Strange scent

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Scott's POV

I kissed the top of Isaac's head, pulling his sleeping body closer to mine and taking in a deep breath, smelling his intoxicating scent.


I shrugged and just settled down under the covers, exhausted and ready for a good night's sleep.

Today and especially tonight had gone over so well. Between talking things over with Deaton and Theo proposing, I was finally feeling like things were heading back to normal.

Then again, this is Beacon hills. What is normal?

Isaac and I were the first to leave Theo and Liam's house. Isaac had seemed to really enjoy himself and I was over the moon that he and Liam were able to really hit it off while shopping.

And I knew it helped take his own mind off of everything too.

We'd been trying for a pup since my mom gave us the okay after Isaac's procedure, but I was starting to worry that the pressure of it all was too much for him.

He had a schedule worked out for when we had sex, he was taking vitamins, eating specific foods and reading and researching everything he could find on getting pregnant.

I didn't want to discourage him, but I was really starting to worry about his mental health.

Even if he didn't show it, I could smell his anxiety. I just tried to do whatever he wanted. Take pills myself and eat certain foods, even exercise on specific days.

But I was coming to my own conclusion that this just wasn't in the cards for us. That having and birthing our own pup wasn't in our future.

I just didn't know what to say or do. I didn't know how to bring this up to Isaac.

I didn't want to see him hurt, but he was already hurting. Aching. Pushing himself to do things that I didn't expect of him.

I just wanted to love him and share my life with him, but how do you tell the love of your life that it's okay to stop trying? That you'll love them even when their dream never comes true?

I felt like no matter what choice I made, whether it was to let him continue even though it was depressing him, or try to explain to him that it just wasn't working, he would get hurt.

I loved him so much and only ever wanted the best for him. For us. This though, watching him constantly push himself and pour all his energy into something that may never happen, was breaking my heart.

I sighed out heavily, breathing in his scent one more time before closing my eyes.

Still smells strange.

I shrugged and just pushed away all my wandering thoughts, trying to relax. I'd talk to him in the morning. For now, I just needed sleep.


Stiles' POV

I rolled over, sleepily searching for Derek only to find his side of the bed warm, but empty.

I groaned out softly and huffed as I opened my eyes just barely. "Der? Come back." I pouted my lip out and just laid there, knowing he'd hear me.

Not a moment later I heard Derek walking over to me. "You look pitiful, babe." He ran a gentle hand through my hair and I hummed in response.

"Come back to bed." I whined the words out, glancing up at him before closing my eyes again.

He chuckled and kissed my head before laying back down. His arms immediately wrapped around me and I hummed out happily. "Warm."

Derek chuckled again and pulled the blankets over us. "Anything for you, babe." He started to rub soothing circles into my back, lulling me to sleep.

Just as I was settling back down though, Derek sighed out. "Isaac seemed kinda off tonight."

I frowned and hummed out questioningly, waiting for him to explain what exactly he ment.

"I mean...his scent was kinda off. At first I thought maybe I was just smelling the pup and Liam, but it was definitely still Isaac's scent. It was just...odd." He shrugged a little and shook his head.

I leaned up slightly, looking at him curiously. "Babe, if somethings wrong with him, I'm sure Scott knows or he will know real soon. I wouldn't worry."

I angled my neck up and pecked his lips before laying back down and cuddling into his warmth. "Let's just go to sleep."

Derek nodded, sighing softly and he relaxed. "Yeah, I'm sure you're right. Scott is his mate. Night, Sti." He kissed the top of my head and I smiled sleepily.

It didn't take me long after that to fall asleep.

I understood where Derek's concern was coming from. He'd been the one to turn Isaac. Give him the bite, but Scott was his mate and I knew he was in good hands.

He and Liam both were. We were one big happy pack finally. I'd sleep soundly to that.


No one's POV

"Are you telling me we should just leave him? After all the trouble the boss had us go through, now we're told to just wait?"

The man speaking started pacing back and forth, shaking his head and not at all understanding the greater picture in all of this.

"That's exactly what we're being told to do, Jim. So shut up and stop acting like a spoiled kid." The women across from him crossed her arms, huffing out and not at all trying to hide her annoyance.

Jim turned to her, eyeing her suspiciously. "After everything I've been through with these kids, I deserve to be a little spoiled, Mal."

Mal rolled her eyes, turning back to her computer and watched the video feed playing on it. "These aren't just kids. They're smart and resourceful and if nothing else, remember that they're werewolves."

Jim let out a shot chuckle, rolling his eyes as he leaned against one of the empty desks around them. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Watch out for the glowy eyes and sharp teeth. We have a serum that takes care of that shit now."

Mal grit her teeth. "Look, take it seriously or don't, I don't give a shit, but our orders are clear. Monitor both pup's and keep tabs on the parents. It's obvious that these pup's will grow stronger in a peaceful, loving environment and we need them as strong as they can be."

Jim sighed, walking over to view the feed as well.

He watched one screen displaying a location as well as both Liam and the pups' vitals, including pulse, heartbeat and organ functions

The other screen held a separate location with a different pack member's vitals and a very faint second set too.

Jim wasn't familiar with the second wolf, but knew he was from the same pack and this second pup could have even more potential then Liam's.

"Not us, Mal. I couldn't care how healthy they are, but fine, if the boss man wants them big and healthy, I'll wait. For now."

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