49. Epiphany | احساس

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The running vehicle finally pulled up in front of a huge building in Karachi. The banner on the top read Khan-Raza NGO. It was one of the many extended branches of this NGO for helping women and children. Ameen Hashmi had given him this address which was the one he gave to Safa to meet Waliya - where she lived.

Azlan was sure about her coming here to meet her sister. A heartfelt smile reached his face as he looked at the building. This could lead him to her. He was finally getting somewhere. He was going to find her, eventually. He was sure of it. A steely determination shone in his eyes, reflecting the silver chaos of moon looking down at him.

Azlan Shehryar was finally going to meet Safa Hayat.

The thought brought him immense joy only to be overshadowed by fright later. He was scared. What if she refused to see him? Which he was pretty sure she would. But he had to talk to her. He needed to tell her everything. She needed to know the truth. Not that he expected a warm welcome from her after knowing everything. No, he didn't even think on those lines. She had all the rights to hate him, to never even want to see his face again. Whatever decision she'd make, he already respected it.

All he wanted was to apologize to her, to tell her how sorry he was. He didn't even seek her forgiveness. He didn't deserve it. He didn't want her to forgive him because the day she did that, it meant he was dead to her, and only God knows how much, just a mere thought of it, rattled him. He just wanted to say sorry for being a demon of her past.

"Hey, can I help you?" A male voice pulled him out of his haze, making him jerk his head. The guy with woody hair strode towards him. "I'm Ahid Khan, the owner of this NGO." He extended his hands towards Azlan with a polite smile.

"Azlan...Azlan Shehryar." He introduced himself, shaking his head. It had started drizzling again.

"How can I help you, Azlan Shehryar?" The owner inquired as he gaped too keenly at the crestfallen expressions embedded on his face. "If you need a place to stay, you are more than welcome here."

"No, no. I'm not here to stay. I needed some information."

A frown made its presence known on Ahid's forehead as he questioned. "What kind of information?"

"I'm searching for this girl named Safa Hayat. Has she, by any chance, dropped by?" He started at him with such helplessness and hope that it made Ahid's heart sink.

"Why are you asking, may I ask?" His tone was still polite, but the smile had vanished now.

Azlan gawked at him, not knowing what to say.

"I...uh..." he stuttered. "There's something she really needs to know. Can you please tell me where she is?" He pleaded like a kid.



"She's here."

Somehow the guy had gotten the idea why he was asking. Eyes are the windows to soul. And he had seen it through his eyes. He himself had been there, too, once. So he was very well acquainted with this agonizingly empty feeling. He wanted to help him. If he was lucky enough to get a chance at love, who was he to stop someone else from having what he has now?

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