Chapter 9***

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Chapter 9:

Jake's P.O.V

I smiled as I looked at Saskia once she let her hand down dropping the water bomb. We finally found the water element... now we can look for Andy, wherever he may be. I smiled at her, but it dulled at the scared look on her face.

"It's okay; you're the one we're looking for." Sam smiled at her,

"Yeah, you're the one." We both turned to Felix for assurance, he nodded grimly and I resisted the urge to growl at him,

"We need to do the spell. But where we can't leave school grounds for a couple more hours," I nodded agreeing with Felix. Sam then made a weird noise making the three of us look at him,

"There's a classroom with a huge fish tank... do you think we could do it there?" Felix thought about it for a minute,

"Show me." Sam nodded, and grabbed Felix's wrist and started dragging him in the direction of the classroom. I stood next to Saskia, who still looked confused about what was going on.

"It's okay; you'll get it in a minute." Saskia nodded, her straight blonde hair sat on her shoulders not moving somehow... weird. Saskia looked at me oddly,

"Magic?" I nodded,

"Come on, we better catch up with the others." She nodded and followed after me as I walked to where I saw Felix standing in front of the doorway to a classroom. I quickly ran up the stairs to where the classroom was and entered, Saskia and Felix following right behind me.

Felix's P.O.V

Jake and Saskia had finally arrived, and Saskia went over to where Sam was standing and was watching as he tried to catch the fish in the tank. That was definitely enough water for a scrying spell. I knew everything would be fine, but I was still worried about Saskia... she just suddenly shows up right as we begin looking for a water element, I don't trust her. I turned to Jake and told him,

"A girl like Saskia shouldn't have that much magical potential." Jake scoffed,

"What, more than you?" I frowned at him about to reply when I was stopped by Sam announcing that he had caught all the fish... I sighed walking over to the tank... I so hope this spell works, because if it does the way it should, Kat I am coming to get you, and I am bringing you home to your Dad.

Kat's P.O.V

I sighed lying on my 'bed' bored out of my fricken mind. Lily Lau, Andy's grandmother had come around and left chicken feet all over the place. I had to hide so she didn't see me, but not that I care, FOOD! I hadn't eaten in a day, Oscar doesn't have many chances to bring me food, and when he does, it isn't much. So let's just say I am very happy about the chicken feet. Although they were left by some creepy Chinese lady, I don't really give a rat's arse.

I sat up on my bed feeling a bit weird when suddenly a giant bubble of water came out of nowhere and landed on my head. Literally, the water came from nowhere, and it smelled like fish tank water.

"Ew," I groaned pulling my shirts off, leaving me in my bra. I sighed; I guess it's time to go for a swim. I yanked off my pants which weren't as wet as my shirts but still needed to dry off. I sighed as I walked out of the shack and down to the river a few minutes away. I felt awkward walking in my underwear since it's only the second time I have jumped in the river since I've been here.

I walked silently making sure not to make any noise just in case there are some super weird people hanging around. If there are, I really hope they are just drunk townies or at least high, then they won't remember seeing me. I sighed looking around one last time before arriving at the water.

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