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We rode to her bakery. We pulled down near a building. It seemed quite famous. 'Smile' was written in a colourful font in the top of the entrance. "Why 'smile'?" I asked unable to control my curiosity. "I got this shop when I had forgotten how to smile so SMILE, a note for me to remember to be happy even if I'm struggling in the worst storms" she said smiling. I felt so proud about her. "I'm so proud of you! You built yourself into such a strong woman" I said ruffling her hair a little. She smiled, a smile from heart. "But I keep breaking that strong woman" I mumbled under my breath. "Your my pain, heal, strength, cries, smiles everything Aravind, every-thing!" She said and my eyes welled up. "Please Aravind! I can't see you cry!" she had tears of her own. I pulled her into a hug and I hide my face in the crook of her neck. I was trying to not cry but I couldn't. When she said I was her everything, her pain, her heal, her cries, her smiles it really made me cry. No one have seen me so important and special. I hurt someone so much it felt terrible. Even after giving so much pain she still said she can't see me cry. "I'm the worst person on earth, Adhu! I don't know to value you! I promise I have a reason to be angry with you and it sucks to be angry on you and hurt you so much. I swear if I was wrong with the reason I'm angry on you, I would never forgive myself!" I held her so tight like my life depended on her. Actually my life do depends on her. What if I was wrong? What if she left me when she comes to know it? "I would still love you, Aravind. How much ever wrong you are or you hurt me or even break me my heart would still want you. You are the first and the last guy whom I love and the first and the last who became priceless to me in such a short duration" she whispered. Her words made me feel good and bad at the same time.

"Adi Beta?" we heard an elderly woman's voice making us pull away. I quickly wiped my face before she could notice. She seemed to be in her mid sixties. She approached us, most likely Adiya. "How have you been?" she asked in a motherly tone. Adiya seemed more than happy to see the woman. "Meenakshi Aunty!" she literally ran to hug her. They seemed like grandmother and granddaughter right now. They were speaking and speaking and speaking about God knows what and whom. Finally the lady noticed a 6.5 foot huge man standing a few foot behind them. "He?" she saw me as if I was some criminal. "Aravind-" she cut Adiya off. "Ohh!!! The lucky man to win your heart?!" she exclaimed. Wow! Granny do have a great network to collect information about everyone and everything I guess! I chuckled inwardly. For some reason I didn't like her very much, maybe because she spoiled our moment. Just because Adiya liked her I couldn't even think of liking her. She seemed fake to me, like she was with Adiya only for her bakery or something.

The lady, whom I came to know as Meenakshi took us both inside the bakery. The bakery was more like a cafe it looked beautiful. It smelled delicious too, from all the fresh bread and cake and everything. "I'll meet my VIP guests and come. You go with Aunty to the kitchen" Adiya said when I noticed her stop. "Where?" I asked. "I told you" she simply answered. "I'm coming with you. I too want to meet you 'VIP guests'" no ways would I want to spent time with that lady all alone. Adiya glared at me, warning me to better go. "They won't like you." She whispered teasing me. "Come on, Adiya! That lady looks at me so weirdly. Please don't leave your boyfriend all alone with someone like this" I whispered when Adiya was killing me with her glares and the women next to her giving me the most weirdest look. "Fine! Aunty you go to kitchen and ask everyone to gather so we could speak" she said and pulled me - to God knows where - by my wrist. "Why do you even like that lady?" I asked when I saw her disappearing behind a door. "Why don't you like her?" she questioned back. I simply glared at her when I didn't receive my answer. "She is one of my friend's grandmother so" I let out a relieved sigh. "What?"

"Thank God you like her because she is your friend's grandmother" she simply chuckled. "What's her...granddaughter doing?" I slowly asked when she began walking again. She stopped with a stomp. She turned around to give me a deadly glare, which I'm actually scared of at times. "What did you say?" she again asked in a deadly slow tone. I gulped thinking if I should repeat the question or not. "I asked what her granddaughter doing?" I replied nonchalantly. She came close to me with the same glare, narrowing her eyes further. I saw her jaws tighten. I still played the innocent to see what she would really do when I was actually trying to get to know about a girl. "Aravind" she gritted. I really am loving the scene in front of me. "Yes?" I replied in the same tone as before. "Don't you dare try all these on me!" she gritted again. "Hmm? What will you do?" I asked daringly. "I'll kill you!" she raised her voice. "Is it?" I stepped closer. "Look! You be friends with any girl but if you flirt with them, I swear I'll kill you!" she had her fist close to her face ready to beat me up if I did the otherwise. "You look adorable when your angry" I whispered. She scowled and walked away from me. I smiled at my sweet fiancé.

