Chapter Thirdteen: Living Eternity

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(authors note: you guys might be a little sad on what will happen to your characters ending, so I decided to make a little relaxation...if you know what I mean 🤫😉)

You woke up from a dream of you and Alcina living for all eternity with her family and other lords!
You looked over your shoulder and seen Alcina holding you in her arms as she was still sleeping. You turned over, kissed her neck and her cheek and hold her, you saw her smile and as she felt you moving.

"Morning dear! Did you sleep well?" You asked as you kissed her more, she chuckles as she kisses you back.

"Well yes dear, I slept good and what about you?" She said as she kisses you back more. You chuckled and began to rub her shoulders as you got on top of her.

"I'm going to take the at you slept good?" She grins at you as she felt you slowly putting your hand underneath her nightgown. You smiled as you nibble on her neck and collarbone.

"I slept fantastic!" You kiss her chest and moving down her stomach as she arches her back, you look up and seen her biting her bottom lip!

"Let me make you feel relax dear! You've been tense for awhile...let me take control of you!" You said as you lifted her nightgown and kissed her stomach as she sunken as she felt your lips touching her skin.

Her breathing got heavy and she was making small moans as you kiss her more, you kissed her inner thighs and pushed up her legs onto your shoulders. She rubs your head and grips it, you took her hand off your head, as you laid both of her hands down on her side!

"I want you to try to not grab my hair or me, can you do that?!" You grin, she hated being the bottom but when she's with you. She gets weak, as she agrees to your terms and lays there.

You began to remove her black thong as you already seen her wet, you gripped her thighs close to your face and kiss her clit, so softly and gently. She begins to moan, as she feels your lips on her area you used your tongue to make circles. She arched her back as she looks down at you, as you were giving her pleasure she wanted!

"Ooo—Y/n—Right there!" She begs you. As you stopped and looked at her.

"Then beg for me dear! I want to hear you cry for me!" You teased her as she did to you, she bites her lips and looks away.

"Please, I beg you!" She said.

"Look at me when you say it!" You tease her more. Her eyes pierce yours and her breathing got even heavier!

"PLEASE DEAR...I BEG YOU...FUCK ME!" She begs as her thighs began to shake. You smiled and proceeded to her pleasure more and HARD.

You put pressure on her clit as you suck, lick and drink her juice. She moans louder and say your names couple of times.

You took one of your hands and inserted your fingers inside of her, she gasp as she grips her sheets and she wanted to grip your head!
You place your other hand on her stomach scratching it and playing with one of her breasts. She moans hard and thick, as she feels your tongue going inside of her as you removed your fingers!

"Fuck!! Y/n—you're—incredible!" She sits up, looking down between her legs as she sees you giving her so much desirable pleasure! You quickly sped up the pace as she wanted to grip your hair but she was gripping the bedsheets instead!

She kind of grinds on your soon as she did that, her body began to shake fast and quiver. Feeling this ecstasy taken control of her body as well as you controlling her. She cry's as she feels you, she wanted to kiss you and bite your neck but she listened to your demands.
You heard her heart beating fast as you knew she was about to explode. You pushed her down as you grip her thighs close to your face as you were giving pleasure to her harder. She couldn't breathe as she was feeling this, you knew she didn't want you to stop until you satisfied her, which you did as you devour all of her juice as she came on to you!

Her body collapse on the bed as she was gasping for air, she looks at you as you went above her. Kissing her as she licks your face, that was covered in her juice. You smiled at her as she was speechless, her eyes went yellow as you knew she was going to make you regret that pleasure moment, even though she loved it. She pushes you onto the bed and does the exact same thing but alittle different!

"Dear—you're going to fully regret!" She winks and she smiles at you as she bites your neck!

You moaned as she was drinking your blood, you wanted to scratch her, but you put your hands on the sides and grip the bed.
She place her hand underneath your back she lifts you up closer to her face, as well as her other hand going down to your area, you wanted to bring out her other side as it drove you both insane!
She plays you soft first like you did to her and then pleasures you more and hard with her long fingers!

"Alcina—" you moaned her name as she kisses you again. She stops and looks at you...

"Beg for me then...Y/N!" She gives you a devilish grin.

"PLEASE...I BEG YOU DEAR!" You looked into her eyes as you felt her playing you again!

You grabbed the back of your hair because you wanted to do it to her but you played a little good mouse and followed her rules! She smiles when she looks into your eyes, making you both forget every problem outside the doors and just focusing on you too loving each other.

"Say you'll stay with me for all eternity!" She said, you grabbed her face and showed her one of the altar future visions of you both living for years! Never growing old!

"This is what I wanted—to be next to you—forever!" You whispered and felt your body was shaking real fast as you knew you're about to explode onto her!

"I—love—you—Alcina!" You kissed her one last time as you came onto her.

Both of your moans were exquisite, hard and raw! As you wrapped your arms around her shoulders holding her as you both laid there you saw her eyes turning red not from her dragon form but from her tears...

"I love you too Y/n" She cries as you both snuggled with each other.

She plays with your hair, as you licked her fingers tasting everything... her eyes widened and she smiles and kisses you more.

She mentions how you both needed a bath, your greed, you quickly jumped out of bed and started the water. Alcina gets up goes to her desk and writes in her journal.

Dear Journal, 1/27
We finally said the three words, never in my years of being alive...I would find someone who loves me and my daughters for who we are!
I don't want to lose Y/n...they're hiding something, I think it's about their visions they keep seeing, I worry...but it's not gonna happen, I'm not gonna lose them. I will die for them, die for my daughters and my annoying siblings. I swear if anything happens too Y/n, I'll kill Miranda once and for-all!!!

Yours truly,
Alcina D.

I hope you guys like this story, I'll see you guys in the next one!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft Where stories live. Discover now