Chapter 43

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I split this chapter in 3 parts but this one is still SUPER long.

"Are we sure it's a good idea to go to this party?" Joey asked for the dozenth time.

"Joe insisted that Becky Barnes is the one behind this," Holden reassured as they all brought their stuff into Darren's living room. "Becky's a nice girl."

"Okay, but her boyfriend? Tom? The one who told Joe to invite us, can we trust him? I've heard he's an asshole. Not to mention, he's on the fucking football team with Sam and Craig."

"Tom's a good guy," Nick cut across, unrolling his sleeping bag. "I've known him since like, second grade. And Joe swears by him."

"Oh yeah, because Joe's the expert judge of character," Lauren mumbled, quiet enough so that only Joey could hear her.

"Are you nervous to go too?" He whispered back. The two of them grabbed their sleeping bags and dragged them over to a corner in an attempt to get some privacy.

Lauren bit her lip. "Not for the reason you'd think," she answered, gesturing for him to sit down with her. "I'm regards to Tom inviting us to a party for the popular kids? I'm not nervous. I agree with Nick and Holden; Tom and Becky are good people. I know for a fact that Tom—like Joe—doesn't get along with Sam and Craig." Lauren gazed across the room, spotting Brian and Darren horse playing around. "But in general? I'm not sure if going is a good idea. Because we know that Zoey's going to be there. I'm... I'm honestly worried with Brian. If we do go, we shouldn't let him out of our sight."

Joey nodded, noticing where she was looking. "Maybe we just shouldn't go? The three of us can always just hang out here."

"That'd be your dream sleepover group, wouldn't it?" Lauren teased, playfully pushing his shoulder. "I'm sure you've fantasized about that for hours on end."

"Oh god, how'd you know?" Joey feigned embarrassment, pulling his pillow up over his face.

Lauren grabbed her own pillow, whacking Joey's softly. Joey peaked up from behind his, smiling ear to ear at her. "You shouldn't have done that." Lauren screamed, taking off and running frantically around Darren's living room as Joey chased her with his pillow up over his head.

"Hell yes, PILLOW WAR!" Holden screamed, grabbing his and flailing it in every direction.

"Oh dear god, NO," Darren laughed, easily grabbing and yanking Holden's from out of his grip. "Hey, lovebirds! Save the foreplay for the party."

Lauren came to a halt in front of Darren, flicking him off as Joey tripped and went barreling into Brian, who was next to Darren. "Don't worry Dare-bear, you and Doolia can squeeze in next to us. Always got room for my number one boo-thang!" She yelled, playfully bopping Julia's nose.

"Alright, enough chaos. Let's get this designated driver situation figured out," Matt said.

"Agreed, no more chaotic nonsense. Let's act like responsible grown-ups." He spun around, shaking out his Afro. "Yo Joey, are you old enough to drive get?" Darren asked, tossing him his car keys.


Joe leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. In consideration to how the last week of his life had been, this party wasn't going too bad. Zoey had been making a point to completely ignore him, which meant that she wasn't interacting with him at all. As much as Joe hated to admit it, her leaving him alone was suiting him just fine. If it weren't for the fact that she'd ordered him to stay within her sight at all times, he may have even been able to enjoy himself.

Currently, she was in the pool with her friends. She was sitting on top of Sam's shoulders, having a chicken fight with Craig and Beth. Joe looked across the patio and noticed that Allison was also being left out, watching Craig and Beth miserably. Joe sighed, thinking back to the last time he'd compared himself to Allison. Before, he'd felt positive that her relationship was so much worse than his.

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