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I slowly opened my eyes to find myself tucked inside my bed. I looked around to see Aravind sitting near me and holding a cold cloth on my forehead, which I didn’t feel at all. “Aravind?” I breathed. “I’m here. Near you. Just rest a bit. Your fever isn’t reducing at all.” I could tell he is tensed. I held his hand which was holding the cloth. “I won’t get alright so soon" I whispered. “Why so?”
“I...I-" before I could complete my phone buzzed on the left side table. “My phone, please?” I asked him sweetly. He smiled and reached for my phone. “Who is this ‘Mercu'?” as soon as he read the caller ID, I immediately sat upright. He looked at me with surprise. Unfortunately before I could reach the phone I feel back. “Put the call on speaker before it gets cut!” I nudged him and he finally gave up and attended the call as I instructed. “Hello?” I weakly spoke when I didn’t get any reply. “Adi!” she exclaimed, unbelieving what she was thinking right now. “Are you sick?!” She exclaimed again. I didn’t know what to say. “You know me, Viha" I said in my same helpless tone. “Your insane! Your body is double insane!” I chuckled slightly. “You know my anger doesn’t stay long”
“But hurt does" I said. “Don’t be stupid! Both of us know what you said was some what true and I’m scared of that!” she was irritated. “Not all are the same Viha!” I raised my voice. I saw Aravind get up. “Viha? Will you mind if Aravind hear us speak on the call?” I asked her before he could go out. “Are you mad?” he whispered to which I didn’t pay attention to. “He is like my brother, Adi. Of course I don’t mind! Don’t be stupid!” I smiled to what she said. She didn’t know the call was on speaker of course. “Will you sit down now?” I asked Aravind and he sat back in his position. “Where did we leave?” I asked her. “To the point where you started with your lecture" she said nonchalantly. I now regret making him sit here because this idiot was chuckling. I glared at him and went back to my call. “I said not all are the same. Not all are like that bastard! You have to give a chance to yourself Viha! I promise if this doesn’t work I would never force you in this matter" I said. “with him" I whispered to myself. Of course I would never want my friend be single just because of that bastard. I saw Aravind staring at me. “What?” I whispered to him to which he shook his head. “Tell something, dumbo!” I said when I didn’t receive any kind of reaction. “What if he too turns out like him?” she whispered. “What if he doesn’t turn out like him?” I asked her with beaming hope. She exhaled. “Fine! But I won’t rush or do anything on my own. I leave it to God as you say" she said. I could imagine her smiling on the other side. Her reply made me extremely happy. “Your the best! You know?” I was clapping now. Aravind was literally laughing. I didn’t bother any ways. “I’m glad you gave a chance to yourself!”
“I wish you were here I would have showered you with kisses!” I said smiling. “Adi? I have to go now they are calling me. Take care yourself okay? And I’m not angry with you so stop tormenting yourself anymore.” She paused and I nodded as if she would be able to see that. “Take care of her Aravind. And you have to be little strict to get her eat something. Don’t be moderate with her. Okay? I’m trusting her to you!” she said, which was completely unexpected. “I will!” he said. He was so damn sincere in what he said and I did believe him. He got my phone and placed it back when she cut the call. “Lie down here, I’ll get your lunch" he said as he got up. “Lunch?!”
“Yes!” he replied as nonchalant as a human could. “What about breakfast?”
“It’s two in the afternoon, sweetheart"
“What the hell?!” I exclaimed. “I slept for the whole morning? Like seriously?!” I was wondering how a person can sleep so long. “Don’t wonder how you could sleep so long. Your sick and it’s good to have a good rest.” He said looking down at me with a smile. I just nodded. He actually read my mind! I know I had a horrified expression. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. My eyes widened to such an extent that I wonder if my lashes touched my hair. He went out like he didn’t even do anything before a second.

