my past

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God I love the man I now call papa,its like he knows when I needed him, cause here he is an all his glory, and what the first thing he does, he yealls at me for being up when i.should be resting,thats one thing I can say he is as observant as I am and noticed right way that I was using my crutches with no prosthetic on, so he knew I pushed it this time, this is how I know he loves me like the daughter he has claimed me to be. He looks first then asks questions then the consequences. When he notices the guys standing there not doing anything he just gives them a look, and soon the fire is going chairs are being placed ina circle around it including the Blackbourne team not sure where they had their chairs but sure enough they all had one, the only thing forgot was my chair,they remembered by father's,and brothers chairs. But that didn't faze dad at all, he just came over scooped me from the doorway,close the screen door, and put me in Raven's lap. He seems to have favorites among my guys I've noticed, cause when he does this it's usually certain guys. But he has all seen me be placed in the others laps by their brothers or over moved myself. But tonight I didn't care,cause as soon as raven had me secured the crutches were placed else where and Corey put my good leg across his lap. So I snuggled down into raven and for comfortable for the bedtime story we were about to tell to the ones that don't know. Odd thing is this is just the beginning I have a feeling that my ties run deeper than anyone thinks with the underground.

So with that thought everyone looked to my father who looked at me and nodded telling me to go ahead starting with that fateful day.

I cleared my throat and looked at all the guys from past and asked what they knew and the big question before I told my story.

It was kota who started and the first thing he did was apologize for that day. But it was Me. Blackbourne who said it was decide to have a family meeting about,mind you a family meeting without me,so how do you think they made me feel,but I'll let it go for now, he proceeded to tell me about the threats from volto,thought if I was away from them he would stop all things together. Ha If  only they knew.

They also explained they voted on it to let me go,truly makes me feel part of the family note the sarcasm.

And this is where I stepped in,

I asked if they knew or it found out that my dad kicked me out of the house, they paled, that's right boys you never asked probably didn't realize I was intears when I walked into Nathan's that night, I told them he kicked me out right before they threw me away like yesterday's trash, they started to argue it wasn't like that,but I had to remind them, I had no where to go they knew that, I had no identity,no documents,where was I going to go.

They were quiet after that, probably thinking real hard about it.

They asked me where I went then, I told them I had lived on the streets for the next month,some of them looked they would be sick hearing that I didn't care,they needed to know. They said if that was where I ended up I should have came to one of them as if I would do that when they clearly didn't want me around. They also said I could have went to the academy hospital and sought help, they say it like I would know that, but they also should know I would never do that that I would feel like a burden and they need to help others who really needed it at that point. They tried to argue my Damien shut that down real quick that they could have set me up with something if they remember to think about how I was raised. And what I was always told by my stepmother,yup silence again, and these guys were supposed to be academy trained.

The asked how i managed to get off the streets in such a short time I'd I didn't seek out academy help, I just looked at Damien and pointed at him and said Damien found me hiding behind a dumpster in one of the alleys downtown, gave me a sincere look and waited for me to except his help,I knew I could trust him he never gave me that uncomfortable nfeelinf saying to be wary of him, but also by then I was sore,bruised,my body was littered in all sorts of colors and knife marks, I told them in that month I tried to really harm myself because I figured what's the point in living if no one wanted me,that was the day Damien found me and took me to his place, where he let me shower and gave some clean clothes to put on,he does me and then introduced me to allesandro, he took me in,had me finish my schooling online, since I was a ghost he figured it would be better, I learned Italian and Gaelic as well at this time. He has been encouraging me to continue my languages so that I could go anywhere in the world and not have to worry about the language barrier since they come so easy to me. I have also learned Croatia just recently though a certain someone didn't know I was learning it. Liam just looked at me with awe and something I can't describe.

Silas asked how many languages I know at this point and I told them I'm up to about 30now with their corresponding sign languages. They seemed to be impressed with that;it its true,I'm usually studying on the plane back and to from the states of I'm not sleeping.

