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Upon waking in the morning,I get up,stretch and go about my morning routine, head downstairs enjoy a feast of Greek breakfast, spend some time with the family, Adonis has asked me what its kike in Ireland. I tell him everything imaginable I could think of from my travels across my countries, the hills of greens. The waves of the ocean crashing against our rocks, and so much more, after breakfast I head back up to my room for a little rest with my leg but also the pregnancy. My Dr. Said with my small frame I may tire a little easier And to not push myself if I don't have to and that's what I did most of the morning our on my balcony listening to a mixture of music and reading a book. When it came time for lunch I headed down and again it was a feast,I swear all they do is eat,Silas was always eating if there was food I remembered. Must have had a somber look on my face bevause my brother asked if I was ok, I told him that once I dated a Greek boy, that we have recently seem each other again but he doesn't want anything to do with me, he says it's his loss and not to dwell on it, I tell him a little about my past with Silas,not mentioning his name I don't know if they know each other or what their pasts were like,for all I know they could know each other and are enemies like jade and I were when I went to Ashley waters,it could also be more of a frenemy situation so I leave out his name on purpose. And then we talk about other things, I eventually tell atlas about my childhood and how father was never around, I told him a out some of the abuse I endured from the stepmother, leaving out the more gruesome details, I tell him about the nine loves I had that saved me, I was for the looks of disgust,they never came,he says I'm Greek and that's how I grew up,but you love who you love, follow your heart is what I say,and in that situation why chose, I tell him about my babies and the fathers of them, again another poly relationship and I tell him I still love the other nine as well,he tells me it's ok to love more than one at a time, if my heart has chosen all so be it,not sure how it works in poly relationship but as long as your happy,it's what's right for you.  As we were talking in the sitting room and getting to know each other,we heard crashing coming from the terrace, and we both went to see was all the commotion,what we didn't expect to see was the children fighting and causing a stir, but as soon as atlas broke then up,all apologized to his highness, I just looked at him wide and with a sheepish look he explained he was the prince of Greece, apparently he was told by grandfather they received him before they knew about me,so it was told to him that he would be the the Greek prince while I was Ireland's princess.
The children were restless so I managed to settle them down and told them a short story of leprechauns. So I told them a short story.
(All this leprechaun info comes from Google)
Legend has it that a leprechaun is a type of fairy that stands about as tall as a three-year-old child.

A leprechaun is usually described as a bearded man who wears a green suit and hat. It’s believed there are no female leprechauns to be found.

According to stories, the leprechaun is a shoemaker who spends most of his time making and fixing shoes. In fact, some say when a leprechaun is near, you can hear the tap-tap-tapping of his tiny hammer as he drives nails into shoes. These little men are also said to be very mischievous and enjoy playing tricks on those they meet.

So I warm them to be have and the leprechaun will leave them alone, but I'm sure that if there is one that followed me he's hiding somewhere inside,but in order to catch it,they have to be quiet And work together to find it.

Looking up to atlas and Adonis who had joined us during my short tale and they just smiled and said your really great with the kids,I tell them I hope so or I'm in the wrong kind of business,they look at me strange and I tell them about hidden Hearts Ranch and the different kinds of therapy we so there, I tell them about little moon and how it houses underage children waiting for an appropriate home. This just seems to intrigue them.  So I tell him about the different things we do.

Just then the children came back saying they couldn't find it, I said you have to be patient,that it will come out when it's ready and I asked in the meantime if they wanted a song, so I sung to them one of my songs I would always sing when in Ireland, one of the older boys asked me to dance with him so I entertained him and did, somehow I was passed along to Adonis then to Atlas, and that's when it happened,
I heard the bellow before I saw him, making quick strides across the room was North Taylor and Silas was standing in the doorway with an expression I could not figure out. He looked to Adonis, to me,to Atlas and to me still in my brothers arms,what do you want we were dancing and he's my brother eewwww.
At this point North ripped him away from me,coming between us causing me to stumble a little,thank God Adonis was there to catch me before I fell,the table didn't look to promising to fall into.
I thanked him for helping me, but the men in the room all just stared at one another,I get the feeling they know each other and I'm about to be in the middle of this.

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