Chapter Fourteen: The Pre-Plan

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As we both took a bath after the intense sex. You discuss with Alcina more about the plan on taking down Miranda. As you saw in your visions, you try not to think about your part of the vision where Miranda held you up in the air as you seen her hand coming at you and everything went black!

"I hope this plan work Y/n! I am not ready to lose you...or anyone!!" She pours water on your head. As you wipe the water from your face, you turn around and looked in her eyes...seeing fear!

"Dear, I know this is scary. Just remember the plan and everything will go smooth as my vision show me!" You kissed her and wrap your arms around her holding her tight as she holds you tighter!

Shortly after you both got dressed and headed downstairs as one of the girls called you both to the study room. There you saw vision Mother Miranda waiting on the phone line.

"It's Miranda, I can see her!" You said, Alcina knew you were telling the truth by your eyes turning white!

As you both got in there, sat down and Alcina put the phone on speaker!

"Well Mother Miranda!" Alcina said as she spoke her usual ways.

"Hello Y/n there?" She asked for you again!

"I'm here...Miranda" You said confidently!

"Good, Alcina may I speak to Y/n alone?" She asked as Alcina looks at You .

You nodded as she pretends to leave by opening and shutting the door. She stood there quietly and she wanted to hear what she was going to say.

"Is she gone?" Miranda asked

"Yes Mother Miranda, she's gone!" You said as you look back at Alcina.

"Good, now is the vessel protect? As it's in your hands my dear!" She questions you. You felt your heart racing a little bit but you remain calm.

"Yes, it's safe and that Manthing...Ethan Winters won't find it!" You said.

It was quiet for a couple seconds as you and Alcina were remaining calm.

"Good, there is a reason why I gave all the four vessels to the Lord' false children, they truly disappointed me!" Miranda said, "None of them are good candidates for my beloved daughter, Eva, but this child name Rosemary Winters is a perfect candidate!" She laughs.

You looked over at Alcina as she was furious as her eyes began to turn semi red but she remain calm, you saw her face and her body twitching with anger!

"I thought you cared for them—" Miranda cuts you off.

"No, I don't care for them! I want Ethan Winters kill them all and bring the pieces to the statue where she will come daughter...promise me you won't tell anyone!" She ask you to swear on everything,

"I...swear Miranda...I won't tell!" You look back and seen Alcina wanted to throw the phone across the room.

"You and I can raise Eva are the one person I would love to have as my partner! We will have to do the ceremony when everyone is all dead!" Miranda said as you felt very uncomfortable!

"That's...nice, but Miranda what should I say when Alcina comes in?" You glared at her as she still stood there.

"Just make it up, she'll never know!" She laughs, as you wanted this conversation to end real quick!

She asked you to go get Alcina, you went to the door as Alcina opens and shut it!

"Alcina?" She calls for her!

"I'm here Mother Miranda, I hope the conversation was good!" Alcina rolled her eyes back as she made a ball fist. You caress her hand, she looks at you with more anger and fear mixed together!

"It was a good conversation, I just told them to keep the vessel safe which they told me it's hidden and secured!" She said with a firm voice, "Now I must be going...and remember what I said Y/n!" She laughs and hangs up!

You felt Alcina anger taken over, she picks up the desk and throws it across the room. As she semi screams in anger

"To hell of the ceremony, she going to pay for what she did too us!" She stood there.
You held her hand and looked at her. She kneels down, you gently touch her cheek and kissed her.

"It's okay dear! We are going to figure it out, I won't be with her...I'll kill myself if I have too!" You said too her. She cups your cheeks. As her eye colors change back to grayish-blue.
You wanted to move the plan a little faster then usual. You and her walked out, then Ethan comes around the corner and tells you that Chris and his men have arrived.

"I have to go dear, this plan anit going fast if I am not there!" You kisses her hand, she smiles and kisses your forehead! You and Ethan walked to the doors and had everything ready!

"Ethan and Y/n! The lords called, they said they need you both to go too their home and get back the vessels!" Bela said as she helps you guys with the horses!

"Okay we will do that when we are heading back home! Tell your sisters and your mother we'll be back before sundown!" You said as you got on top of the horse.

"I'm on it, now Ethan better bring Y/n back alive in once piece...or I'll drink all of your blood!" Bela laughs and smiles at him, Ethan looked at you as he was kind of frightened!

"She's kidding..." You glared at Bela, as she was being her usual self and disappears in her swarm of bugs. You both rode to the spot where Chris and his men were at waiting...too attack Mother Miranda, as you all need to end her once and for all.

As you both left the castle grounds, you look back had another vision of the castle burning, seeing Chris's men knew you had to be very careful when you need to talk to him...

I hope you guys like the story is about to come to an end soon and you get to find out what really happened to your character story! I might do some alter endings on what would happen if you did not choose the correct words or choices!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft Where stories live. Discover now