Chapter 7: Mindless chit chats

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        After laying down in my bed staring at the ceiling for an hour, I decided to take up Stefan's offer to go hang out with the Scooby gang at the grill. It was currently 5:30pm so I still had time. I walked up to my closet and I contemplated on what to wear.  Its actually much harder than it looks. My clothes is either not good enough or too Good for the occasion. Jeez you would think all these years of living and I would have gotten this whole dress up shit properly, but no, I still suck. After a few exasperated sighs I decided to go with the new "Normal People Scare Me"  fleece I bought the other day and some denim ripped jeans. I paired it with my burgundy hi-top chucks and a matching beanie. All in all, I thought I looked pretty good.

      At around 6:50pm I decided to start walking toward the grill, It was only a 10-15 minute walk so I wouldn't be able to be on time but not early enough to seem desperate. Which I obviously was NOT. I rather spend my time sucking the precious blood out of these towns people but no, I need to play nice. No matter how much I want to taste a sip of blood, I need to keep my vampirism a secret as long as I can. I was slightly schocked they hadn't figured it out yet though I mean COME ON. 

      I walked in 20 minutes later (okay so I took a small detour, sue me) and the loud laughter exploded into my ears. I looked around and spotted the booth were the salvatore was seated with the doppleganger, witch and a few others that are kind of irrelevant. I made my way towards them and put on my best and friendliest of smiles. Stefan was the first to notice my presence "Hey Tessa, I didn't think you were goig to show up"

"Yeah sorry about that, I got a little lostr on the way here" I added sounding like I actually felt bad

"Don't worry about it, you're new after all " Stefan pointed to the few sitting at the booth "Tessa You know Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Matt" 

"Yeah, Hi" I added a small shy smile

Caroline, The chatter mouth of the crew for once was really quiet. 'Hmm okay this bitch is up to something' I though

        Elena and Bonnie both greeted me with soft hellos and Matt game me a typical all American flirt smile. Like I would ever fall for that *Insert rolling eyes here*. Since the booth was all full, Stefan pulled up a chair for me to sit in at their table. I spent the first few minutes trying to tune into their mindless chit chat on school gossip. I could care less whoever this Bethany person was and how many guys she's hooked up with this month. I excused myself to the bathroom after a bit, not being able to take anymore of The blonde Bimbos yapping.

          I sat at the bar and decided to order some lemonade since it would be too suspicious for me to have an alcoholic drink without thinking compulsion. I guess lemonade was okay, not like I had any other choice, soda fizz made me crave blood for some wierd reason.

         "Hmmm what's a young girl like you doing all by her lonesome self ?" I heard as a man sat next to me. The leather jacket and beautiful blue eyed man had his face turned sideways and had a full smirk going on.  WAIT...... Hold the fuck up. DId I just say 'Beautiful blue eyes'???? Oh goodness no. That's gross of me to even think. Maybe If I had my emotions turned on then I would be blushing mad crazy and stuttering. But I they're off, I shouldn't be thinking such nice things about this salvatore brother.

       I Put on a fake smile " I'm not alone I came with a few friends, you see im new here." I put out my hand for him to shake "Im tessa, It's a real pleasure to meet you"

        He took my hand into his and shook it  "The pleasure is all mine Tessa, I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore. And you can quit the act already, I know who you really are."

*A/n: I Know this isn't much but it's all I have for now. Since My grades are REALLY bad right now, I have decided to focus my time on Wattpad. No matter how hard I try my grades just suck so I have given up. The next chapter will be filled with plenty Damon salvatore ;) Please stay tuned. I Love you. OKay bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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