Chapter 5: Tyler Lockwoods Twin; Part 2

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Tyler and I made our way over to the cafeteria table where all his friends sat. I recognized a couple faces from my history and English class. Elena, Stefan, Bonnie , carolyn? And Matt.

As we neared their table it grew quiet and they all turned to look at the "intruder".

"Who's this Tyler?" Asked the blonde bimbo who's name I couldn't remember. Was it Sharol? Carol? Amanda?!

"Hey caroline! This is my twin sister Quinn." Tyler said pointing at me

I really wasn't paying attention though I was slightly smirking because I finally knew the blonde bimbos name. Now she can officially be written down on as the main appetizer on my menu ;)

"Quinn? Quit daydreaming will yah? I'm trying to introduce you to everyone here and I can't really do that if your off somewhere in lala land."

I made a small blush appear on my cheeks and looked down to add to the embarrassed/ innocent look. "Sorry" I said in a quiet voice.

I know what you're thinking, 'she's a vampire how is she blushing??' The answer to that my friends is simple. I have no clue. Sometimes if I concentrate hard enough I can make things happen. This really helps when I'm trying to to act all human and what not.

"Awwww!" Tyler cooed. "Did I embarrass little Quinny?" He pinched my cheeks and I swatted his hands away.

He ignored my evil glare and went on " Anyways this is.."

"Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, Elena and Stefan" I finished for him pointing as I said the individuals name. " Their all in my history class." I said with a shrug.

Elena smiled at me and stood up. She pulled me in for a hug and said " Welcome back to Mystic Falls"

"Thanks" I mumbled as she pulled away. I took a seat in between Matt and Stefan.

Stefan turned to me and told me about how it was his first day at Mystic Falls too. He told me a bunch of crap on how he was staying with his uncle Zachary at the Salvatore boarding house since his parents had passed away. I gave him my best sympathetic look but I could care less. I didn't want to hear the story that Mr. Vampire came up with so I turned to the side to talk to Matt. I wasn't surprised when he looked up from his tray to give me a friendly smile.

" Hey. I didn't think I would see you again. I didn't know you we're related to Tyler either and he's my best friend so it's kind of shocking I didn't know" he babble on and on about how he thought Tyler told him everything..

" sorry. Tyler and my parents didn't really tell anyone because they didn't really know if I would ever be coming back." I said interrupting him.

" what made you decide to come back?" He asked.

" Let's just say I have some... Unfinished Business to take care of. " I said with smirk.

"Business I've been waiting over 200 years for" saying low enough for anyone but a vampire to hear. I felt Stefan stiffen.

I couldn't help but internally laugh my ass off. Now he's going to try to find out what I meant by that and follow me around. It's perfect. Yeah I know I should avoid being discovered and whatnot but where's all the fun in that? Killing this poor defenseless town is just too easy. I need some obstacles and I am not afraid of some Ex Ripper. I'm older, stronger, faster and I've shut off my humanity. Meaning nothing's going to hold me down. Unlike Mr. Salvatore, he's still I love with Katherine and since Elena looks like her he would most likely do anything to protect her even if he doesn't admit it... Yet

After that I politely excused my self from the table and made my way to the locker. I was slammed into my locker by a strong force.  I turned around and expected Stefan but instead found 3 guys from the football team.

The one who slammed into me gave me a glare and said "watch where you're going new girl"

The other two were looking at me, whispering and laughing . I knew what they were whispering about though. Super vampire hearing, duh! They were whispering perverted things on how they could get me into bed and what kind of underwear they think I would wear. Pathetic.

"What?!" I said to them "if you have something to say, say it out loud. I'm all ears"

They looked at each other and grinned.

" we were just saying how good you would look naked in my bed hot stuff." One grinned and got closer to me.

"Oh really?" I gave them a seductive smile and stepped closer to the tall guy. He was almost a foot taller than me but I'm way stronger than him. Not that I can use it. These losers would probably run around telling the school about how I'm a freak and stronger than them and the "they" would know I'm here.

I got closer to the jock until our lips were nearly touching. "that's funny cause at this moment I'm imagining how you would look with a broken nose on a hospital bed" before he processed what I had said I 'gently' kicked him in the balls. It wasn't really gentle it was probably the same strength a normal human girl would have used compared to my vampire strength. He fell to the floor in pain and pointed at me with one hand while he was cupping onto his crotch with the other.

"Get Her!" He ordered his two companions. I ran normal speed down the halls trying to get away without rising any suspiciousness from anyone and plus these shoes I decided to wear are NOT meant for running. With the jocks close on my tail I turned the corner of one of the halls. I ended bumping into someone and I fell on top of them. My head was against the persons chest. I could hear their heartbeat. I felt my fangs grow and the veins around my eyes pop out as my eyes turned a pitch black.

I was snapped out of it when I heard footsteps close behind me and I immediately stood up pulling the stranger with me. "Sorry about that I should really start paying attention where I'm going." The mystery boy said. I didn't care at the moment. My main priority was to get those annoying jocks off my back. There going to make me ruin my shoes and someone's gonna have to pay. They were about to turn the corner when I , Without out making eye contact with the stranger, put my back against the lockers pulling the boy with me. I then pressed my lips to his. I felt him stiffen from the shock before he kissed me back. It wasn't a kiss where he was sticking his tongue down my throat or groping me it was a simple kiss. Our lips moving against each others slowly and beautifully. I had my arms wrapped around his neck and he had his arms on the back of my waist.

As soon as I was sure the two idiots had stopped following me I pulled away from the stranger. I scanned the area and no one was in sight. I looked up at the stranger who had a very confused look on his face. To say he was cute was an understatement. He was one of the hottest guys I have seen. Not as hot as Matt but still very hot nonetheless. He had light brown hair and was 3 inches taller in height than me. He had an almost pale complexion, if I hadn't had heard his heartbeat earlier I would have probably thought he was a vampire.

"Sorry about that." I said 'blushing' "I was getting chased by some idiots. okay... Bye now!" I said turning away and starting to walk off.

"Wait!" he called out. "Who are you?"

I waved him off. I heard his footsteps behind me and I quickened my pace. I made my way down the hall and into a empty classroom that happened to be unlocked. When I new Mr.Hot Stuff passed by, I turned around and sure enough their sitting over the teachers desk was a smirking boy.

"hey didn't I kick you in the crotch?" I said with a laugh

He stood up and held out a wooden stake. " Yes but unlike you... I pay attention to my surroundings"

I glanced at the stake before using my super hearing. I don't hear anything. Wait a minute. Where's his heart beat? Oh crap.... He's a vampire. I mentally face palmed myself. How could I be so stupid. I looked at his now pitch black eyes and took off my shoes. I tossed them off to the side not wanting to ruin them from beating this shitface.

*A/N: sorry if some things don't make sense. I tried :P that's all that matters right? Haha so I'm a be skipping around on some events and :O who could mr Hot stuff be? I'll give you a hint : a certain main characters brother ;) there's going to be a part 3 I just got tired of writing this. If I get at least 5 votes Ill update cause that tells me at least some people WANT to read my story and want me to continue :P



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