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"Come with us." The Pyke leader approached his hostages with his hands folded behind his back. "Your comrades have returned. Let us see if they completed their task. If not, then none of you will be alive for much longer."

Fern glared upward with a twisted scowl, then grumbled as she helped the young girl to her feet, "Come on, Half-Pint." 

Roland Durand also rose to his, sighing heavily, like he was praying the defected clones came through with recovering the spice they had stolen in the first place. The Devonarian allowed Omega to cradle Ruby in her arms while they all followed the Pykes.

When they arrived at the designated hangar, the clones were just finishing with unloading the six crates off the Marauder. The moment Hunter locked eyes with Fern, both of their mouths formed a straight line -- their weak attempt to not appear too relieved in front of the crime lords. Wrecker slammed down the last one right at the Pyke leader's feet, in which his subordinate reached down and slipped out one package of spice, handing it to his boss for inspection. Satisfied, the Pyke returned the package to its rightful place and said, "Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved. The female specimens may be return to you."

The second guard nudged Fern and Omega forward, initiating their freedom. The two female clones walked back over to their squad with the exchange of alleviated nods.

"The matter is not resolved with you." Roland was kicked to his knees, his chest slammed onto the spice crate. The Pyke leader raised up a wickedly-sharp knife and aimed for Roland's neck.

"No, wait!" Omega objected. Hunter reached out to her, worried she was putting herself in danger by interjecting in the Pykes' business. "He made a mistake. That's all."

"She's right." Cid, surprisingly, came to her defense. "Kill him, and you'll be starting a war with Isa Durand. Do you want that heat right now? Call this a bad deal and walk away."

"Besides." Fern added, crossing her arms. "We were the ones who screwed up the deal in the first place."

"We do not accept bad deals nor care on how it deteriorated." The Pyke growled, and struck his knife down, slicing off Roland's right horn. The Devonarian hollered in pain, clutching his forehead as he rolled onto his back. Fern flinched at the cruel punishment. Collecting the trophy, the leader snarled, "Our business is finished." and departed with his guards.

Roland gazed up at Cid and the clones, ashamed and embarrassed. The young girl sighed through her nose and empathized with him, kneeling down with Ruby curled up in the crook of her arm. "Are you okay?"

He sighed and eloquently accepted his fate. "It's a small price to pay... I'll be going now." Omega smiled and handed Ruby to her humble owner. Just as he turned away, Fern called out to him, "Hey, remember our deal. You hold your end, and I'll hold mine."

Roland Durand actually smiled over his shoulder and continued on his way.

"Come on, boys." Cid broke the silence. "First round's on me!"

"You owe us way more than that!" Wrecker scoffed with a big grin. Even Tech and Echo got excited, and the four of them rushed off to Cid's reclaimed parlor.

"Remember, Cid!" Fern shouted. "You still owe us for those two jobs!"

Hunter looked over at the female clone and touched her arm. "Hey, what did you mean when you said to him 'hold your end' of your deal? What deal?"

"That's between us," Fern winked with her nose scrunched. "and one day, perhaps, you'll witness the fruit of that deal." Hunter scoffed softly, and the two of them strolled together with Omega sprinting after the others.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now