I followed her to see her VIP guests. There were so many kids, poor homeless kids, having some desserts and all. I walked in distracting the discussion around Adiya. "This is Aravind my-" I cut her off when I knew what she was going to say. "Her fiancé" I said and all the children started yelling with happiness. See kids like me. I thought.

We enjoyed our time with the children. Adiya wasn't showing her anger to me at all! I wonder if she is not angry on me anymore. A young lady informed Adiya that they were ready for the meeting.

She led me to a kitchen. Few staffs were gathered in one place. Everyone were so happy to see Adiya among them. She walked towards them to speak about the meeting and stuffs. I kindly excused myself not wanting to disturb her with her meeting. I stood little far from them watching how Adiya spoke, just like a businesswoman. I was really happy to see her this way. I stood smiling at my lioness.

I turned to look beside me when I felt someone's presence near me. A young girl stood smiling at me. She had brown hair, green eyes and a broad smile on her pale face. She seemed to be a sweet girl. I smiled back not wanting to be rude. "Hello! I'm Lila, Adi's friend." She said extending her hand for a shake, which I took. I opened my mouth only to be cut off by her. "I know who you are. I'm sorry but I overheard both of your cute fight in the corridor" she said with a small smile. "Oh, that! What do I say. I wanted to know what she would do if I asked her about a girl. First she actually was angry but then she's behaving like nothing ever happened" I replied honestly. I had a feeling like she was more like Payal to me. Her smile never faded from her lips. "Adi was always that way. She never gives anyone a small chance to speak about people she love. I bet you she would slaughter you when you both are alone but not even let anyone see you had a fight or argument." She said and moved to the small gathering. I nodded with a smile when I understood what she wanted me to understand.

We reached home after all of her instructions and guidelines to the staff. She got off the car as soon as I parked the car. She neither spoke a word to me the whole drive nor did she wait for me now. I damned everything! She is furious with me. It's my duty to convince her. I walked to our room but madam was nowhere to be seen. I searched the whole house but couldn't find her. Where the hell did you disappear? I even saw for her friends but they had gone for a small shopping with Abi ma. There was only one room left. Mom and Dad's room. I stopped when I heard her voice in mom's room. Her voice was sad. I saw the room door ajar a little. I peeped in to see her lying on mom's lap. It shook me. What if I'm really wrong? I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock. "I love him, amma." She said and I froze. She was speaking about me? I waited not wanting to disturb their talk. "It's been two weeks now! He still has that distrust in his eyes. I won't lie, I do see love at times but they all disappear like they were just a dream. Today" she stopped, probably thinking what to say or maybe if she could say. "Princess? You know you can tell me" mom whispered. It was so cooing to my ears. I let out a small breath and moved from the door placing my back on the wall listening to their small chat. "Today I had my admission works and few works in my bakery too. He was there with me the whole day. It felt so normal. I could see the guy who loved me the whole day. I'm falling week amma. What if he leaves me someday? What if...what if Viha, Hayan and Payal's words come true? I'll break. I'll break to such an extent that I won't be able to gather the pieces back. I'm sure of that." Her voice was cracking so much that it cracked my heart. "He kissed me today and told me he loved me" she whispered. "I anyways know all those were just because I hugged Richard. I wish they really came for without a reason. He was jealous, which means he do love me right?" she asked gaining a bit of hope. Of course I do! Stupid! I answered her question, mentally. "You know he does" mom said. Mom is mom always. "I think what Vihu said is right. I mean I think he is thinking that way. Why don't you both speak and solve it?" mom said making her sniff more. She was crying more now! Just because of me! I so wanted to go say her everything. "I won't" she whispered. "Why?" mom asked. "Because I promised him I would not ask him why he is angry with me. He has his right on me, amma. Even his anger is a way he shows love. At least that way I'm someone to him. Even if that means someone on whom he is angry and someone whom he is probably misunderstanding" her words broke me. I felt so bad. I feel like I really am not deserving for her love. "What if he never understands you?"

"I'll wait until he understood me. Even if that means...forever!" She meant each and every word of hers. I had tears in my eyes.

No more anger! No more pain! For something I'm not sure of. Something which is spoiling everything. I don't believe she did that anymore. No more distrust! I love you, Adiya! I'm not going to hurt you anymore!

I took a deep before doing what I was going to do.

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