Chapter 12

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"Wait, why does he have this?" I inquired, and he returned my gaze.

" Is this you in this picture?"I asked.

" That young kid right there ... that's me" he replied.

" Why do you want to know?" he said and walked towards me holding the drinks for us and put it on top of the coffee table.

" Umm... nothing let's start our project shall we," I said as normally as I can.

Why must I be so awkward, he is my long lost childhood friend. At least tell him. My inner voice said as I ignored every inched of it.

"Here your drink" he said and pass it towards me and make me flinched a little and make the drink dropped.

"Umm sorry Xiumin I really am" I took some tissues and wiped the drink that fell on his shirt gently.

I could feel his eyes staring at me as I was doing that. I just ignored it.

"There all clean" I said smiling and was stopped by his hands holding mine.

I turn towards him and his face was serious.

" Why did you asked dme if that was me earlier Soo Bin?" he asked as his expression and gaze are gaze on me.

I was panicking on the inside on what to do. Should I tell him everything should I not. Quick he is still staring at me. At that moment I Remember my dad said" Be true to yourself do what your guts tell you to". Dad thank you.

"Let go of me First I tell you everything" I said calmly.

"Oh sorry for that hard gripped" he apologized and released his gripped.

"That right there the picture the boy when you said it was you... Do you remember when you were that age what happened at that time?" I asked him a question.

"Yes of course I remember" he replied.

"When I was your age... Let me guess you were 11 and tripped and fell in the sea... You can't swim and yelled for help an d hoping someone will save you and also you were lost... Am I right?" I said all this and make his eyes widen a little.

"How you know all of this?" He asked.

"Well you tell you the truth I was the girl who save you from drowning all those years ago... remember this" I said zipping my bag and take out the bracelet and show it to him.

"You give this to me without me knowing" I said while showing it to him and his face was puzzled by this sudden news.

"You telling me you are that girl... That 11 year old girl that save me OK then what name did you called me?" he asked and I straight away said "Xiumin because my 11 year old me can't say Minseok... Oh that name stick till know huh even your friends called you that" I friendly hit him and smile.

"Yeah but they sometimes called me Minseok it depends... So, Soo Bin you are her... I can't believe it no wonder the first time I met you... You seem familiar for some reason.

I stared to drink the glass of water and looked at him he was just staring at me.

"Xiumin can I asked you a question?" I said.

"Go on" he replied.

"Why did you agree-" I got interrupted buy my phone ringing.

"Sorry I need to take this"

Be My Boyfriend | Exo XuiminWhere stories live. Discover now