Chapter Three: The Intruders

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After spending three months in the castle, you finally got the hang of it. As you wake up at six in the morning, your first task was to wake up Lady Dimitrescu, you got dressed and pulled up your hair into a high pony tail. The other maids were getting ready, you were already heading downstairs.

As you were walking down the hallway, you heard a bug swarming around you, as you knew it had to be one of the girls...

"Hello Y/n...on your way to woke up my mother?" Bela said as she stood in front of you.

You clapped once and nodded your head. As you proceeded to walk around Bela but she stops you...

"Just wanted to give you heads mother is upset with you..." she laughs and disappears.

You didn't believe her, your shoulders were back and your head was held high as you made it too Lady Dimitrescu bedroom. As usual you knocked first,  waited for her, and then you heard her.

You clapped three times, not so loud and not so quiet just right referring it to 'Good Morning M'lady'

"Good Morning Y/n! Go ahead and start the water!" She told you as she still laid in bed.
A few minutes went by, you got the water running and as usual you got her undress...she asked you to come in...again. Which you didn't care, but luckily you brought your second undergarments just in case...

"How did you sleep my dear!" She asked, as she poured water onto your head. You gave her the thumbs up, she giggles and proceeds to give you a bath.

After 15 minutes of being in the bathtub, both of you got dressed, and you proceed with your daily routines throughout the castle.

Six hours into your shift, Daniela was talking to you as you both heard a clash sound and a scream.

"What was that?" Daniela asked, as you shrug your shoulders of not knowing! You both went to the area where you heard the noise. Then you both saw Alyssa's body on the ground as her throat slit.

"Oh my—I must warn Mother now!" Daniela grabs your arm and pulls you but she didn't realize that she let go of you as she vanished by accident...

*Somewhere in the Castle*

Two of the maidens came running to Cassandra, Bela and Lady Dimitrescu...

"M'Ladies...there are two men in the castle! They are looking for valuables...they already killed Alyssa..." one of the maidens said spoke too them.

"What? How did they get in?" Cassandra asked them, the other maiden explained that the two men broke through the window where they were cleaning. They quickly got through and killed Alyssa's as both of the other maids escape...

"Wait...where is Daniela!" Lady Dimitrescu said as she looks around. Both Bela and Cassandra looked around and didn't see her but she comes flying in...

"Mother...Alyssa was murder...someone broke into our home!!" Daniela runs over to her mother and Govea her a hugs,"Both Y/n and I are safe...we need to gather the other maidens!" She added

"Sister...Y/n is not with you?!" Bela said as she looks around looking for you...everyone went silent...

"Where is Y/n!" Lady Dimitrescu yelled....

*You by yourself*

As you walk through the halls as it was very quiet, you went to one part of the building and saw a door to the outside, then you saw two men coming back into the building with a bag full of valuable items and a dagger...

"Let's go kill those maidens and kill bitches!" One of the men said.

"Yeah let's do that...oh shit—looks like we go a maiden right here!" The other guy said, as both of them approach you.

You felt this anger inside of you but you have no idea what to do...both of the man came chasing after you. You quickly grabbed one of the heavy flower vases and hit one of them in the head. The other grabbed your arm and body slammed you onto the ground as he threw punches at you but you hit them back knocking them both unconscious...

A half hour went by, the girls went looking for you... they couldn't find you so they went back to the room where the maidens and Lady Dimitrescu were at!

"We couldn't find Y/n! And we found two other maidens dead and..." Bela get cuts off by hearing you dragging in the two unconscious men.

"Oh my goodness...Y/n your alive!" Daniela runs too you and hugs you! You gently hugged her as your body was sore from the body slammed.

Lady Dimitrescu came, as she sees your bruises and you had an open cut on your cheek.

"Dear what happened!" She asked as you looked back at the bodies.
Then look at her as you handed her the bags of the valuable items and the dagger that was wrapped in a blanket.
You 'told' Daniela that they were going to kill everyone here and how they saw you standing there and they came approaching you but you took self defense by knocking them out.

"Dear, you couldn't gotten killed!!" Lady Dimitrescu said as she hugs you.
Daniela and Bela took the items and Cassandra took care of the dagger that was the most valuable of the family as they all vanished...

"M'Lady one of the men escaped!" One of the maidens yelled as you quickly turned back.

You used your "witchcraft" powers that supposedly your family had inherited, you felt vibrations through your feet, you sensed where he was going too. You quickly left by a blink of an eye, you ran so fast, you saw him trying to open the door but you jumped onto him and pulled him away.


You laid on top of him and you took one of the heavy books from the stand and started hitting him with it. He tried blocking you but you continuously hit him to where you smashed his head on to the ground as blood was spilling from his head.

You lost control on who you were... you still smashed his head onto the ground with the book. Where you were just broke his skull as his brains were all over the screamed on top of your lungs as you were covered in his blood.

"Y/N!!" Lady Dimitrescu yelled at you. You stopped and turned your head around as your eyes were filled with anger and covered in blood. What you didn't realize that your had this evil grin on your face...

Lady Dimitrescu slowly walks over to you and gently takes the book away from you. You snapped out of it and looked over at the dead body and then back out Lady Dimitrescu...your eyes began to water!

"i'm..."you couldn't finish the word to her as you began to cry and fell to your knees. Her eyes seem something inside of you...something she's never seen in years. Her daughters came behind her and seen the body, it was very headless...

"Mother, we had to kill the other guy..." Cassandra looks at her. Lady Dimitrescu didn't care at the moment, all she did is picks you up in a bridal style...

"You maidens clean up the blood and daughters take care of the bodies...I'll be gone for a few..." she tells them.

Few minutes went by you were in her bathtub, as you sit there logging away from her not letting her see your face....

I hope you guys like book!

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