Chapter 28

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Thanks again for still reading this book. It really means a lot. So, enjoy ❤️


Than, he said "Can your old fake boyfriend be worried about you Soo Bin"

He just stopped and turned to face me and removed his masks. Yes it was him. Slowly My eyes drip with tears. I can't believe he's here.

He just stood there staring into my  eyes. He slowly walked towards me. I just stood and looked at him. He came closer and closer. I could feel My heart beating fast. He grabbed my hand and run to a more private place.

"Hopefully...No one could see us here" he said to me with a smile.

I opened my arms and hugged him tight and whispered" I miss you".

That was all I could say. I was happy to see him for all these years.

He replied "me too". We stayed like that for a few minutes. He cubbed my face and smile. How I miss his bright smile.His smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. I could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. A person smiles with more than their mouth, and I heard it in his voice, in the choice of his words and the way he relaxed. It was beautiful.

His face was so close to mine. It was an inch close our  lips will touch. It really is him as I looked at him real close. I just can't believe it.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him as our eyes met.

"Why are you doing the same?" he asked me back.

Time stopped as our eyes locked. Time seem to be stopped. We came back to our senses as we hear noise coming across from us.

"Xiumin I Umm...I have to go" I said.

"Don't go" he held my hand to stopped me.

I stood there with my hands with his. It felt warmth. I turned around to face him.

"Why?" I calmly said.

"Please come back to my life Soo Bin.. I really miss you... I can't move on with my life without you... Please be with me" he confessed.

I was speechless with my hands froze. My body frozen in place. What do I do?my gut say to go with him. But my head says to leave.

Maybe everyone was right I can't marry the guy I hate, I have to marry the guy I love. This is what my heart is telling me.

"Calling for Exo all the members need to be on the stage in 5 minutes" the announcer said while   on stage and the voice could be heard all through the mall.

"Looks like I have to go"he said and about to releaseed my hand.

" Wait" I yelled.

He stop and stand still and turn towards me.

I stood up in my tippy toes whispered to his ear "I like you" that make his cheeks red a bit.

"Calling for exo you need to perform now"the same announcer said.

He forze for a second and smile "See you later I have to go" he yelled and ran towards the back stage.

Wait how am I going to meet you again?  Great I should of told him my phone number at least.


"There all done" I said to myself.

Be My Boyfriend | Exo XuiminWhere stories live. Discover now