Chapter Three - Beauty of the Moon

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    The Ninja stared at the girl who was standing in the doorway. All they could think of when they looked at her was that she looked like a Japanese princess. Her silky black hair was so long that it went all the way down her back like a blueish-black curtain, her skin was porcelain white and her blue eyes were so dark and rich that it almost appeared to be purple. Not to talk of the very fancy kimono dress she was wearing, with sleeves long enough to drag across the floor if she hung her arms at her side and with subtle floral designs. She was the definition of beauty. But right now, she was also the definition of hopelessly confused and a bit scared.

    Hideyoshi began to speak to Llara in a foreign tongue that no one else other than Lloyd and Master Wu understood. After all, it was their language, as well. The priest was basically explaining who they were and that Wu was her uncle he had told her briefly about some time in the past.

    Llara ambled in timidly and stayed by Hideyoshi, looking at them from the side of her eyes and avoiding eye contact with any of them. What were they doing here, anyway? But the she caught sight of a boy her age with bright green eyes and pale gold hair...

    "Lloyd!" she exclaimed, and suddenly the shy reserved attitude she had previously been displaying vanished. She stared at her brother for a while before tears filled her eyes and Lloyd immediately leaped up from where he was trying to hide on the couch. He rushed towards her, not caring that the others were watching, and they embraced each other so hard as if if they let go the other might disappear. Llara didn't even know how she recognized him, she just did. And now that she was hugging him, she felt a familiar sensation. The connection that they had even after years of being apart. How wonderful it felt to finally hug Lloyd after countless nights of crying and missing her beloved twin.
    It was a heartwarming sight. Even Wu let himself smile. The reunion of two long lost twins after years apart would be a very sweet thing for anyone to witness.

    Llara herself was shedding tears onto Lloyd's shoulder as they embraced, and Lloyd momentarily forgot about all his previous troubles as he held her and told her in their language that everything was okay and that he missed her too. Strangely, Lloyd felt as if he had been with her all his life and they that weren't just meeting for the first time since they were babies. Llara felt the same way.

    Llara pulled away and, still holding Lloyd, asked him something that the Ninja and Nya couldn't understand. Then Lloyd replied and he pointed at the Ninja and Wu, and Llara nodded. She glanced back at Hideyoshi quizzically, and the old priest took that as his cue to tell Wu to explain everything to the little girl.

    "Llara, as you already know by now, I'm your uncle. I'm most pleased to see you again, as the last time I saw you was when you were only a little baby. I'm sure you might have many questions, and they will all be answered in due time. But for now I can only tell you the purpose of our arrival: your brother, Lloyd, has had to take up the responsibility of training to become the Green Ninja, who has been prophesied to bring balance to the world once more."

    Llara listened quietly. She could understand what he was saying - English was her second language. But when he got to the part about Lloyd, her eyes widened. She gave Lloyd an alarmed look and it was obvious she was not pleased about the fact that Lloyd had to have such a burden on him. Just like the way Lloyd was unhappy that the same burden had to be put upon her. But she did not know that yet. Lloyd only gave her a small smile of assurance and they both continued to listen to Wu.

    "Now Lloyd doesn't have to face all that alone. He has the Ninja to guide him, and protect him. But for there to be complete balance, someone else must join Lloyd in his quest to save the world. There is a prophecy that speaks about the arrival of two very powerful warriors, the chosen ones, of both darkness and light respectively. Destruction and creation. Moon and earth. In order for there to be complete balance, these two warriors must combine their powers and fight for the good of Ninjago. Lloyd is one of them, the Green Ninja. But you, Llara, are the other one... The Daughter of Darkness. You're destined to take up the role of the dark warrior and defeat the Dark Lord alongside Lloyd and the Ninja in the Final Battle."

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