I told them how I moved to Italy with Alessandro and Damien after I was healed enough to fly,how they trained me in everything,riding horses, weapons,combat and all that stuff. Dad don't want me to be somewhere and not be able to defend myself. I didnt tell them it was because he originally wanted me to join hima nd Damien on the things they do, we told them how dad had restructured his Mafia, dad does as much good as bad so to him it evens out, I can change everythingy about the Mafia so I took a stand on one particular area, and eventually got point across, while all this was happening he had legal papers that only him,Damien and myself new about for adoption papers his lawyer new if word got out he wps be a dead man walking. But the people got to know me and saw how close we were they just started calling me little Berlosconi. At this point dad had already changed my name and he said I could use any of the last names but he would be proud for me to use his last name when I introduced myself to people,so thats what I did, we then told them how dad sent me to Russia to deal with uncle Alex on his part in human trafficking, I eventually wom him over too, he also gave me some.morw and different training than what dad gave me, between the two of them, they for me into the academy overseas and we all know how the academy likes ghosts and me still being the only one at the time was inevitable, and since I came trained beyond what they train it was a non Rainer I graduated within the two months. And became a full fledge member. This is where the boy stopped me and stared wide eyes, and asked about the timing I became a member and told them, and they asked if I was the one to return all the favors rhGey used on me and then some to get them to graduate I said yes and they couldn't believe it.
Anywho to continue on, it rurns out I had to wait for an American academy team I think they were originally coming into to try to stop the human trafficking ring but ended up being recon instead, so they helped clear the compound and sent those home who wanted it and helped those others to a better life, this is where I found raven, he just squeezed me and kissed my temple I smiled up at him. He said something about after that he met his sunshine because the academy team that was helping sent him to the states to get proper treatment and felt not only could the academy help him but he could help them being a professional Russian and all and it was recommended to try to pair him up with Axel and his team. So that's how they for raven, after words I went to another cell seeing a man there he was hiding in the shadows and wouldn't come out, I figured the Kalo team would be down soon so I went into his cell, to get a better read on him but when he faced me I saw the white volto mask so me being stupid and anxious to know who was my tormentor all this time I approached him with caution and managed to take off his mask turned out it was someone I went o school with in Illinois, apparently he had a cousin he lost to the academy and didn't want his future falling into the same thing. So yes while you thought you were helping me,did you ask yourself if I was maybe more of a burden then you wanted or maybe trying to save yourselves subconsciously because you thought maybe he would follow me. Think about it. But anyway after our little discussion he ended up lunging at me and before I could even think what was happening he jabbed a needle into my leg,not sure if that's where he meant to put it, though,Chess and Liam came flying down the moment I screamed Wich I was surprised they heard due to the damage of my throat, at this chess managed to catch me from falling to the floor and I heard Liam telling someone who assume was Sergio to kill him before the darkness consumed me. Apparently whatever drug he used pretty much killed my leg and nerves beyond repair so they amputated it and I was in an induced coma for about three weeks, but didn't wake up about a week later, I was disoriented for a little when everything came rushing back about what happened. The only question I asked I think at the time is if he was dead which indeed yes he was I couldn't tell you how relieved I was to find that out and I don't feel bad about it. But anyways once that relief settle in a asked about my leg and they told me it was to far gone so they had to take it and they had fitted me for a prosthetic leg. I have several at this point all with a different function or a different purpose. I said as I yawned, dad must have noticed and asked Corey and raven to take me to bed he told Cody and Damien to take the food down table and couch in the trailer and he would take the spare bedroom for the night and with that none argued and the guys proceeded to the rightful tents and we all slept knowing there is still more to this story to come the Blackbourne team more angry and confused at the same time more than ever they put her in that position but couldn't do anything about it now,for now they had to wait out the story till tomorrow. Probably after the day of rodeo work.

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