You're safe

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Theo's POV.

I held the phone in-between my chin and shoulder, trying to talk to Scott and make Liam some breakfast. "I don't know, Scott...I'm really worried. I mean, he actually stopped breathing this morning. Whatever he dreamed about triggered a panic attack. Worse than I've ever seen." 

It was terrifying. One minute we're peacefully sleeping. My arms around him keeping him safe and warm. Then, next thing I know he's yelling in pain, screaming something about not taking it, then he wasn't breathing at all. Just laying there, shaking. 

I stopped, just leaning against the counter as I took a deep breath. I could still see it so clearly.

He was just laying there, looking up at me with half lidded eyes. Confused and struggling to become aware of the situation. 

"Theo? You still there?"

I shook my head, rubbing my face as I breathed in. "Y-yeah. Yeah I'm here. Sorry." Sighing heavily, I turned to start making some coffee.

"Look I'll be over in a bit. Maybe having more of his pack around him will help."

I nodded. "Yeah, that sounds great Scott. Thanks." 

"We'll figure this all out Theo. What's important though is that Liam is safe now."

Scott's voice was calm. It always was in situations like this. That's why he's the Alpha. "Yeah. I know. He um...he knows I know now. About the pup. Putting my hand on his stomach seemed to help calm him." 

I had felt the baby last night. For the second time I had felt our pup inside Liam. It was amazing and beautiful.

"That's great. Maybe it's a way to ground him. To anchor him."

I poured some coffee into a mug and took a sip. "That's true. At least it's a way I know how to help him." 

Scott was right. Right now, the pup was Liam's anchor. Or maybe both of us were? Either way, I had both of them here with me. Safe. They were home.

"What are we gonna do about the hunters? What if they try to take him again Scott?" My breath hitched at the thought. 

"Theo, just take care of Liam okay. Derek and I are gonna take care of the hunters. If everything goes to plan, they'll never hurt anyone again. Just focus on Liam and the pup and I'll be over a little later."

I sighed and nodded, sipping more of the coffee. "Okay. Okay. Thanks." Scott gave a "You're welcome." Before hanging up.

I sighed heavily, getting out two plates as I set my phone down. When I turned towards the table, Liam was in the doorway, rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning.

It made me jump. I hadn't even heard him get up. 

"Baby, hey you should be resting. How do you feel?" I set the plates down and rushed to him, gently cupping his face in my hands.

He looked better than he did yesterday, but I was still really concerned for his mental health. Overall he seemed to have healed physically, but they had really messed with his head. 

He groaned a little, squinting at me, but leaned into my touch. He coughed a little and grimaced. "Throat hurts." I nodded, bringing him over to the couch to sit down.

"Okay, baby, I'll get you some tea." He nodded and I kissed his forehead before making a beeline back to the kitchen. 

I grabbed some herbal tea that Lydia had given us and started to make it for Liam. I didn't know if he'd drink it, but I hoped it would help his throat and his nerves.

"Theo?" I turned, jumping slightly when he was right next to me.

How is he being so quiet?

"Liam?" I wanted to tell him to go sit back down. To rest and take it easy, but something in his expression told me he just needed to be near me. So I just hugged him, pulling him into my chest. "I'm here baby. You're safe." He nodded as he tucked himself into me, nuzzling his face into my neck. 

When I felt him relax, I smiled and offered him the tea. "Try to drink some. It'll help." He gave me a confused look before nodding and taking the mug.

He sipped it slowly and hummed at the taste. "Thanks. Tastes good." When he smiled a little, I sighed and nodded, kissing his cheek. "You're welcome."  

When I suggested we sit down, he nodded, letting me lead him back to the couch. He still seemed a little out of it, but I knew he'd be okay. I was here for him. No matter what.

I hoped Scott was right and maybe he just needed more of his pack around him. Either way, we'd make it through this. 

When I sat down, I pulled him into my lap, cuddling him close. He smiled a little, laying his head on my shoulder.

He seemed tense again though and I was about to ask what was wrong when he spoke. "Last, you knew about the pup." My breath hitched a little and I nodded. "Yeah. Deaton he um, he did an ultrasound." 

I wasn't sure what to say. Suddenly, I was worried about whether Liam even wanted the pup. Was he worried about how I'd react? Was it because we weren't married?

Liam sat up a little, putting his hand on my cheek, pulling my attention back to him. 

"So, the pup's okay then?" He bit his lip, looking worried as he sucked in a breath. I nodded immediately, putting my hand on top of his. "Yes. Deaton said everything looked great, baby. The pup is healthy." He smiled widely, visibly relaxing as he did. 

The act had me smiling. Maybe he did want this pup. If he did, I did. "We're gonna be okay, Liam. I promise. I'm gonna be here for you no matter what. I love you so much."

I leaned forward, resting my forehead against his and moving my hand to his stomach. 

Liam smiled more, nodding as he took a deep breath. "I love you too. We both do." He placed his hand on mine before kissing me.

We both laughed happily against each other's mouths before the kiss deepened. He relaxed as we were both reassured. We would definitely be okay.

We still had a lot to work out. A lot to talk about. I still needed to ask him to marry me and now we had so much to plan for a pup.

We needed a bigger place. Maybe closer to everyone else. Living outside of town had been fun, but if having more of the pack around is what Liam needed, then I'd make it happen. 

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