Alistair and Killian

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Aye, the princess has not returned from what we have been told, she has not been to the castle, and that fool Killian doesn't know when she will return, I told him I saw her in the states and that she said she would be back in her homeland soon, you know what the old fool did,he just laughed, and said if she told me she would be returning to her homeland soon,then she will most likely will, the only thing Alistair didn't know, was that while Ireland is her home country, she also has a home in the states,Russia, Greece,and Italy, and now she is welcome in the Nordic regions.

Alistair is furious at this point,he wants her no matter which way he gets her. He feels that the unity between Scotland and Ireland could be stronger if they were to come together. Little did he know of the ties that truly bind her to her family,blood and chosen. For he does not know her deep roots to the underground and that someone is keeping an eye on him.


I can't believe she has this going on now,she is finally learning to truly live with the ones who love her, her men, Allesandro,Damien,Cody, her uncles, her brothers whom she has learned she has, the men in her life and the children she has and is yet to come. What more could someone ask of her and in a darkway. Nope this Alistair guy has got to be taught a lesson and I know just the man to do it. After all he is the one she trusts the most with her people when she can't be there. Time to call upon Killian and his men this time.

Why can't Alistair just leave Sang alone,shes happy with the seventeen men in her life,a little much,but they keep her happy, and that's all that matters.

I have a pretty bad feeling about this, not to mention we still don't know who in the underground is truly looking for her just someone of high power.

As. Coming up with a plan to get rid of Alistair,the phone rings and Connor comes in and says it's a high ranker,that is cue this underground business and is to not be ignored. So with that I say hello and the only thing that is told to me, is that it is up to the Irish to remove Alistair by any means necessary from Sangs life. Well you know what that means,let's just hope this doesn't get messy, but I should probably get Sang and her boys here to talk strategy after all if she's here,he will come quicker.


I can't give I'm married, with family and friends, most of all my papa and my sister. With the men in her life, she is much happier, even if nine of them did throw her out like trash a couple years ago, they have come to their senses and let's just hope it stays that way. While at the reception I say our thank yous to everyone and I might embarrass my sister a bit. You see the stories she told me when she first came back from her trip from Ireland, she ended up in one of the many pubs and she said there were college guys singing a traditional Irish song,called seven drunk nights,she laughed so hard and couldn't believe it, well on one of the trips she managed to befriend them, so with that I managed to call them and had them flown here for a short of reunion, so with that I told the story, watching Sang,she is turning tomato red and her boys look amused, guess she never told them her Irish adventures, as she's trying to hide behind Liam I tell the story to our guests and everybody is laughing at her antics and I look straight at my sister and tell everyone to welcome, Callum,Scott,David,Thomas,and Daniel. Upon them entering, the look on my sister's face is priceless, with a glare to myself, and a hand from Callum she ends up joining them as they sing seven drunken nights.


I could not believe my brother, and the looks my men gave me, some confused,some with indifference,but mostly amused looks. But when Callum came up to me with that twinkle of mischief in his eye,offered his hand up for me,I gladly accepted and joined him and the rest of the boys and sing this song with them. When we finished, I hugged the boys, we were about to start another Irish favorite when I looked out into the crowd and saw Connor, my uncle's second in command and by the look,this was not good. I quietly thanked the boys but with a nod in Connors direction I told them duty calls. These boys are the only ones in Ireland outside of those that live in the castle that know I'm the princess. When they look in the direction I nodded they all hugged me and said good luck. And with that I grabbed Dad,Damien,Cody,  and Chester, told the rest to stay put we will be back.

Something tells me they won't by the look on my face, but Owen and Axle manage to keep everyone their.

With the men I grabbed in tow, I make my way to Connor and he tells me that my Uncle has been shot, and they don't know if he will make it, I asked him by who, and the only name he gives me, is Alistair. With tears streaming down my face I look to Chess,whos had his arms around me the whole time, and tell him to prepare everyone. By the look of confusion, I tell him we are headed to Ireland. He looks at me and with a gentle kiss,goes and talks to the boys,. Meanwhile with dad and my brothers,we head into the house and have our own discussion, dad to leave the kids while we go and deal with this,bit to make sure to call Damien if I need more help and also that he will inform uncle Alex. I tried to argue with him about leaving the kids,but he insists, besides he tells me, they also have the family to help make sure they are safe, and with that statement knowing my dad, brothers, and the Italian family I agree.

Now I'm headed to Ireland,let's see how the boys like it.

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