Chapter 1: Welcome To Mystic Falls

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I was going at 110mph humming to some music playing on the radio. I wasn't sure the exact name of the song but it was by Rihanna and I was loving it! Soon enough I passed the "Welcome to Mystic falls' sign. It only took me about an hour to get here. It would have taken me way less but I had to find a way to get all my cloth and boxes to fit in my tiny ass car!

I Had no Idea where I would be staying so I decided to drive around a bit and check out the hangouts of this small town. It was pretty late at night now and i was grateful considering I would burst into flames. I know what your thinking 'Don't You have a daylight ring? and the answer is yes, I do have it but when I was packing my cloth I seemed to have misplaced it and now its nowhere to be seen. I guess it will show up later. Instead of a common Daylight 'Ring' I had a silver locket necklace with a 'T' carved into the middle and small Lapis lazuli gems placed beautifully around it. It was a gift from Katherine.

So far there was many trees and other outdoorsy things. Im not really a outdoor person as you can tell but the more trees there are the more hiding spots for little ol' me. Everything looked so nice and calmed . " Oh boy did they have another thing coming" I said grinning to myself. By the end of the month there wont even BE a Mystic Falls! I internally did my evil laugh. (Yes I talk to myself and i laugh in my head all the time is that wrong?)

My stomach growled, interrupting my whole internal evil laugh thing I had going on. I haven't drank any blood in 3 hours and that's a long time for me. 'Hmmm..... where can I find myself a snack...' I thought myself as I passed a place called "The Mystic Grill". It looked decent so I decided to stop by.

I parked my car and headed for the entrance. i opened the door and took a good look around. There was a group of teenage kids gathered around the pool table and blond and dark haired girl in one of the booths. All in all it was an okay place. It looks like the towns hangout space so I'll be here a lot.

I looked around some more and I spotted a bar. I did a internal happy dance as i made my way towards it. I sat down and I waved over the guy behind the counter. He looked about my age. Er well my human age at least. maybe 17? 18? i guess it really doesn't matter as long as I get my tequila.

"Hey" he greeted as he approached. "What can I get for you?'

Now that I get a closer look he was really cute looking. He had blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He had a nice built body and he looked like a football player. I'm a take a big guess and say he's the Quarterback.

I gave him a small nod and said "Yeah get me a shot Blondie."

"You must be new here" He said "And the names Matt Donovan by the way."

" Is it that obvious?" I said with a small chuckle. In reality I just wanted to slam my head down get my tequila already and leave

"Yeah I grew up here and I've never seen your face around. Usually I would have asked to see some I.D but this time I'll let it slide" Matt said as he FINALLY poured me my tequila. "Think of it as a small 'Welcome to Mystic falls' present." He said with a wink.

Now that I got my tequila I wanted to leave. I looked over at my Mickey Mouse watch and said "Oh shit. look at the time. It's getting late my parents will probably be getting worried. New town and all you know how it is. It was nice to meet you Matt Donovan. thank you for the gift." I said rushing my words. before I exited i turned around and thought a bit."And The names Quinn" and you better not forget it.

I got in my car and drove by a road. I parked and stepped out of my vehicle. As I was waiting or someone or something to some my way i kept thinking about Matt. He's pathetic if he actually thinks he can actually befriend me. Ha I have no friends. I like to roll solo. But I can't Blame the guy for trying. at least he wasn't a dick.

From all the thinking was doing about Matt I didn't realize I had wandered down the road and I was now standing on old Wickery bridge. I leaned against the railing as I looked up into the moon. If I could describe the view in only one word It would be BEAUTIFUL. That's what it was, Beautiful. For a moment, just the slightest moment I forgot why I had come to Mystic Falls. I just wanted to enjoy this peaceful moment before I set on my mission to find out what happened to my brother and to shed the entire town to pieces.....

*A/N* Hey Guys so I haven't uploaded In a LOT mostly because I started Highschool (whooFreshmen!) and Its hard to do all my homework and write... *Cough* Bullshit! haha Im sorry i just got lazy and when I wanted to write I forgot what I originally had planned. So I uploaded the chapter and I'm not even sure where im heading with this anymore. I guess I'll just wing it and If I get Info. wrong im sorry! Since its thanksgiving brake I'll have a lot of time and i will upload as often as I can (if i Finish writing it) sound like a plan? Okay Good! Sorry for keeping you!

P.s Vote/comment XOXO Your VampirePrincess

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