Episode 1, He can sing?!

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Ava walked past the group that usually said rude things, She gripped her books tighter hoping they didnt see her "Oh look, Its the girl who cant dress normally to save her life" She paused hearing Drew's voice. She turned on her heels "What is it today Drew? I just want to get to class on time" She replied and quickly walked off 


Ava sat on Sean's desk infront of his laptop as Zander and Milly were arguing "How long till they realise it's probably gonna be both?" She asked Sean "Till they get interrupted" Hailey groaned "I already said there can be elements of both!" She said to stop the argument. Ava had her tambourine next to her just incase nobody came to audition and they were just going to start rehearsals early, As if by magic a boy came in. Specifically Jake, The boy who bullied her for her fashion sense. Ava felt a feeling of pain in her stomach seeing him "Uh, Is this the music club? Seems i've stumbled across the debate club instead "Why are you here? Came to bully us for our talent?" Ava said and jumped off the table "Actually. Im here to audition" Jake replied "Oh, Finally, We've been  waiting for someone to c-" Sean smiled but was interrupted "Is this meant to be a joke? Are you and your friends just trying to waste our time because you have nothing better to do" 

"No it isnt a joke. Im uh, here to sing." Jake defended "Alone" This gave Hailey, Zander and Ava a confused face "Sing? Are you sure those 'fRiEnDs'  arent here?" Ava asked raising an eyebrow "Uh, Is this a classmate or something?" Milly asked "Yeah he's a class mate. And he's also a massive douchebag. Get. Out" Zander threatened "Look im sorry for being a jerk, But wont you just hear me first?" Jake pleaded "I swear im good" He put his hand to his chest "Well, If you're so sure" Ava had the same idea Zander did. Hailey looked mad but Jake was pleased and Ava walked to stand next to Milly, Jake came to the microphone and Zander went to his piano meanwhile Sean went to play something. Jake started to sing and surprisingly he was actually pretty good 'Never knew a jerk like this could sing' Ava thought and crossed her arms 

Zander stopped playing while Sean was vibing to Jakes singing and when he was done, Milly started to clap for him "Damn, Dude" Sean said "Woah! Your amazing! He HAS to sing for us" Milly exclaimed and motioned to Hailey "Yeah, You're really good" Luke smiled surprised "You do have talent, Surprisingly" Ava mumbled the last part till Zander yelled "NO WAY. He is NOT joining our group let alone sing for us in the competition. Hailey dont tell me your considering this!" Zander asked his step sister  "Hey, Come on, Shouldnt we give him a chance Zander?" Luke asked Zander softly "He is a good singer Zander. You should atleast try tolerate him" Ava continued Luke's statement 

"Im going to the bathroom." Zander stormed out and Luke followed his best friend "Ugh, He's so dramatic" Milly complained "I dont get why he's so upset" Hailey walked up to Jake "Look, I dont know what your intentions are but i cant deny that your good" Hailey crossed her arms "Im not so talentless after all, Am i?" Jake smirked making Hailey sigh "I'll let you join," Jake was pleased by this "But only because we could really use you. However if your ever rude or step out of line with anyone of us. Then your out this is my family and im not having you tear it down. Got it?" Hailey explained "I understand, I'll be on my best behaviour ma'am!" Jake saluted then Hailey walked out to find Zander

 "Well, Welcome to the club uhh-" Sean blanked on his name "Jake" Jake replied and Ava walked over "Nice to meet you Jake, Im Sean i dabble in pretty much anything music related and i love producing and this is" Sean was interrupted by Milly jumped behind Jake "Millicent! But you can call me Milly. Im the main guitarist and best one out of everyone"  Milly rolled her eyes speaking very unmodestly, Sean laughed "Yes, Thank you Milly. As she said she mainly plays the electric guitar." Sean noted "Word of warning dont get on her bad side" Ava whispered to Jake and saw Milly practicing her kicks and punches. Ava walked over to practice her tambourine "Thats Ava, She mainly plays the tambourine. She may have an odd taste of fashion but she's very reliable for secrets, She's also Hailey's childhood best friend" Sean introduced the rest while Ava got ready to walk home

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