Chapter 10

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The awkwardness from the previous night was still present and neither of the boys had spoken to each other since. Kokichi almost couldn't stand the silence, but he didn't want to be the one to speak first.

Kokichi sat on the couch with Bean, scrolling aimlessly through his phone while Kaito stood in the kitchen, watching the time.

Kaito received a text from Shuichi and grabbed his bag. Kokichi looked up as the boy walked to the door. "Leave it unlocked. Miu is coming by soon," he said. Kaito simply nodded and waved, shutting the door behind him.

After a while, there was a sharp knock on the door and Miu walked into the house, followed by Kiibo who carried a large plastic box. "We are here Kokichi!" Kiibo said enthusiastically. Kokichi nodded and stood up off the couch, tossing his phone to the side.

"Hurry up we only have 6 hours to get this done!!" Kokichi said, rushing the two into Kaito's room.

"Calm down Kichi! I know you wanna impress your boyfriend, but you need to calm your tits, man!" Miu said, emphasizing the word boyfriend.

"Hes not boyfriend. He's just a friend, Miu," Kokichi said. He grabbed the photos that Kaito kept around his room and took them down gently, placing them out on the dining room table. He came back in and threw the sheets off of Kaito's bed, stripping the pillows of their pillowcases, and taking down the basic walls decals.

Kiibo set down the plastic box that contained some new wall decals and those glow in the dark plastic stars for your ceiling. "Are you sure he will be okay with a room makeover....?" Kiibo asks.

"It doesn't matter! All that matters is this is my Christmas gift to him and if he doesn't appreciate it, he's a dick hole!" Kokichi says. He digs through the box and found what he was looking for. He pulled out a bed sheet set that was printed with stars and constellations. He began fitting the sheets over the mattress and pillows. He makes the bed neatly and sat on the bed while Kiibo began putting the glow stars on the ceiling. Miu had ran back to her car to grab the paint they had bought.

Kiibo finished sticking the glow in the dark stars to the ceiling and began sticking the wall decals to the walls, Kokichi hopping off the bed to help with that.

Miu soon came back with the paint and Kokichi grinned. "Woo!! We're gonna get this done so soon!" Kokichi cheered.

Miu laughed and pat his head. "Calm down, ass hat," she says.

Kokichi smacked her hand away. "Ugh quit calling me an asshat, you dumb pig shit," Kokichi spat back. Kiibo laughed a little at them and squeezed in-between the two.

"Now now, let's not fight you two!" He says. "I have finished prepping the paint and we can now begin painting!"

Kokichi knelt down in front of the plastic box and dug through it for a paint brush. After finding one, he began painting stars and space ships and constellations on the walls, things him and Kaito have talked about while on the roof.

Kiibo began painting on the other side of the room while Miu sat in the middle of the floor and "supervised". "I have no artistic talent so I couldn't help anyways," was Miu's excuse, though the boys knew she just didn't want to do anything.

Kokichi flicked his paint brush at Miu, getting paint all over her face and hair.

"Whaa...KOKICHI!!" Miu grabbed a paint brush and dipped it in paint, chasing Kokichi around the house with it. Kokichi ducked under her arm and ran away from her as she angrily followed, her face covered in neon yellow paint.

Miu flicked the paint brush at him, paint spattering all over the back of his shirt and in his hair. Kokichi flicked his paint brush back at her and Kiibo stood in the doorway, watching the two fight with the paint.

"UGH YOU RUINED MY HAIR!!" Miu said as she threw the paint brush at him. It hit Kokichi right on the cheek, paint spattering outwards and all over his face and clothes. Kokichi threw his paint brush at Miu and was suddenly glad for the hardwood flooring in the house. It would be easier to clean up the paint.

Miu tackled Kokichi to the ground and began painting all over the boys face as he tried to wiggle away from her. He spread and smeared the paint that covered Miu's face all over while Miu jabbed the paint brush all over Kokichi's face.

Kiibo sat by them and waited til they tired themselves out. "Are you two done yet?" Kiibo asks.

Kokichi nods. "I'm out of paint."

"Ugh. I'm going to take a shower. I can't be a super awesome super gorgeous genius if I'm covered in dumb neon paint!" Miu says, walking towards the bathroom.

Kokichi stood up and headed to Kaito's bathroom to wash his hands. He pulled his hair back into a ponytail and washed the paint off of his hands. He'd wash his face off later that night, though hopefully he would have time before Kaito came back home.

After Kokichi came out of the bathroom, he walked down the hall to his own room. Digging around for something. "God dammit don't tell me I fucking lost it!" Kokichi sighed. He opened his closet and dug through the clutter.

Kokichi grinned as he pulled out a snow globe from the clutter. The liquid inside was a purple color and the "snow" that was at the bottom were shaped like stars. Inside was a small figure shaped like a rocket ship. "Finally," Kokichi sighed, relieved that he found what he'd been looking for.

Kokichi headed to his desk, grabbing a decorated box that sat nearby on a shelf. He set that on his desk and carefully put layers of tissue paper at the bottom and then gently set the globe inside. He placed the top on the box and picked it up, leaving his room. Kiibo waved to Kokichi, Miu waving as well as she had finished her shower.

"We're heading out! Have fun with your boyfriend~!" Miu giggled. Kokichi glared at her and he walked down the hall to Kaito's room. He set the box in the middle of the bed as Miu and Kiibo opened the door and left.

Kokichi sighed as he heard the door close and began setting all of Kaito's pictures back. He stood in the doorway and smiled as he placed his hands on his hips, looking around the room.

"Woah did you do all of this?"

Kokichi jumped. "CHRIST ALMIGHTY-" he turned to see Kaito standing behind him, looking around the room in awe. "Uh...yeah....mostly. Kiibs helped me out a little bit.." Kokichi says.

Kaito walked in and looked around. "This is so cool!!" Kaito exclaimed. Kokichi smiled a little and stayed in the doorway. Kaito looked like a little kid in a candy shop, his face lit up in joy and wonder. "This is so cool!!" He repeated.

Kokichi laughed a little and watched Kaito. He opened the box that sat in the middle of his bed and smiled. "Did you get this???" Kaito asks.

Kokichi raised a brow at him, his arms crossed.

"Ah, right, dumb question, sorry," Kaito laughed. He shook the globe and watched it in awe.

Kokichi smiles as he watches Kaito do his thing.

Kaito ran to Kokichi and wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you!! Thank you so much this is amazing!" Kaito says. Kokichi wrapped his arms around Kaito in return hesitantly.

"Yeah yeah, no problem," Kokichi said, his face a flustered mess.

Kaito stooped down and kissed his cheek before heading to his bathroom. "I left your gift in your room!"

Kokichi blushed furiously as Kaito headed into the bathroom. He turned on his heel and headed to his room, curious as to what Kaito could've gotten him.

He walked into his room and saw a messing wrapped box, chuckling to himself. He unwrapped it and in the box were a couple of binders with star prints on them. He took them out and smiled and looked at the bottom of the box. There were a couple of games for his switch that he'd been wanting to play. He smiled and set the games on his desk, heading to his closet to put up the binders. He headed out to the kitchen to begin dinner. "Hey Kaito, what do you want for dinner?" Kokichi shouted as he opened the fridge to see what was there.

Kaito came to the kitchen, holding Bean. "Hmmmm, surprise me," he says.

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