2.Remus Lupin

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Your P.O.V
It was windy tonight I thought as I walked towards the castle doors. I just hope it won't be too bad because I wanted to fly for a good while tonight.
I slowly made my way down the hill towards the lake. For some reason I always came down here to shift into my animagus form. The lake always calmed me and I guess it just puts me in a better mood. It looked really peaceful tonight. It was rippling slightly. I guess Big Jim was not splashing around tonight. If your wondering who Big Jim is its the giant squid in the lake. Me and him are pretty close after I was pushed into the lake and I didn't know how to swim. He saved my life actually. I really don't get why people are so scared of him. That was actually around the time I chose to become an animagus. I wanted to have something for myself. I realize it's illegal but what the ministry doesn't know won't hurt them.
I figured it was time to change into my pheonix form because it was getting pretty late.
But as I was just about to I heard a howl near the Whomping Willow. I was siriusly (hehe..) curious about what made that sound.
So I changed into my pheonix form and flew swiftly toward the tree. I perched on a branch and listened.
It howled again.
So being the curious person I am I followed the sound and came to a opening at the base of the tree.
I slowly flew into the opening and ended up in the shreaking shack.
I heard what appeared to be a struggle upstairs. I flew up the stairs to a lonely door at the top. I heard shuffling and things being nocked over. I was beginning to get terrified. The growling I heard only increased the feeling.
Suddenly the door burst open and in front of me stands a freakishly tall werewolf. I've never actually seen one before but I've read all about them. I wonder who this could be?
He tried to charge past me but I felt like he wasn't supposed to leave the room he was in. So I plucked up some of that Gryffindor courage and started to flap my wings in his face.
I didn't want to hurt him because I know he must have went through a lot of pain.
He started to swipe at me and caught my wing. It was a huge gash and it was pouring blood. I really didn't feel it because the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I started to gently peck his ears because they were still near sensitive areas but not to close to his mouth.
I guess he don't like that because he started to growl really loud and get more aggressive.
I started to try and lore him back into the room. I could feel myself loosing energy because of the blood loss.
After what felt like hours I finally got him into the room and slammed the door shut with my tail.
I could start to see the sun rising through the window. I was so relieved.
But apperantly I wasn't paying attention and the werewolf swiped me across the face.
I fell to the floor barley conscious. I changed back into my human form. As I felt the blood pouring out of my arm and face I could feel myself getting weaker.
Right before the darkness consumed me I saw the werewolf start to walk over to the corner and curl up. When I saw this I just let go and let sleep consume me.

Remus's P.O.V

I was so groggy coming too the morning after the full moon.
I looked at my surroundings and to my relief I was still in the shack.
Last night was one of the hardest since I turned because the rest of the boys weren't here.
I looked down at my hands and notice the blood stains.
Oh god please tell me I didn't hurt somebody.
I quickly stood up and grabbed my pants and throw them on.
As I turned around my heart dropped to my stomach.
On the other side of the room there was a blonde haired girl laying in a huge puddle blood.
I rushed to her side and dropped to my knees.
"Oh god please don't be bit. Please don't be bit. Please don't be bit.",I kept repeating to myself.
I gently turned her over and noticed a long slash mark on her face and a giant gash down the side of her arm.
Oh no.
I quickly picked her up and ran out of the shack towards the school. I quickly made my way to the hospital wing.
I burst through the doors and scream for Madame Pomfrey.
She comes rushing out and gasps.
"Dear Merlin! Sit her in the bed quickly Remus!", she rushed towards her and started to check her over.
I couldn't do anything but watch I was so terrified that I had possibly given her the curse.
Madame Pomfrey quickly conjures up a potion and pours it into the girls mouth. She says a spell the washes all the blood off of her. The gashes look horrendous.
She started to put a salve on the cuts and bandage them.
"Is she going to be ok? I didn't give her the gene did I?" I found myself saying.
"I don't think so but the gashes will leave pretty nasty scars."
I let out a breath but I couldn't help but feel guilty. I wonder how she got in the shack in the first place?
Madame Pomfrey got finished with her and started to do the regular things to me just like after every full moon. She quickly finished and left to her office.
I sat on the chair beside the girl and waited. I guess I fell asleep because I felt something poking my face.
I looked up and saw the girl staring at me with a feather in her hand. I guess that's why she was poking me with.
"What are you doing here Remus?", she asked curiously.
"Well I needed to make sure you were ok after last night.", I said timidly.
She blushed slightly then realization came upon her face. She looked at me with pity in her eyes.
"Are you ok Remus I didn't hurt you to bad did I?"
I stared at her dumbfounded. What was she talking about? Hurting me? She is the one with the gashes on her.
" What do you mean am I ok? I mean look at you. Look what I did to you."
She smiled and laughed.
"Yes well I'm fine Madame Pomfrey is a miracle worker and these will heal. But I'm worried about you. I know it's very painful and having to do it every month. That's something. And I kind of nicked up your ears a little bit."
I stared at her. And stared. And stared. What in the world.
"How did you nick up my ears? You couldn't of possibly done that by yourself.", I said disbelievingly.
" Well you see Remus I am an animagus. I can turn into a pheonix. You tried to get out of that room last night so I tried to keep you in. And you were getting aggressive so I sorta started to peck your ears. And It kinda of worked."
Well that's new. I don't know anybody else who became an animagus beside Padfoot,Prongs, and Wormtail.
"Oh well thank you for that I didn't want to hurt anybody. Well I guess that still happened though didn't it?"
As soon as I finished that sentence people came busting into the room. And guess who it was.
James,Sirius, and Peter.
"Moony what are you doing out of bed?" I turned and looked at James. But he was already looking behind me. He started to get pale.
"Moony what happened last night?",I heard Sirius ask.
I looked back at the girl and found her already looking at me. I guess that was the ok to tell them.
"Well apparently I tried to get out of the shack last night and she stopped me.", I said gesturing to her when I spoke.
They looked at her then back at me.
"How did you do that?"
"Well I used my amazing ass kicking skills on him. Duh." , she spoke teasingly.
Everyone chuckled at her statement.
"No siriusly though I am an animagus and can change into a pheonix and kind of messed around with him until he went back into the room.", She spoke calmly.
They all looked at her impressed.
"Well sweetheart that's pretty impressive.", Sirius said whistling.
She blushed and said thanks.
We heard the bell ring for class and started to get up.
" Bye Remus. Bye guys.",she said with a blush on her cheeks.
I mumbled a bye and walked quickly out so she wouldn't see the blushing creeping up on my cheeks.
"Looks like Moony has crush."
"Shut up guys.", I said but it was true. I didn't even know the girls name and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

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