Chapter 3

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The tardy bell had rung for homeroom, and I was wandering the halls, trying to find the class that was printed on my schedule.

"Room 157." I said to myself, glancing at each of the classroom numbers as I passed them.

"155" I mumbled, continuing to walk down the hall.

"156" I sighed, walking towards the next class.

"1-5-7." I rolled my eyes, not ready for the awkward stares and whispers I was likely to receive.

I quickly swung open the deep blue colored door, and walked directly towards the teachers desk, trying my best to resist looking at the classroom full of students. The teacher, a man, seemingly in his early 40s, adjusted the white and red polka dot tie he was wearing and stood up to greet me.

"Hello! You must be Michael! I'm Mr. Beckett." he smiled, then looked around the classroom briefly.

"Why don't you take a seat next to.."- he thought for a moment.

"Nathaniel." He pointed to an empty seat towards the back of the class. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Nathaniel, would you please raise your hand so that Michael can identify you?" Mr. Beckett asks politely. Nathan does what he is told, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Thank you. Michael, you may have a seat." Mr. Beckett says, sitting back down at his desk, beginning to type away at his computer. I walked cautiously towards the empty seat, placing my backpack on the floor and taking a seat quickly.

"Hey there cliffo" Nathan hissed.

"Jones." I gulped, deciding not to look in his direction. Nathan is Aubrie's twin brother, and for as long as I can remember, he's hated me. I couldn't even tell you why, he just has.

"Good to have you back." He chuckled half-heartedly.

"And hey, where's that charming little step-brother of yours?" he asked curiously.

"I thought for sure that he'd be coming back to Lakewood, did he transfer schools?" he asked, purposely trying to get on my nerves.

"Did he stay home, sick? Where is the little guy?" Nathan let out a fake laugh. 

I did my best to ignore it, but I knew deep down that if he said one more thing about Benjamin, I would lose it.

"Nate, drop it." I heard Aubrie whisper from next to him, causing me to look at her. It was then when I realized, Calum, Aubrie, and Nathan all sat next to one another, and now, they all sit next to me.

"What, Aubs? I'm just curious." Nathan says sarcastically.

"Anyway, what's his name again?" Nathan continued. "Benjamin?" he answered his own question with a pleased look on his face.

I could feel my face turning red with anger, as I balled up my fists as an attempt to calm myself down. The last thing I needed was to get into a fight on my first day back.

"Nate, seriously dude. Cut it out." Calum sighed, catching all three of us off guard.

"Why should I?" Nathan raised his voice a little, causing us all to scan the room for the Mr. Beckett, who was surprisingly, still typing away at his computer.

"What you're doing right now, isn't cool okay? Just stop." Calum scoffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. Aubrie put a hand on his shoulder, trying her best to comfort him and calm him down.

"Listen, hood." Nathan hissed. "I will say what I want, to whoever I want, whenever I want." He added.

"And just because you're dating my sister, it doesn't mean that you have any say-so in anything whatsoever." He continued, his face turning a deep shade of red.

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