Chapter 21***

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Chapter 21

Roland's P.O.V

What in the world? Why am I being carried for? Who's carrying me? My eyes refused to open and my body felt weird. I was still slightly walking myself, though. When my eyes finally opened, I was with three people. All of which I knew, and wanted to question. Felix Ferne, Jake Riles, and little Miss Ellen O'Donnell, new to this little group.

"Felix, why didn't you tell me doing magic was so full on?" Riles said these words to Ferne. But one of this group was missing, Sam Conte, that skateboard fellow. Where did he run off to? He can't have gotten far without these guys.

"Sorry I didn't realise. Sam, are you okay?" Ferne was now talking to me, directly haven't me. I must be tired, he cannot be referring to me as Sam... I looked up at him and I clutched my head. Everything aches and feels weird.

"My head hurts," my voice didn't sound right, it,... Young. My eyes widened and I looked around and caught a glimpse of my hands around Riles' neck as he was holding me up. Ellen had all of the work the Lau girl, Vivian, had gathered and was reading out aloud,

"What's all this stuff about lay lines? They seem familiar." Ferne shrugged,

"It's not important right now, we have to make sure Sam here is okay. I don't know what happened to him because he was in the circle." Ellen nodded,

"Sorry Felix, but he looks fine aside from really dopey, but that's nothing new." I wanted to growl at her for that, but that wasn't what I would do. It was something, something a kid would do.

As this registered in my head, my body filled with energy and I stood up on my own, pulling away from Riles and Ferne. What the hell is going on?! I stared at my hands properly and was in shock, I was in Sam Conte's body... This is not right, what happened? Pictures of a circle made of sticks came to mind, and Riles' saying words that rhymed... And they didn't make much sense, but they were English.

"No, no, no, no, what did you do?" I growled, the voice I heard continued to shock me. Ferne... Felix looked upset and confused.

I was able to walk on my own now so the boys let go of me and wandered off slightly allowing me to slip back and sneak away into the bushes. I needed to call Roberts at the station and let him know everything that is going on.

I pulled Sam's... my phone out, thankfully it didn't have a lock on it, and I called up the station phone which linked directly to Roberts, who answered quickly.

"Roberts speaking," Thank god, he was on the phone and quick.

"Roberts it's me." There was a weird sound on the other end of the phone and I think I hay have confused Roberts. Of course! I sound like the Conte boy... well... I am the Conte boy.

"Look whoever this is, making fraud phone calls to a police station is a serious offence kid." Seriously? That's what he is getting out of this. Oh right, I haven't told him all of what I know, I was too busy hunting down the Ferne's to figure out what they were doing.

"No look, it's me, Murphy." I had to get him to understand, otherwise, everything could go wrong.

"Look, Kid, prank calls are not a good idea." From behind me, I heard voices closing in. Damn, those kids have realised I'm gone and are now looking for me, of course, they would, I look like Sam. I need Roberts to understand.

"No really! You need to... look... this is an opportunity." With that, I hung up the phone and turned around to face the others who had looks of confusion on their faces.

"What was that about?" Jake asked an odd sadness in his eyes.

"Ahh... nothing... guys? Dude... dudes..." as the words left my mouth, my hands moved to do a weird hand gesture. I didn't really know what I was doing, and I was the one doing... sort of... since this isn't my body, this whole thing has thrown me out. But because of it, maybe I can find something out about Andy Lau, and hopefully discover what these guys did to him, and how I can get him home.

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