Chapter 30

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Yes, it is sad to say this is the last chapter of the fanfic, but there will be a special chapter or an epilogue after this so look forward to it. I did this for all of my other fanfic.


"I can explain," Jaeho's father said, drawing everyone's attention to them.

Well, this is about to get interesting.

"Then explain," my father yelled angrily.

" Uhm, It's all my fault, yes we're a fraud, we're not affluent, we don't have a wealthy corporation, and so on... I did this out of envy and love for her, Soo Bin; sometimes love may drive you to do awful things. Don't be furious with my parents; they did nothing wrong... It's all my fault," he admitted, lowering his head and apologising.

"Umm, done," my father exclaimed and escorted them out of the church.

"Mom, Dad, I want to be in charge of my own life. Please, I want to marry who I want and do what I want with my life. I know you two are concerned about me, but Mom, I think dad wouldn't want her daughter to be unhappy for the rest of her life," I said, referring to my late father, and my mother approached me and hugged me as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"We're sorry, honey, for everything we did to you," both of my parents said.

"Bin Soo Please accept my apologies "My father said this, and I just smiled and drew him in for a hug.

"So, Xiumin, this is my mother, father, and brother," I say as I introduce Sehun to my parents.

When I look at Xiumin's face, I notice that he is nervous about my family. As my father extended his handshake, Xiumin's hands were shaking.

"I'm sorry for everything, Xiumin," my father said as he hugged him.

As a result, I know my family accepted him as my true boyfriend. Seeing their happy faces and such, only my Brother, well, his face is always optimistic. People were confused but enraged at Jaeho and his family. I did not marry Xiumin. I discussed it with my parents; we weren't prepared. My mother asked the guest to leave and explained everything. I'm just relieved that everything in my life is back to normal.


"So, this is my apartment again," I started, but was cut off by his arms around my waist.

" Thank you for resolving everything, Xiumin." "I love you, Xiumin, but I have to go," I murmured, and he still clutched me behind my back.

"Can we stay like this for a little while longer?" he said.

"No, I need to tidy my room and stuff first," I said.

"Please give me a few more minutes, or you do this one thing for me," he grinned.

"All right, what?"

"Kiss me," he says as he twists me to face him, and we itched apart.

Time seemed to stand still. I can't believe he's saying that. This handsome guy is mine.

Without hesitation, I drew him in with a passionate kiss.

I blossomed like a flower at the touch of his lips, and the incarnation was complete." He returned my kiss. He's all over my back and over my arms, and he's suddenly kissing me harder, deeper, with a fierce desperate hunger I've never known.

He stepped back and said, "I love you, Soo Bin."


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