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|| JJ ||

"In conclusion, all that is nessecary is equality. For people to treat everyone with equal respect, no matter if they are gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, pansexual, whatever. Because after all, we are all human. And that's the bottom line. Thank you."

No applause, except for the Advanced Communication Arts teacher.

Then, the applause starts to come, and soon the entire class is clapping. Well, besides the homophobic people of course.

I smile and take my seat. God, I wish Jack was here to hear that now.

As the next person gets up and starts to speak about their controversial issue, I feel a ball of paper hit my head. I roll my eyes, and lean over to pick it up.

There it is again.

'FAG.' Written in thick, black ink.

And another gets thrown at me. I pick it up.

'Gilinsky doesn't even like you. He never did.'

All I do is crumple up the note in my hands and stare at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring.

And another note gets thrown at me.


It takes all my strength to not break the fucking desk in half.

Because now I know exactly who it. Jack's ex. Aka, the bitchiest bitch of them all. It was the cliche jock and slut couple. Every high school has one.

Her name is Alyssa.

I turn around at look at her, only to see her giving me the death stare.

I flip her off. "Bitch."

I turn around and smirk to myself.

The bell rings after a couple of minutes. I stuff the notes in my pocket and go to my locker.

"Heyyy," I hear a familiar voice say.

I smile. "Hi."

"We're ditching," Jack says, closing my locker.

I laugh and shake my head. "I can't do that, Jack."

"And why is that?"

"Because," I say, "I am a straight A student, besides calculus of course. And I don't want to miss anything. I mean, we already missed Monday."

"Nerd," He says. "Come on, it's like half of the day. And I have pretty good grades too."

"Okay, fine," I say. "Where do you want to go, then?"

He shrugs. "Places."

"Places?" I repeat, laughing.

"Yep, some really cool places." He winks.

"Like...." I say.

"Well, we could, uh-"

He's cut off by none other than that bitch Alyssa.

"Hi!" She says, walking up to us.

I smile sarcastically. "Bye!"

Jack looks at me, giving me a what-the-hell-is-your-problem kind of look.

"He's being rude, sorry. What's up, A?"

I stand there, clenching my fists. He's so clueless. She's literally twirling her hair and sticking her ass out. How is he that oblivious?

"Can I talk to Jack alone?" She asks me, her lips slightly pursed as she tries to act all innocent.

"No," I say.

Jack sighs. "Jack, please leave. I'll see you later, kay?"

I stand there in disbelief. He chose his ex girlfriend over me? Well, that felt like a fucking bullet to the fucking heart.

"I love you," He says.

"Whatever," I say and walk away.

What he doesn't know, is that I'm just going to hid behind the wall and see what's happening. Call me a stalker, but she creeps me out and the possibilities are endless.

I turn around to see Skate, standing in the way so I can't see.

"H-Hey," He says.

"Get out of my way," I say, trying to shove him.

"No," He says. "I don't want too."

"Why?!" I ask, angrily.

"Because, I just..."

He trails off, but by this time I've snuck a look at them.

And at that moment, it felt as if my whole world came crashing down.

"T-That's why," Skate says.

"Fuck," I say, putting a hand on the wall to support myself. Skate just walks away quickly.

I look again once more to see them still making out, like before. And I don't even try to stop the tears. How could he?

Jack sees me through the corner of his eye, and immediately pulls away. He looks at me, speechless. He walks up to me.

"I can explain," He says.

I shake my head, tears running down my face. "You bitch."

"Jack, baby, please just-"

"Don't fucking call me that. I never want to see you again," I say. Before he can say anything else, I turn around and run out of the school.

I go to the park around the block, and go to the pond. I sit by it, and stare at my reflection. I breathe heavily, trying to catch my breathe. How could I be so stupid? How could I not see this coming?

He's Jack Gilinsky.

He hasn't changed.


is this story even any good anymore? i feel like it's just getting worse and just dragging on and on idk help me because i want it to be good or at least not bad

I'm not updating from the 15-22, I'll be in orlando for nationals i just wanted to remind you guys! I'll be sure to update as soon as I get back home ( :

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