Chapter 27

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2nd Pov
Today is the day

Today is war

Today is Doomsday

Everyone got up early getting armor getting ready for the war "Is everything good?" Wilbur ask everyone they all nodded and sneaking into l'manburg getting ready to attack they all went to the towers loading there crossbow they saw Callahan,Alyssa,karl,puffy,dream,sam and jschlatt with armor and swords out techno aims for jschlatt
(Ok so im changing a bit of the pogtopia vs manberg a bit and i can't wring fighting scenes so yeaaaah)
Jschlatt noticed and got away quickly suddenly all the people who on the ground attempt to attack the others what they didn't notice dream making a tnt canon above manberg

Dream Pov
'NIGHTMARE STOP PLEASE' I pleaded to him he was making a tnt canon about manberg 'SHUT UP' He yelled back while tightening the stings it hurt like a b*tch it felt like there's nails all over my body im helpless "Hello there old friend long time no see" i heard someone behind i or nightmare turn around and see the on person i hate the most the one person im scared it was

Henry Emily.....

?¿?¿¿? Pov
I haven't been on the smp since my schedule is all ways full i was with y/n and ¿?¿¿?¿?¿?¿ waiting for an attack i know nightmare will do something crazy "Hey...." we heard someone say we turn around and see

Y/n Pov
We turn around and see MICHEAL!? I tackle him into a hug "M-micheal i thought y-you d-died" i said between my sobs "Shhhhh it's all right im here and im going to help you with this lil sis" he said while running his finger into my hair  "W-where are the others?" I ask sniffing a bit "Well mom's an angel dad's is burning in hell and Elizabeth is an angel to and im a angel too" he said he has pure white wings and white halo "B-but why are .y wings and halo black?" I ask while touching his wings "Well that means you have unfinished business here" he said "LISTEN UP!" we heard someone say it was dream or nightmare is in control im too far away from him it looks like he built an tnt canon above l'manburg oh no.... Let’s just hope this plan works......

3rd Pov
Jschlatt drank the bottle or potions all of them were in the van "Those anyone smell toast....?" Jschlatt ask he put his hand on his heart and dropped the bottle "Did he just had a heart attack!?" Tommy ask they all cheered and suddenly "LISTEN UP!" They heard someone say they all got out of the van and saw dream he built an tnt canon on l'manburg while they were distracted fight "Tommy" dream or nightmare said tommy got in front of the others while pulling his enchanted netherite sword "Give me your disk and the kid or WE will blow up l'manburg" nightmare said with venom with every single word the others were shocked there was other person with dream all of the smp members minus dream/nightmare were begging him to stop this and not blow up l'manburg tommy can't give away his disk those disk were the last thing that his mother gave him before she died and he can't give up y/n she was only a kid and he knew nightmare was behind this "Tommy the time is ticking" nightmare said in a sing-song voice mocking him "NO! I WON'T GIVE YOU MY DISK AND Y/N" He yelled niki and fundy look shock they knew y/n and y/n didn't tell them suddenly two evil maniacall laughed was heard "Well if you won't  bye bye l'manb-" he cut of by an arrow the two fell down but they had pearls they pearl down and see....

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