Chapter 12

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Y/n = Your name

3rd Pov
Techno and philza found y/n with the dream team phil and techno hated them philza hate dream the most because he was the reason of there sons pain techno hate them all because...well the rest it's history "i should asking the same thing" dream said looking at techno "Guyssss is something wrong???" Y/n ask yes she was smart but sometimes she's naive and dense sometimes "Y/n did they hurt you?" Phil said getting closer to me "No why?" Y/n said "We were having tea and i bandage up them because there's mean people called L'manburgars (i don't know what to call the people of L'manburg) and they said they were troublemakers" y/n said philza was shocked and mad techno was shocked two even tho his two brothers made a government he still loves them both

Philza Pov
"We were having tea and i bandage up them because there's mean people called L'manburgars and they said they were troublemakers" y/n said i was shocked and mad at dream HE was the one who made troubles HE was the reason why my sons are in pain "WHAT THE F*CK DREAM YOU BEEN SPREADING LIES ON MY BROTHERS ON A CHILD!?" Ofc i was shocked at techno he never cared about anyone besides his family and friends i heard y/n whimper "THAT'S ENOUGH!" I said even tho y/n isn't my legally adopted daughter i will treat her like the way i treated my sons "Sorry..." dream mumble "D-dream can you tell them now i h-hate people shouting..." y/n said what does she mean 'tell them' "Fine..." dream said sighing techno also sits down i guessing that he's confused too

*After explaining that dream being controlled bla bla im to lazy*

Dream Pov
"So yeah that's my story..." i said sadly i never meant to hurt them i didn't want to hurt them but he wanted to hurt them not me "WHY!? DID YOU TELL THEM!? THIS IS RUINED OUR PLAN NO MY PLAN YOU GREEN BASTARD!" Ofc he has to yell at me "Oh my god so nightmare has been controlling you the whole time" phil said "yes" i said "Can't you guys get rid of nightmare?" Techno said confused "No... i can't everytime i tried he ties me up with red strings..." i remember how painful the strings felt "Don't worry mate we'll find a way to cure you" Phil said smiling i smiled back i never felt free my whole life "Yeah im going to kick his butt" y/n said kicking her feet "Oh yeah i think you should get home before sunrise guys" y/n said "Oh sh*t little blaze right George wake up the f*ck up" sapnap said shaking George "Bye guys be safe" she yelled on her treehouse waving her arms "BYE Y/N" All of us said

Holy sh*t this is the longest thing i ever write XD

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