Ron x Dustin

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This is a requested one-shot by one of my bestest friends.

Ron's P.O.V
I saw him sitting there by hisself at the end of the Gryffindor table. My long time crush the one and only Dustin. He was so adorably cute and I wish he would notice me.

It's been six years and we have hardly spoken. When we do it's the lamest things. Like the weathers good or I ask him what time it is. Like I said, lame.

"Ron you know staring at him won't make it better. If you want him to notice you then you have to go and talk to him. You know interact." Ahh,my best friend Harry just loves to say things like that. "You need to talk to him Ron.","Don't just stare that's creepy Ron."

"Yea easy for you to say.Harry you could get any person you wanted.Me on the other hand not so much." I said with an eye roll.

"Yea sure that worked out so well with Cho right?",he said exasperatedly.
I ignored him and continued to look at Dustin.

"Yea ok well I'll leave you to your little staring fest.I'm going to bed night Ron."

"Night Harry"
I watched him walk out and then started to contemplate on how I should talk to Dustin.

I noticed Dustin get up and head out of the Great Hall. Oh no.
He left his book behind.
Yes! I can take it to him and hopefully start a conversation that way.
So I got up ,almost tripping over my robes in the process,and scrambled to get his book.
I started to run out of the hall and up to the common room. Maybe I can catch him before he gets in.

But as I turned the corner I crashed into something hard and fell.

"Oh my God I didn't think you would fall for me that fast."

That voice. Dustin.
I looked up and sure enough it was him.He was looking down at me with a smirk on his cute little face.
I could feel the blood rush to my face.
"Anyway are you ok Ron?",he asks while leaning down to help me up.

"U-uh yea t-thanks.", I stuttered like an idiot as I grabbed his hand and hopped up.
"It's no problem but I have to ask why were you running so fast?"

"Oh you left your book in the hall so I thought I would bring it to you.",I said nervously.
"So it did work."
"What worked?", I asked confused.
He pushed my up against the wall roughly and pressed his lips to mine. I was so shocked that I forgot to kiss back at first. I finally started to kiss him back with just as much ferocity.
He started to kiss and suck on my neck. He bit down.


I felt so good that I couldn't stop the moans from coming out. I started to rub my hands all up and down his chest and arms. When he started to come back to my mouth I got a little more bold.
I started to trail my hand down toward his crotch.
I rubbed him gently at first and then started to get a little more rough.
He stated to whimper and then full out moan.

"Ok before this goes any further we should go some place and not just the hallway.",he said breathlessly.

I nodded my head yes and he started to go somewhere but I couldn't care less about where we went. I couldn't wait until what would happen when we got there.

He led me to the seventh floor and into the RoR. It already had a bed and a fire going. All in all it was quite cozy.

He pulled me to the bed and laid me down. Dustin slowly got on top of me and started to kiss my neck while touching me everywhere.

He pulled off my shirt and robe and started to kiss my stomach. I was squirming by the time he came back up.
I started to get antsy so I flipped us over and trailed kisses down his mouth to his collar bones.
"Someone's not patient.",he said with a smirk.
Dustin was whimpering with abandon when I nibbled right under his ear.
I guess I found his sweet spot.
I slid off his shirt and pants slowly,teasingly.
This was really fun I thought to myself.
I took off my pants and climbed back in the bed. I slowly lowered his boxers off and my eyes widened at the size of it.
It was pretty big.
I smirked at him and blew on it.
He shuddered and closed his eyes.
I lowered my mouth onto it and began to suck gently at first. But Dustin's whimpering and moaning drive me crazy and I lost control. I started to hollow my cheeks out and sucked hard.
He inhaled sharply and screamed my name.
I licked my finger and slowly stuck it in his hole and started to thrust.
He seemed to be enjoying it so I stuck one not in. He gasped not expecting me to do that.
I started to scissor my fingers to stretch him.
He started to buck his hips and I could feel him swell but I didn't want him to cum until I was inside him so I stopped everything I was doing and leaned up to kiss him.
As I was doing this a shimmied out of my boxers and lifted his legs to where they were resting on my shoulders.
"Are you ready?", I asked breathlessly.
"Yes oh God yes!"
"You have no idea how long I have wanted this!"
With that I pushed my self into him and started to thrust mercilessly. His moans and shouts of pleasure made me go harder.

I felt myself get close so I started to pump his cock with every thrust I made. I angled my self better to find his g- spot and found it. He started to clench around me and I knew he was about to cum.

"Wait just a little longer please baby just a little longer!", I shouted to him.
"I'm trying but oh your so good!"

I went faster almost at my own release. I reached my thumb up to his mouth and said suck.
He did with all he had and that pushed my over my edge.

"Cum for me Dustin!", I shouted.

We both screams sour each other's name when we released.

I pulled out of him and rolled to the side. Sweating and panting.

"That was amazing.",Dustin whispered into my ear.
"Mmhhmm", I agreed.
I was in such bliss that it was hard to make coherent sentences so I opted to use sounds.

"Thank you Ron,for this.",he said gratefully.

"My pleasure.You have no idea how long I've wanted to be with you." , I told him honestly.
"Well Ron will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?",Dustin asked with hope in his eyes.

"Of course.",I said with a smile and blissfully laid in his arms for the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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