Chapter 34

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Joe reached over, entwining his fingers with Zoey's. It was the next day, the day before Harry Potter the musical premiered. Joe had gone to rehearsal Wednesday out of pure necessity; he'd still been fuming from his argument with Brian.

He was being distant from Lauren and Joey as well, unable to shake the nagging thought that they'd been talking about his relationship with Brian. After rehearsal, Zoey met him at his house, and the two had stayed up practically half the night, talking through their issues. Zoey even let Joe rant to her about how Brian had been hurt but wouldn't tell him who'd done it. He couldn't believe how much more patient and understanding she was being. Maybe she was finally coming to her senses over the fact that Joe loved her and wouldn't leave her for anyone.

Zoey leaned up and kissed his cheek. "So, I went ahead and got tickets for Beth and Allison for tomorrow."

Joe shifted, staring down at her and smiling. "Really? They're going to come?"

"Yeah, they actually like Harry Potter. I figured they can explain the show to me."

"Aw, thanks baby. The more people come watch the better." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "More than anything, I'm just happy that you'll be here."

"I can't wait to watch you. I know how hard you've worked. I'm sure you'll be amazing." She sat up, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. Joe kissed her back, granted his heart only half into it. He still felt a little uneasy around her; like any second she would jump on top of him and start hitting him again.

He really wished that the feeling would go away.
He pulled back, looking at her nervously. "Um, there's something that I've been wanting to ask you."

Zoey smiled at him. "Ask me anything."

Joe took a deep breath. "So, the cast is having a little party after the show, and I really want to go."

"Oh Joe please. I don't want you thinking that you need my permission to go to things. It's not right of me to dictate what you do."

Joe nodded. "Well, I wasn't exactly asking for permission to go. I um, I wanted to know if you would come with me? As my date? Most people are bringing their partners," he added in an attempt to persuade her.

Zoey was quiet for a long time, before breaking out into a smile. "I'd be honored to be your date. We go to my parties all the time. It's only fair that I come to one of yours."

Joe sat up, smiling gleefully. "Thanks so much babe." He reached over and hugged her, resting his head in her shoulder. "I'm so happy you'll come. I want to spend that time with you and my friends."

She kissed the top of his forehead. "Of course my love." She glanced away from him, sitting up and nervously running a hand through her hair. "There's just one thing I'm worried about."

Joe raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

Zoey sighed. "I just, I just don't think that your theatre friends like me very much. I'm worried that they won't want me there."

Joe pushed her hair out of her face gently. "You and Lauren really don't know each other. But you're both some of the best girls I know. I really think if you guys just gave each other a chance, you could get along."

Zoey smiled at him, reaching up and touching the hand that he had in her hair. "You're right. I won't know for sure until I go. But... it's not just Lauren."

Joe turned his head at her, confused. "Who else would have an issue with you?"

Zoey shrugged. "I don't know . . . did, did you tell anyone about our fight on Tuesday?"

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