Where It all began *1856*

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        I was only 14 at the time. I was in my room re-arranging the dolls my mother gave me. i loved all of them so much and re-arranging them from the one i liked the most to the least was the hardest decision.

     I was nearly done when I saw smoke come in through the bottom of my door.

 "Momma?" I called out for her and I didn't get a response. "Is everything alright momma?" still no response.

 I went to reach for the door but the knob was really hot. Panic started to set in and I grabbed a cloth and opened the door with it.

        Alll i saw at that moment was black smoke and that was my conformation that the house was on fire.

    I tried to find a way out but the only way out was through the stairs that had already begun to go in flames. i hesitated at first but then I heard a scream from downstairs. I ran down the stairs ignoring the burns that the fire was leaving on my arms,legs, and dress.  I knew nobody but mother and I were in the house and i wanted to save her whatever the cost.

     "MOMMA?! MOMMA?!?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled.

    " Teresa ! I am here! Get out please save yourself!" I heard her say.

   I followed her voice and I was lead into the parlor. I saw my mother. She was lying on the floor under a piece of wood.

  Tears started to blur my eyes. I quickly blinked them away. i focoused more on trying to lift the wood of her. It didnt budge, worst of all i could feel the smoke filling my lungs.

      "Please......... Someone..... Help!" i managed to say in-between my coughs.

By this point i was barely able to see. the black smoke was getting thicker.

          "Teresa please get out now... *cough* please..... *cough,cough*"

  "Momma *Cough, Cough* I'll never let you go ....."

   "Please Teresa get out now... please...."

"Just close your eyes....... You'll be alright.... *cough,cough,cough,cough* Come morning light you and I'll be safe and sound....."

    I felt my mothers pulse slowly fade.  I gave my mother one last kiss on her now pale cheek.

   I stood up and looked around. All the exits were now covered in flames. i had no way out.

I kept coughing and pretty soon I was lying barely conscious due to lack of oxygen.  I cried.

Why did Pappa die. He could have saved mother. where was brother? He had dissapeared two weeks ago without a trace.

   Maybe its my mind playing with me but I swore I saw a shadow....  i was scared... is this death coming for me himself?? 

        I guess I wont find out where my last thoughts before I blacked out. The last thing I heard was a familiar british accent saying "Sister I am here... I wont leave you again..."

          *A/n:  Is this good???? I have some ideas and I cant figure out how to write them, im not good at planning i just type whatever pops up as I go. Sometimes i have a whole idea that makes me change the WHOLE chapter before it so if chapters change I'll put a little star next to it * Ok?? Tell me what you think.. Should I keep going?? I might change some stuff from VD so dont get mad okay? Bye 

                                                               Yours Truly,


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