3.Draco Malfoy

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You were walking down the corridor making your way to potions with your three best friends Harry,Hermione,and Ron.
"Shoot! Guys I forgot my potions book I have to run back and get it. I'll try and be back before class.", I said sadly.
They nodded their head ok and walked ahead.

I spun on my heel and made my way back up to the common room where my book sat.I was almost to the seventh floor when I was roughly grabbed from behind and shoved into a broom cupboard.
I was pushed into the wall and I felt a body hold me there.
"Who are you? What do you want?",I said shakily. My breath was coming out rapidly. I couldn't see anything it was so dark. My hands where pinned above my head with a sticking charm.

"Oh I think you know what I want.",said a husky voice that sounded eerily like Malfoy's.
"Malfoy?", I whispered incredulously.
"How did you know?"
"It's your voice you bloke now let me go I have to get to potions!"
"Oh I don't think I want to do that. You see I can do anything I want to you and you couldn't do a thing to stop me.",he said deviously.
I was shaking really hard right now. I wasn't sure if he was going to hurt me or embarrass me.
"Wha are you going to do Malfoy?"
"Well I could take a peek at those lovely breast of yours.", He says while pulling my top down a bit.
My breathing hitched as he did this. I had to admit this was turning me on but I would never say anything.
"Or I could kiss all over your neck."
He starts to kiss and suck on my neck lightly but then he gets a little rougher when I don't make any sound. He pulls my hair so I was facing the ceiling. I felt him lick from the base of my neck to the top. He started getting close to my sweet spot.

"Malfoy stop.",I practically moaned.
He smirked into my neck.
"Oh I don't think you really want me too. I think you want this just as much as I do."
"N-no you need t-to stop I don't want to do t-this.", I said not even believing myself.
"Oh but even if you really wanted me to stop there really isn't a way to stop me from doing what I want to you is there?"
I could hear the smirk on his voice.
Oh Merlin somebody help me.
He started to rub up and down my sides.
"You know there is always something I wanted to do to you."
"W-what's that?"
I barely got the sentence out before his lips met mine.

It was soft and intimate at first but since I wasn't letting his tongue in he was getting rougher.
Draco started to try and force is way into my mouth and even though I wanted this to go on I knew it was wrong.
I felt his hands squeeze my bum and I gasped. He used this little distraction to wiggle his tongue in my mouth. There was a reason he was in Slytherin that little sly snake.
I could tell he was enjoying this immensely and I couldn't deny that I was too.
When he finally pulled back he leaned his forehead on mine.
"You know I've liked you for a while (Y/n)?"
"So I gathered Draco.",I said with a small smile.

He said the counter charm so my arms could come down off the wall.
"Well (Y/N) how about meeting me in the astronomy tower tomorrow night after the match?"
"We will have to see how I feel at the time won't we?"
He smiled a small smile and moved toward the door.
"I'll hopefully see you tomorrow (Y/N)."
With that he left and I was in the dark.
I couldn't wipe the smirk off my face if I tried.
Tomorrow was going to be fun.

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