Chapter 10

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2nd Pov
Y/n let them sit down and have some tea

Sapnap Pov
"What are you?" I ask sipping my tea "A dark angel or just a ghost" she said "How did you die?" I ask without thinking "Are you f*cking stupid" dream said "LANGUAGE!" Bad said yelling "i-i don't remember" she said trying not to cry f*ck "What do you mostly do?" George said thanks George

George Pov
"What do you mostly do?" I ask trying to change the subject "Drawing,committing arson,setting things on fire, throwing knives,playing my violin,drinking tea, and playing with p/n"  she said calmly what the f*ck "So what are you guys doing here?" She said "F*CK I FORGOT ABOUT WE WERE GETTING RESOURCES SH*T" Dream said screaming  standing up "LANGUAGE!Well thank you for the tea y/n i hope we see you again" bad said following me and sapnap "Bye mister dream!Bye mister sapnap!Bye mister bad! Bye mister George!" She said waving her arms in the air "BYE Y/N!" All of us scream heading to the forest

"Huh? They are really weird right p/n?" I said she nods her head and chirp "What a weird week huh?" I said laughing softly

I hope you guys like this chapter i love you all bye 💖

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