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I clutched onto Omega's tiny hand as we sprinted to the impound lot, but at the rate we were going, since the kid wasn't the strongest runner, we weren't going to reach the Marauder. The shuttle would take off, and we'd be stuck on Saleucami. I quickly thought of an alternative.

"Alright, Half-Pint. Hang onto me." I paused only to swoop my bag behind me and scoop up Omega in my arms. Thank the Force, she was light. Her arms wrapped around my neck as I continued our course. While I was in pursuit, I had to occasionally readjust my arm under her knees and across her shoulder blades.

We got closer to the impound lot and caught on the shoot out between the clone officers and the boys. Spotting an opening, I ordered the young girl, "Hang on," hopped the wall, and ducked in between two large crates. Our allies were loading up on the Marauder when I jumped up and shouted, "Wait for us!" Doing this gave away our position, and I saw from my peripheral vision some of the officers turning their attention towards us. I released Omega from my hold and pushed her towards the ship. "Go! I'll hold them off!"

Arming myself with my vibro-knife, I dodged the first attack by sinking into my knees, and then using that same energy, I sprung up with a slicing movement. A blaster shot swooshed right past my head. A few other guards closed in and I performed hand-to-hand combat, using the guards' bodies to my advantage, mostly as shields from more blaster fire. Roundhouse-kicking the last one, I sheathed my knife and came face-to-face with Hunter with a blaster. Without a word, he pulled me by the shoulder behind him and provided cover. We both boarded the ship. Omega and Wrecker were there waiting for us in the main cabin; the latter shouted to the cockpit to get moving.

Once the panel door closed, Tech flew us off Saleucami; the ship's engine hummed underneath my feet. "Phew, what a rush, huh?" I joked, wiping the sweat from my brow.

"We're not out of this yet." the intellectual clone said. "We still need to jam our signals so that they cannot track us. Hunter, I suggest now than later."

"I'm on it." Hunter tossed his blaster to the side and jumped onto the console, plugging in fake signatures to scramble comms. I looked down and noticed Omega taking a breather; her face expression had a solemn disposition about it. Perhaps she was contemplating whether she made the right decision on leaving Cut and Suu... She wasn't alone in that matter...

"Hey," I whispered to her and knelt down to her eye level. "you can't have regrets in this life, you hear? I'm sure Hunter feels the same way." I smirked at her, and she acknowledged the message with her own smile. She then walked over to the sergeant, who in turn faced her in his seat.

"I know I've made mistakes, and I got a lot to learn." The kid started, wringing her hands together. "But you don't have to get rid of me. I left Kamino with you. This is where I want to be."

"To tell you the truth, kid, I've got a lot to learn, too." Hunter breathed, glancing over at me briefly. "If this is where you want to be, then this is where you'll stay." Omega smiled and lowered herself in the seat next to him with those softened eyes.

"And that applies to you, too, Fern." the sergeant added with a small smile, and I couldn't stop myself from shaking my head, amused.

The young girl traversed her eyes between the both of us. "If I can ask, could you explain what happened on your last mission?"

What would usually had sprung up a debate, I remained calm and met Hunter's eyes, and he shrugged with the intention of approval if I was also open for discussion. "I think," I sighed with my arms crossed. "that is a story everyone needs to hear."



The clones gathered together in the cockpit, where Tech piloted and initiated the jump into hyperspace. Wrecker and Hunter stood in the back while Fern and Omega shared the last seat. The female clone had to urge to nudge the young girl off, but she figured that wouldn't roll over well with the four (well, three if one excluded the aloof Tech) overprotective clones.

"We were on Hoth to assist establishing a Republic base, and the first course of action was to destroy a Separatist droid fleet that were trying to delay our progress." Hunter started, crossing his arms. "Our offensive plan was simple: to attack the enemy's right flank, where their forces were less concentrated. And it turned out, the Separatists had the same exact plan."

"We didn't know that at the time though...Usually Hunter and I would have stuck together when we were on missions, but General Gallia insisted I lead the charge..." Fern's mouth formed a straight line as she briefly locked eyes with Omega's round ones. "Hunter was to secure his division down south of the base, and consequently there were less troopers than up north where I was. The Separatists were more clever than we thought - they struck first."

"They came out of nowhere," Hunter closed his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose, as if the memory was excruciating. "and my forces were wiped out within the hour. The survivors and I rushed back towards the base, but it was a five kilometer sprint and we were unable to call for reinforcements due to jammed communications...and, I lost over 90% of my division."

"You weren't the only one." Fern sighed. "General Gallia returned to the base with who was left in her division, and I... Hunter, you are right, I did disobey orders. I stayed behind to pursue the right flank. I thought I could sneak behind enemy lines by myself and plant the explosives to destroy the factory. I also wanted to reinforce you, but when I tried to reach you and you never responded, I hesitated... It didn't really matter, because before I knew it, I was getting swarmed and was forced to retreat while I still had cover."

"Meanwhile, there was the decision between fortifying the base or completely evacuating the planet. When I finally gained contact, the General informed me that you were still in the field... I wanted to go after you, but the general forbid me to do so, saying she needed my help gathering the men for evacuation, but—"

"I thought you were killed, Hunter. My head was into finishing the mission, until, I don't know, I—"

"We both disobeyed orders." Hunter stopped his former partner before she could continue. "I disobeyed General Gallia and went after you."

Fern was stunned. "Wait, wait, wait." she stammered, waving her hands. "You came after me? When I turned back and went after you?!" Hunter's dark eyes stared as hers shimmered at this new revelation.

"It seems," Tech chimed in. "that the mission was already lost, and your relationship only hindered the end of your partnership."

"Tech," Echo rolled his eyes. "Was that necessary?"

"No, I think he's right." Fern stopped him. "When you and Tech had already left for the impound lot back on Saleucami, Hunter and I had, well, an epiphany."

Hunter scoffed softly.

"What does that mean?" Wrecker questioned, confused. Hunter and I then explained the misunderstandings.

"I want to apologize to you all." Fern closed her eyes, resting her temple on her knuckles. "I never should have blamed you. Hunter, I really am sorry."

"It still bothers me that Nala Se and Lama Su would do that." Echo growled. "Why would they separate you two, but keep Hunter with the other enhanced clones?"

"After it happened, I was so angry that I started going on solo missions." Fern sighed. "My primary purpose became reconnaissance. With my enhanced stealth and agility skills, it is what I'm meant for. Additionally, I didn't want to repeat Hoth ever again. Most of the time, no one ever knew I was there."

"You were a good soldier." Omega smiled next to her. It wasn't a question. It was a statement. Fern rolled her eyes, but smirked. "Yeah, Half-Pint. I was."

"You still are." Hunter corrected in a low voice. The smirk softened across Fern's lips while her cheeks lightly blushed.

"It's good to have you officially on the team!" Wrecker boasted.

"Yeah, forget Nala Se, Lama Su, and Kamino." Echo nodded. "It's a new start. For all of us."

"And we're happy that you are here to stay." Hunter concluded. "Both of you." Omega's smile grew even wider.

"Okay, okay." Fern jumped to her feet. "That's enough sentiment for awhile."

"I agree." Tech noted as he adjusted his spectacles, making Fern laugh into her hand.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now