✳Chapter 23✳

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"Well you are doing a great job." Karl said snapping me out of my daze. "Thanks." I said messing with the bracelet on my wrist.  We talked for a little while before everyone made their way into the living room.

Before we left I grabbed Kayla's stroller and put her in her car seat. I got into the car with George, Dream, Tubbo, and Kayla. Me and Tubbo sat in the back with Kayla's car seat in between us, with George and Dream in the front. Everyone piled into different cars and we made our way to breakfast.

Once we got there Dream and George went inside to get us a seat. The rest of us sat outside and waited. "Do you really think they can seat all ten of us and the baby?" Wilbur asked sitting on the bench outside the restaurant. "Lets hope." Tommy said sitting down on the sidewalk.

"Wilbur I'm going to go over to the grass patch over there, Kayla is getting fussy." I said pointing over towards where I was going. "Can I come with you?" Tubbo asked standing up from sitting next to Tommy. "Sure." I said as we started to walk away.

I set Kayla down in the grass once we got over to the grass. "Do you think there is something going on between Dream and George?" Tubbo asked as we watched Kayla run around in the grass. "Between you and me, George likes Dream and Dream likes him. I just think they are to scared to admit the truth." I said turning to face Tubbo.

"Makes sense." Tubbo said looking at me. As we stood and talked I felt a tug at one of the rips in my jeans. I looked down at Kayla who looked up at me and sat down in the grass. "I think she wants us to sit." I said looking up from Kayla and to Tubbo. Tubbo nodded and then the two of us sat down. 

 "I wonder why she wanted us to sit?" Tubbo questioned looking at Kayla and then back at me. "Mama." Kayla said grabbing my cheeks and giving me a quick kiss. "I guess she wanted to give me a kiss." I said tickling Kayla's sides, making her laugh. "She is so sweet." Tubbo said picking up Kayla and sitting her in his lap. 

"I wonder where she learned to kiss." I asked looking over to see a very flustered Tubbo. "Sorry." He said looking over at me. "I'm not mad. I think it's cute she gives kisses." I said leaning over getting closer to Tubbo. "Do you?" Tubbo asked leaning closer to me, I answered by nodding. 

Then once again for the second time that day we kissed, I moved my hand on back of his neck and he moved the hand that wasn't holding Kayla to my hip. After a minute we pulled away and just looked at each other. We looked down at Kayla who looked up at us and smiled. Tubbo kissed Kayla's cheek and then looked at her. She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him on the cheek.

I looked up at Tubbo and smiled and he looked at me and smiled. "Are you two done now?" Me and Tubbo looked over to see Sapnap with his arms crossed. "Nick, you interrupted their sweet moment." Karl whined shoving Nick to the side. "It's fine." I said backing slightly away from Tubbo. "Our table is ready." Karl said helping me up and then taking Kayla from Tubbo so he could get up.

Once we got up we took the short walk back to the restaurant, when we got back we went inside. We went to where very one else was and saw two tables pushed together. "There they are." George said as we went to our seats. We all sat down and the waiter came over to our table.

"Hi I'm Opal I will be- holy shit you guys are apart of the Dream Smp." The girl said as Ranboo and Dream quickly got up and walked away. "Yeah we are." Wilbur said looking up from the menu. "Can I get a picture?" The girl asked taking out her phone. We all looked at each other and nodded. We all gathered around the girl and she took our picture.

She put her phone away and  proceeded to take our drink orders. "Sky, can you go out to the car and grab the two pairs of mask and glasses out of the glove box?" George asked looking up from his phone. I looked at him weird before realizing the were for Ranboo and Dream, so I looked at him and nodded.

He threw me the keys and I caught them and then made my way to the door. I made it to the car and grabbed the two pairs of mask and glasses and went back inside. "George where are they?" I asked approaching the table. "They are in the bathroom." He said pointing towards the family restroom. I nodded and made my way over there.

I knocked and Dream answered the door. "The mask and glasses you requested, my kind sir." I said handing him the stuff. "Your a life saver, Sky." He said taking a pair of mask and glasses and handing them the Ranboo and then taking his pair. They put them on and then we walked back out to the table.

"Everything good?" Sapnap asked as we walked over. "Faces are now covered." Dream said sitting down next to George. I sat back down between Tubbo and Tommy. Tubbo once again put his hand on my thigh which peaked Tommy's interest. 

"Watch where you put your hand buddy." Tommy said leaning over me whispering to Tubbo. "Shut up." Tubbo said going slightly red. "I still have that video of you two kissing, I could just put it on Twitter." Tommy said pulling his phone out of his pocket. "You wouldn't." I said shaking my head at Tommy. 

"Oh but I would." Tommy said looking down at his phone. "Or I could put it on my Snapchat story." Tommy said pulling up his Snapchat. I looked at Tubbo who looked over at me and nodded. "Fine put it on your Snapchat." I said crossing my arms. Tommy looked up from his phone, shocked. "All of our friends would see it, you know?" Tommy said looking confused. "It's better than the whole internet seeing it." I said putting my hand over Tubbo's hand.

"Fine then." Tommy said adding it to his story. A few minutes later our server came out and took all of our orders and brought Kayla a bowl of fruit. Kayla ate her fruit and about 20 minutes later all of our food came out. Tubbo helped me feed Kayla, who was sat next to him, by breaking up her pancakes into bite sized pieces. We all ate and enjoyed breakfast and when we were done we went to the car and drove to where ever George had planned for us to go.

A/n: Finally! Chat I have been working on this chapter forever I just didn't know how I wanted it to work out, but here it is. Also if Tubbo is uncomfortable with any of this let me know. And as always thank you guys for all the votes and reads. Byeee I love you all! 

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