Careless leads

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Ethans POV. 2:45am

When I pulled up to Scott's house, Derek was already there, although, Scott was gone.

Getting a hold of anyone tonight had been a mess, but I finally managed to get in touch with Derek. I was already on my way to Scott's house so meeting here was perfect.

I was still slightly frantic, worried about Jackson and took a couple deep breaths before I knocked on the door. Isaac opened the door not a moment later, letting me inside.

When I caught his scent he smelled...odd. my eyebrows tightened I'm confusion, but I shook my head. The scent was probably just from his anxiety.

I shrugged, walking past him and to Derek. "I can take you back to where Jackson is. From there I'm not sure. We didn't exactly stumble across hunters on purpose."

Derek was leaned against the kitchen counter, eyeing Stiles as the hyperactive human was attempting to make coffee.

I wasn't sure he'd even heard me till he gave me a slight nod then gently grabbed Stiles arm, stopping him before he completely freaked out.

I could definitely smell the anxiety radiating off of him. Though, that wasn't a surprise. He usually had a hint of that on him all the time. Liam was like a little brother to him. I knew he was scared.

Isaac turned to me. "If you can take us to Jackson, then let's go. I'll turn my location on and Scott can track us from Theo's place."

I nodded, looking back at Derek and Stiles before heading outside with Isaac, giving them a moment of privacy.

Isaac ran his hands through his hair before shaking his head and huffing out. Something was definitely wrong, but I didn't feel close enough to him to ask.

"We'll find Liam...I know you're probably worried." He looked at me, seeming to try and compose himself as he nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I know we will."

He got into the car just as Derek and Stiles walked out. Stiles seemed a little calmer now so whatever Derek said to him must have helped.

I watched the two get into Derek's car before I got in mine and started to drive, making sure they were following.


When I finally stopped, I jumped out of my car, bearly putting the brake on before I was running towards the tree line.

Jackson and I had just been following up on a lead about hunters in the area when we found ourselves in the middle of them. Normally, we wouldn't have been so careless, but when Jackson caught Liam's scent, all rational thinking seemed to leave.

He and Liam weren't close per-say, but during the last year we'd all come together, despite the odds of the whole town against us.

Jackson and I had even moved back from London just so we could be closer if anything like that ever happened again. I knew he'd do anything if he thought he had a shot at helping out the pack.

Derek and Isaac were close behind me and surprisingly so was Stiles. If the situation had been different, I definitely would have made some sarcastic comment about him working out. However, now was not the time.

It took us only about five minutes to get to Jackson. By then, Derek had actually pulled Stiles onto his back. Poor kid was huffing trying to keep up with us, but I was actually really appreciative of his stubbornness.

Although, something told me we should've left him in the car. When I saw Jackson though, he was all I cared about.

I rushed to him, dropping down on the ground beside him. "Hey, hey Jackson, babe I'm here." He coughed, looking up at me with glossy eyes, thick blood covering his shirt. "Shit, okay babe just hang on okay. I've got help. We're gonna get you to Deaton."

Derek had set Stiles down and started to help me get Jackson up. He wasn't looking good and I was starting to really worry. "They shot him with something. Took him down almost immediately. He told me to run and...I just did. I tried to call and...well, the rest you kinda know."

Derek nodded, helping me get Jackson steady, eyeing his wound. "Whatever they shot him with isn't anything I've ever seen before. Deaton may know though. Well get him there, Ethan." He gave me a reassuring look and I sighed out, nodding.

When we heard bushes rustling and the sound of footsteps, I bared my teeth and growled, but Derek stopped me. "It's Scott and Theo." He yelled for them and just a moment later, they came into view, running over to us to help.

Scott and Derek started discussing something, but I focused on Jackson. Listening to his heartbeat and just telling him it was gonna be okay. Finally though, Stiles took Derek's place on the other side of Jackson and I looked at Scott.

He took a deep breath. "Get Jackson to Deaton. Just worry about him and keep Stiles safe. The four of us are gonna track Liam."

I nodded, adjusting Jackson to get a better hold before Stiles and I started making our way back. I look over at him. "Thanks Stiles. For helping." He gave me a nod before we just focused on getting back to the car.

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