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"Reeksa root, huh?" Fern fidgeted with Tech's datapad after claiming it during one of the rare occasions he set it down. She decided to analyze further research on the resource she, the intellectual clone, and Echo were to collect on Iego. "Looks like it has medicinal purposes. Whoever the client is must want it for lighter motives, which is humanitarian on our parts."

"I agree." the cyborg clone nodded, who was seated in the co-pilot's spot. "I'm hoping low security actually means deserted. Not sure I can handle another scrimmage with the Empire for awhile."

"I know." Fern sighed. "If Cid is telling the truth, then these two jobs will pay enough for all of us to finally relax. I'm positive we all need to."

"We're exiting hyperspace now." Tech announced, pulling back the lever. The Marauder lightly jerked forward as it emerged and the three clones was greeted by a massive cluster of shattered ships. "Careful, Tech." Fern warned as the intellectual clone maneuvered through the floating wreckage towards the planet's atmosphere. Her brows furrowed with uneasiness as her widened eyes scanned their surroundings out the viewport. "W-what happened here? A battle?"

"According to Iego's database, it seemed sometime during the war, the Separatists had built a laser security system into one of Iego's moons that was triggered if any ship attempted to leave the planet." Tech calculated. "The locals were not aware of what the Separatists had implanted and called the force 'Drol'. It would be much later after the Separatists leave when Generals Kenobi and Skywalker would destroy the laser system and free Iego of its lethal trap."

"General Kenobi, huh?" Fern murmured, briefly averting her gaze from the viewport as the ship continued to glide through the ship graveyard.

They managed to land the Marauder with ease at a dockyard. The clones assigned to the Iego mission disembarked one by one with their necessary supplies. Fern was the last one in line, and Hunter gently grasped her arm before she stepped off. "We'll contact you as soon as we can, letting you know we're on our way. Stay out of trouble?"

"No promises." Fern smirked, but her cheeks flared up, and when Hunter took notice, she hurried off before he could question her. Setting the odd interaction aside, the sergeant gave a salute to Tech and Echo and headed back to pilot the ship. The female clone and her partners watched the Marauder disappear into the atmosphere, then turn to one another. "Alright, time to find some roots." Fern said with a clap of her hands.

"Yeah, but where do we begin?" Echo looked around him. "This place doesn't exactly overflow with greenery." He was right. Iego was desolate, humid, and sweltering hot, with the primary terrain consisting of barren canyons and deserts. The port itself was stationed on the edge of a deep chasm. Where on this planet could they possible find a plant root?

"When in doubt, ask the locals." she suggested, shouldering her pack. They walked towards town and noticed a few patrol troopers performing everyday security checks. The clones kept there heads low and walked with the crowd, so to not draw attention to them. Fern was decent in her bodysuit and tunic, but it was a little difficult for Tech while he wore his normal gear, his helmet tucked under his arm. Echo blended in with his droid disguise.

"Where exactly are we heading to?" Tech questioned, following Fern's lead. 

"Civilian 101, if you want information from locals," she pointed. "you go where the locals gather. The parlor."



Upon entering the merry facility, that was when we attracted eyes. Tech and Echo froze in awkwardness, but I was used to this sort of atmosphere and attention. I held out my hand to the side to silently reassure them and signal to stay calm. "Act natural." I whispered.

STEALTH and TRACK: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now