Chapter 25

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Philza Pov
Me tommy,techno,wilbur,sapnap, and George all know that dream is being controlled we can't say anything to the others because he will kill dream and take over his body some of them are saying 'please dream we need you' or 'you betrayed us ' and other sh*ts like that dream turns around and leave the meeting room niki was crying because they might win the war eret and sapnap was stopping quackity and fundy to kill dream even tho they can't because dream is stronger the others are still in shock because doomsday day is tomorrow we all ended the meeting we all went to our rooms that me and the others built so we don't have go back at l'manburg or manburg it was afternoon we don't have anything else to do besides get more armors,enchantments,food,potions, and weapons techno was bust at the potato farm wilbur was talking to tubbo what was happening at l'ma- i mean manburg and other "Phil...?" I was snap out of my thoughts of someone at my door i look behind me to see tommy "D-do you think we'll die?" Tommy ask he normally quiet after the meeting and i was a bit shocked from the question he was normally loud and pretend to be not scared of anything but now he looks scared petrified i hug him and whispers to him that we will win and we will not die or other sweet stuff while he was crying it felt like forever seeing tommy cry it breaks my heart seeing one of my sons cry tommy has been thru a lot being abused by his past parents being manipulate by nightmare and trying to not mess things up a few moments later tommy was asleep i carried him to his room to sleep i kiss his forehead and said good night i close his door it was night now i guessing i was comforting tommy for along time i open my door and lied on my bed worried for all the people what will happend tomorrow

?¿??¿?¿¿¿?¿?¿ Pov
It was night time now tomorrow is doomsday we already had a plan and a special someone to help us

¿?¿¿?¿ Pov
So ?¿?¿?¿¿¿?¿?¿?? And y/n need help it's been so long since i last seen y/n of course i said yes tomorrow is doomsday

?¿?¿¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ Pov
So she is coming in doomsday she has family and friends there so i can finally kill her

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