Chapter 1***

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Chapter 1:

Last night I went to sleep early so I as ready for the next day of school. We were going on a field trip to the Bremin Ranges National Park, for me... not anymore, because when I woke the next morning. I was suddenly at the toilet bowl puking my guts up. My dad Aaron had come in to check on me and found me. Turns out I was running a fever and way too many other things I can't remember.

"Hello, I am calling for a Brian Bates. I need to talk to him about the field trip today?" I faintly heard Mr Bates on the other side of the phone. Dad was in the kitchen where our phone was set up, while I was on the couch with a bucket next to me.

"Hello, Mr Bates. Hi, my names Aaron Perish, Kat's father... Yes, she actually can't come today. She's sick; I found her this morning with her head in the toilet bowl... yeah. I am so sorry about this... uh huh... Yes, she was actually quite excited for today. She loves nature, well as much as a Goth can love nature... Okay, sorry for any inconvenience," with that my dad came back into the lounge and set up my favourite show, Criminal Minds for me.

All day he waited on me. I felt pretty guilty, but I was too sick to do anything myself. At around seven, Aaron received a call.

"Hello Perish household?" I got up and walked into the kitchen so I could see dad. But the look on his face made me not want to. He hung up the phone and sat on a chair around the table.

"Dad, who was that?" I asked, eager for answers no matter how sick I was.

"Kat... the boys you were going to be walking with today, are missing?" it was as if he was asking me to confirm it. I gasped,

"What? How? When?" I couldn't ask any more questions as I ran back to the bathroom and began to puke up stomach up again. Dad came in and patted my back.

"You head up to bed and get some sleep." I nodded and the second I touched my bed. I was asleep.

The next morning when I woke, I was fine. Full on perfectly healthy. I was scared...

"DAD!" I called out. Dad came in instantly, his brown hair ruffled from tossing and turning, and his blue eyes bloodshot, from what looked like lack of sleep.

"What's wrong Kitty?" I frowned,

"I'm not sick anymore..." I didn't know what else to say. But it sure freaked the hell out of dad,

"What do you mean?" I shrugged and stood up.

"I don't know. But I don't feel sick anymore. It's freaky." Dad nodded agreeing with me,

"Okay. Um, if you're not feeling sick anymore, get ready for school. I'm gonna, go out and help Brian find those boys. I might be home late, so just heat up some left over's okay" I nodded,

"Okay. Just, stay safe out there Dad. If they can go missing, so can you." He nodded and came over and hugged me.

"I am so, so, so, so, so glad that I still have you." I smiled and tightened my arms around him, before pushing him away and getting ready for school.

*12 days later*

"WE FOUND THEM! WE FOUND THEM! KATRINA WE FOUND THEM!" It was the first thing I heard when my father came home one Saturday. I smiled and ran from my room to meet my dad. Over the last week, Dad had been searching so hard for the boys with Brian. Yes, I am now on a first name basis with my science teacher. Brian had been coming over every night with Dad and was discussing and talking about many different places the boys could possibly be. I was also involved in helping out in the conversations. When I came to I ran to where my dad was,

"Daddy yay!" I screamed as I ran over and hugged him.

"Are they okay?" he nodded.

"Yeah oddly enough, they looked completely fine. But I don't know if they are medically okay." I smiled,

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