yawn escapes my lips, and i tip toe over to the door, curious as to why it's so quite especially if Luke and Rosa were here. Rosa's my Nanny, has been since i was 3 years old, I love her.

I quietly open my door and carefully walk to the end of the hall, and peek down from the top of the stairs.

"Oh. Who are you?" Luke asks. My heart immediately begins to race. Did Michael actually stay?

"Who are you?" Michael replies.
something about his voice comforted me, a smile creeped onto my face.

"I'm Luke. I'm Ainsley's tutor." he states, setting his backpack on the floor and walking across the living room towards the staircase. i quickly take a few steps back, to avoid being seen by either of them. Where is Rosa? i wonder.

"Ainsley?" Luke shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I froze, thinking he saw me.

"She's sleepi-"

I hear michael begin to say, but i decide to step in to try to avoid any problems between the two of them.

"Luke!" i yelled as i jumped into his arms, he tightened his grip slightly then let me go & smiled at me.

"How've you been, darling?" Luke asked.

i didn't realize how much i missed having him around.

"good, i've been good!" i smiled, before turning around to greet michael, who was standing there watching me with a goofy grin on his face.

"Mikey! You're here!" i giggled, although i had already knew that. i run into the living room and jump on him.

"Good morning, you." he chuckled, rubbing my back comfortingly before taking a step back.

he makes me feel safe. and i barely know him..
what am i getting myself into?

"Ainsley." Luke says suddenly, catching my attention.

"Huh?" i furrow my eyebrows. "Where's Rosa?" he asks curiously. "Oh..I-" i think for a moment.

where is rosa?

"I actually don't know" i say after a minute.

"Who's Rosa?" Michael asks, a confused expression evident on my face.

what do i tell him?? how spoiled would i sound if he found out i had a private Nurse-

"Rosa is her nurse." Luke says as if it's something he should've already known.

too late.

"Nurse?" he mumbles to himself.

great now i'm embarrassed, he's probably weirded out now.

"So, who are you, anyway?" Luke asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh! He's Michael" I say sweetly.

"Yeah, I'm Michael" he flashes an obviously fake smile. "Well, what do you do, Michael?" Luke asks with a raised brow.

uh oh here we go.

"Excuse me?" Michael asks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Oh, I apologize, let me rephrase my question and make it easier for your brain to process." Luke says sarcastically.

"What is your occupation here? As in, Job." He adds, rolling his eyes. "First of all, I don't work for this family." Michael scoffs

"Second of all-" he stops myself and looks over at me, before bringing his voice to a whisper just loud enough for Luke to hear.

i couldn't hear what was said, but whatever it was, Luke's face said it all. his eyes went wide with shock, before he directs his attention over to me.

"Ainsley, why don't you go call your Mom?" Luke says in a calm tone. "She's been wanting to hear from you since they landed"

"..Okay" i shrug my shoulders then run up the stairs.

i didn't call my mom, instead i returned to my hiding spot from before, and continued to listen in.

"Listen, if you don't work here, then you have no business here." Luke says as he turns to face Michael

"Look, I don't know who you think you are but-" Michael begins to speak but Luke cuts him off.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Luke demands.

"I don't think you know who I am or what I-"

"I am telling you to leave, before I am forced to call the proper authorities" Luke snaps.

"That's bullshit. I'm not breaking any laws." Michael rolls his eyes in frustration.

"Alright. Well, I guess you won't have any issues explaining to the police what you were doing this early in the morning in a house uninvited ?" Luke smirks.

Is Luke really playing that card? Is he really threatened by him? Why can't he just let me have ONE friend.

Luke has always been over protective. He's been my tutor for years, since Middle school to be exact. He's only a few years older than me so we always got along quite well, but he's never done well when it comes to me getting new friends. Guys specifically.
Which isn't fair to me, i've never and will never see luke in that way.
i pull myself away from my thoughts and focus in on the conversation once again.

"The fact that you would accuse me of something like that just proves the type of person you are." Michael glares at Luke before shoulder-checking him and heading towards the front door.

"I'm not the one in the wrong here, Michael." Luke calls out, causing him to turn around to look at him.

"oh fuck you." he snaps at Luke before slamming the front door. It causes me to flinch.

I stand up fully from my hiding position, and make my way downstairs once again.

"Hey A, did your Mom answer?" Luke asks as i take a seat on the couch next to him.

"No." I say. which is technically not a lie, since I never called in the first place, but he can't know that I was spying on them instead, of course.

"Ainsley Rose." Luke sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder.

I look at him and furrow my eyebrows in confusion. He looks at me for a moment before letting out another sigh,
"Stay away from Michael Clifford, He's dangerous."

So he does know him?

OUUUUU.. so Luke does know about Michael 👀 interesting. If anyone actually ends up reading this, i hope you're enjoying it so far! Kind of short chapter, but Ive wanted to start writing again for a while so i guess you can say this is my return?

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