I waited for him in my room patiently. I slowly drifted to sleep again. I woke up again when a mouth-watering aroma hit my nostrils. I opened my right eye to see if I wasn’t dreaming about the aroma. There wasn’t any food around so I shut my eyes again. “Are you that hungry to imagine food's aroma in dream, like real?!” my brain just chide with how I was. The point was my brain too is like that not just body, right?
“Open your eyes! Food is for real!” I heard Aravind speak from somewhere near. I blot upright when I heard the word “food". I heard him chuckle. I didn’t bother anyways. I was that hungry that I could eat all the food available on earth. “I see someone is starving" he said controlling his laugh. I didn’t care even now. I tried to get my food but I couldn’t. I guess I’m still weak. “I threw everything up to my intestine! How do you expect me to not feel hungry? Huh?” I asked him still looking at the food. It looked delicious. But that moron didn’t bother to come near so I could reach my food. How mean can a person be? I grumbled and winced trying to reach the plate but he look a step backwards. Finally I gave up. “Go hang with your food!” I shouted and laid down covering my head.

I felt my bed move a little. Maybe the impact from him sitting near me. Now the aroma was much more stronger and I covered my face so hard that I couldn’t breath after a second. “Come on get up! Have your food. We’ll see if you could eat on your own" he said in a mocking tone. I was irked by now. “Get the hell out of here! With you damn food! I can manage on my own!” I shouted from inside my blanket. “I know your stubborn. You can’t even ask me help to have your food. Now get up and have it or I’m going to eat it" he said with a warning in his tone. “Eat!” I said still inside my blanket. He was right, I’m very stubborn, like a goat. “Look how delicious it looks. Wow! What a smell!....Hmmm...delicious!” he said as he started eating the food, no my food! I pulled the blanket off and sat straight. “How can a person be like this? Your really eating a sick person’s food. Your so bad" I said keeping a sad-about to cry face- looking into his eyes. “Your such a great actor! But that won’t work on me so don’t waste your energy.” He said still eating his, sorry my food. I pulled the plate from him roughly. And started eating. I did feel his gaze on me but I didn’t pay attention. The food was amazing by the way. I didn’t expect he could cook. This good! “You cook great!” I said between my chewing. “Hmm...I didn’t think you have such a big heart to even compliment when your angry" he said acting to be thinking. I just pinched his arm and continued to eat. "I have a big heart but I hate you!" I said and he chuckled. "What's so funny? Did you hit your head somewhere?" I asked seemingly angry. "Just yesterday you confessed you love me" he said in an overconfident voice. "Ha! Ha! Ha! But that was yesterday!" I said seriously. "Your mad...but I still love you so" there my hatred was buried.

“Why did you fall sick all of the sudden? You were alright yesterday.” He asked all of a sudden making me choke on my food. I looked at him with a pathetic look thinking he won’t ask me again but that stubborn goat didn’t seem to budge at all. He raised his left eyebrow meaning- these are not going to work on me- I let out a breath. “Fine!” I grumbled and I saw his lips quivered upwards. “This is the first time someone can make me do things! Ugh!!!” I thought. “Glad it's me!” he said with the bow. “Why am I such a slippery mouth with you?!” I winced with my pathetic condition. “Say it out, Adiya!” I’m done! Who asked him to take my name now! Yes, it has become my weakness in recent times even before he confessed his feelings to me. I don’t know if he is doing these things knowingly or unknowingly. “It’s nothing, Aravind!” I said sweetly. Guess what? It didn’t work. “You know it won’t work" he nonchalantly shrugged. I felt like breaking his shoulders right now. “I got sick because I fought with Viha last night and I hurt her even though I was right in a way, I hurt her, so" I said, feeling sad as the image of her sad face came in front of my eyes. I shut my eyes trying to control my tears. “You...” he said making me open my eyes and look at him. Thankfully it didn’t have tears. “You...were sick because you hurt your friend and you were sad? It’s like how I think right?” he looked confused, of course who on earth would think I’m so emotional. “You too thought I’m a stone is it?”
“Of course not! I knew you were a kind-hearted person but not this much, not so emotional” he was genuine and I just smiled and resumed eating. “This always happens? Like when ever you fight with your loved ones?” I can see how curious he was, it made me chuckle. “Not always. Like when I realise how much I hurt that person or may be when I realise I won’t have them again or when I think the person who understood me so much is not able to understand a small thing or when I’m badly hurt" with that I resumed my eating. He didn’t say anything. He was silent for sometime. He suddenly kissed my forehead, making my eyes widened. “I wish I would never hurt you so much” was all he said. God!!! “Are you planning to make a sick girl cry now?” I asked pushing him from me. He smiled, kissed my head again, took my eaten plate and went out of my room making me think about everything which just happened. “I’m just lucky to have you. Thank you God” I thanked God and went to sleep.

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